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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. lol, Marcel was basically blacked balled by the league for getting AC killed in that 60 or 70 sack season.
  2. Murphy is a heck of a player personnel guy which we desperately need but let's stick with GMs and/or HCs this time around and do it right for a change.
  3. I like Wild as much as the next guy but come on. I say that because Wild is the more versatile player athlete, he can basically play all 3 LB'er positions and safety in a pinch. Muamba is a one trick pony.
  4. How many HC/GM would be willing to come from a winning organization to basically baby sit a bunch of developmental guys? Just saying, we do have the '3 year plan' after all and I doubt Wad is going anywhere soon.
  5. Hmm what if the new GM doesn't like the direction he sees the team going when he gets here....
  6. Those snaps are totally throwing the timing off, everyone has seen it all year too, this is just another Kuale, Romby side show.
  7. imo, Wild is twice the football player Muamba is, great to have him back. Now go find some receivers like Rogers and Fuller and get Veltung back returning kicks and punts and things might start to turn around.
  8. Wow, even knowing where the return was going they couldn't get a stop....that's 'special' alright.
  9. They turned over a lot of bodies this year, especially on offense and it's paying off, it pains me to say but Desjardins has done a really good job with that team, very talented bunch.
  10. I couldn't believe some of those snaps today, against the wind they were 'hanging up'.
  11. I despise Marcel as much as the next guy but the special teams are just as bad, and that's after firing the coach, O'Shea is to blame for the state of the team.
  12. We got 30 in week 1 this season. Too late, once the flames of outrage have been fanned the facts become irrelevant! I have said I was wrong. Fact remains, we have 3 games or 25% this year with less than 10 points (Edmonton, Calgary at home and Hamilton in Hamilton). We have five with under 20 this year or 41.67%. That is pathetic and will help drive fans away. Not only are we a bad team, we are a boring bad team that gets their asses kicked far too often. You don't even need stats to see that the offense is a steaming pile. They bring in Walker and run him up the gut. The game passed Marcel by 10 years ago, it's a joke.
  13. No one is saying they want MB. Just that, given the history of this club, we won't be surprised if MOS is fired and MB made HC. Although I do recall someone posting in some thread that they want MB, but I think it was a troll. Not a troll, just saw the the writing on the wall sooner than most.
  14. He's a stick man, all arms and legs. Nic Lewis is built for going over the middle, or is that just a legend too.
  15. The inside slot hasn't been kind to Moore. He does have great hands and is a good possession receiver but he's taking a beating inside. I'd rather see us getting him the ball down field more instead and put the bigger bodies inside to take the beating.
  16. Jesus christ, it wasnt a physical altercation! How does this not compute to you people. lol, relax spuds, obviously one was a push and the other just a gesture of good will. Austin should of just texted Ole Sticky a pic of his junk.
  17. I'm going to say 5 wins as well, all 3 home games and the road games in BC & Mtl. 9 - 9 seems crazy but I think Nichols presence has made the entire team 100% better. He may not be the greatest QB in the league but the guys a winner.
  18. He's on the practice roster and will be at practice tomorrow. lol, I've been in a bubble since Saturday. In that case, Warren Moon 2.0.
  19. Go all national at receiver, other than Moore, the internationals have done sfa.
  20. So he's on our neg list, what is the reality ever seeing him up here?
  21. It happens, Berry and Marshall flipp'in Don the 'bird'.
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