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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. And that helps Liram how?? It gets him off the roster.
  2. What would you want for Lirim? Considering he's a free agent next season, a 3rd round pick.
  3. I would say the practice roster has just been expanded. Those are some big schools these boys are from, interesting.
  4. Move Bucknor to safety, it's were he should be playing anyways, Veltung can play corner and get Chevy off the roster.
  5. We're 4 - 10, I'd do both those trades and a few more: Demond Washington for footballs Greg Peach for water bottles Chevy Walker for tape you get the idea.
  6. So that's what, one more year each? What if an exemplary GM and/or HC became available in the off-season, would you pull the trigger to get that person in here? lol, this is the Bombers we're talking about here, they're to cheap to actually employ exemplary people, which is why we keep sucking. But, if that person was available, you would be stupid to pass him up given how fed up the fan base is.
  7. I think 3 years is fair for both Walters and O'Shea to prove themselves, if they can't put a winning product on the field by then, see ya.
  8. Trying to compare public ownership to private doesn't work. The fact the Bombers are publically owned is probably the only thing that keeps them afloat but it also ties their hands when it comes to spending on football operations where this team still lags behind some of the other franchises.
  9. Well they had the perfect opportunity to do just that after the Banjo Bowl and have schat the bed in the following 3 games instead.
  10. The most likely scenario is that he put too much pressure on himself to have a great year to impress the NFL and things have just snow balled down hill from there. Having said that though he hasn't responded well to the adversity.
  11. Coordinator contracts are not guaranteed so it doesn't matter how long the HC is around for, we fired 2 head coaches after extending them. I know what you're saying but the Bombers have proved to be anything but a traditional organization of late.
  12. Attracting a "top notch OC' is a pipe dream, otherwise we would have done that the same time Etch was let go. Look at past history, we extended Berry and got saddled with Cartwright, we extended Lapo and got saddled with Crowton. There is no precedence in the Bombers to back up what you are suggesting.
  13. There is absolutely no way you extend the guy in the off season, that's just rewarding failure. You wait till next year and see how things go, you can always extend him then or just let it play out.
  14. Who gave him both kick and punt duties again? Oh yeah, that guy was already fired.
  15. The last two games will mean nothing if they get their lunch handed to them in BC by a very mediocre Lions team. Their performance in Montreal was enough to convince me that progress isn't being made.
  16. Two steps forward and one step back it what you get right now. Do they go back to their bumbling ways in BC this weekend?
  17. The second half play calling was terrific, the real question is where has that been all year?
  18. I like your attitude but we need more than that. More to win the cup for sure.
  19. We are a kicker and a corner away from being a playoff team, replace Liram & Bucknor with a couple internationals should be a no brainer but bet nothing will happen so they deserve their fate.
  20. Far from over but they have to get a roll soon.
  21. For now at least it could mean that Howell & Buck will have more input going forward, assuming they don't already and its been all Marcel.
  22. He should have went with his gut at the time, he'll learn that's what separates the good coaches from the great ones.
  23. Stoudermire can back up at DB or WR, I can see now why he has been kept on the roster, he is basically the best international option, makes sense.
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