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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. 1 point in the standings please, that is the only way to atone for this travesty.
  2. Nobody said their job was easy but wtf do you think he's getting paid for?
  3. O'Shea, was right, the Bombers are a better team than their record, they can compete with the best so their talent isn't far off. The problem has proven out to be that fine line called coaching.
  4. Good game, usual result, not much more to say. I don't which was worse, the time count penalty in Calgary or this one?
  5. You know, they make me sit through 2 years of this crap, while O'Shea learns on the fly to become a good HC only to fire his ass? I don't think that's right, if you're convinced he's going to be a good HC then stick with him and go down with the ship too.
  6. Meh, it was reminiscent of the loss in Calgary, the game was there for the taking and the Bombers couldn't take it. Not a very polished team yet and it's ended up costing them, likely a playoff spot this year. Still Liram had the distance on the kick, just wide right, that's a kick he has to make.
  7. must win? absolutely or this season is done.
  8. Pretty thin on international DB's and receivers but like it matters.
  9. Marcus Brady, let's get someone who knows how to run offenses.
  10. He's a 600K cap hit, his NFL days are probably over unless he shines up here.
  11. Yup, it takes all three phases of the team to carry that honor.
  12. As the HC, I would expect him to correct that immediately, not let it drag on, we are at game 13 coming up. Also the quote in the paper from the Bomber player calling out the special teams guys for not selling out on those returns. The players clearly aren't buying in to the snake oil being offered to them. The players not buying into a coaches game plan on special teams reflects on players not listening.. Id liked to have seen this weeks ST practice sessions to see what exactly was believed to have gone wrong. So you admit the players aren't listening to the coach, that's exactly the point.
  13. lol, we where just discussing the need for this body type of player after the Moore injury, some people are slow learners.
  14. As the HC, I would expect him to correct that immediately, not let it drag on, we are at game 13 coming up. Also the quote in the paper from the Bomber player calling out the special teams guys for not selling out on those returns. The players clearly aren't buying in to the snake oil being offered to them.
  15. What if he is getting the best out of the talent we have? Clarence Denmark would disagree.
  16. I think O'Shea would be a great coach for a veteran team, like Pinball was in TO. But I don't think he's the right coach for this Bomber team. This team needs a task master who can get the best out the talent we have. It's like that in every sport, if you're not as talented as your opponent, you can still limit your mistakes and take advantage of theirs, we have failed in that regard.
  17. ****, it was that cheap hit to the head that did it, I hate Montreal, they are and always have been the dirtiest team in the league. Now, having vented, I was disappointed that in such a lopsided game, we too didn't take liberties, right there tells you there is something missing still from this team.
  18. Perhaps this is just somewhere to let off some steam....you know like the gym? People who take offense are just immature imo.
  19. A million US for sure. I suggested the Bombers do the same thing with Milanovich or Jones, no way they could outbid the Riders for Trestmans services with our tight ass BOD though.
  20. It's probably steroid use, the muscle grows but the tendon doesn't. Everybody uses them to recover quicker from injury.
  21. The exchange rate is crappy right now but there is no limit on the amount of money a team can spend on football ops. One of the conditions Trestman had when he went to Montreal was an immediate increase of $500K to football ops. to hire more staff. Offering any HC the dual role of HC/GM maximizes the salary potential of that position for the individual. You want the best, you have to pay for it.
  22. Go big or go home I say, offer Milanovich or Jones the GM jobs and whatever other positions they want. Let them bring in their guys.
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