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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. We need to see more of Nichols to answer this but if yesterday was any indication it proves that his 6 - 2 record as a starter this season is no fluke.
  2. Why would you say that? Your bet Ottawa?? Is that because it's Winnipeg & Walters will just say, ah he's not worth it so let him go? The season isn't even over & you're just being fatalistic. I tell you what, if Nicholls plays well & since WE TRADED FOR HIM which means he knows we wanted him, whereas in Edmonton he was more of an afterthought, I'll make a bold prediction... he'll sign here. Not Ottawa. Interesting, what happens if Nichols catches fire down the stretch and out plays Willy?
  3. Leggett can do a lot of things. He's able to show that being closer to the LOS. I liked their 30 fronts with all the backers on the field. Hurl has been playing very well and now taking on more of a role on 2nd downs in recent weeks. Yup, I owe Hurl an apology he showed yesterday that he can play at a high level and play well. Leggett is a physical force, gonna be hard to keep him out of the LB corps when he plays like that.
  4. Just win, doesn't matter what it looks like, 2 points is 2 points.
  5. I can just hear Austin "I cut you, get off my sidelines"
  6. Well, this isn't the first time the Bombers haven't had a capable back up qb to rely on.....it's groundhog day all over again.
  7. Well on the bright side, maybe they have to release a good player to make room on the roster for him and we can grab him up.
  8. I like what Austin did to Sinkfield, sat his ass for 4 games because he wasn't playing like a 'pro'. We couldn't field enough players for a game if we had those kind of expectations here.
  9. I've been watching our receivers lately and for the most part they run poor routes and do a terrible job of blocking. Our so called playmakers look lazy and uninspired, time for a receiver shake up.
  10. Can he oline or dline? Let's concentrate on that because Hurl isn't going anywhere.
  11. You can't sub an international for a national, ever. The 4 DI's can only sub for another international.
  12. Okay, so I read the article, Lawless is slamming the BOD is about all he's doing.
  13. iso has the right colors in his avi, nice. I hate those putrid gold things we wear now.
  14. 4 people no longer on the team? Great reference points. Even the blind guy in row 13 could see they were all a waste of time to begin with spuds.
  15. Etch, Kuale, Romby, Tracy, Marcel.....what's not to like? I mean, I have complete and utter confidence they know what they are doing.
  16. I can't believe the number of linemen we have drafted who couldn't even master the two step never mind back peddling, it's all about footwork when it comes to linemen. They all weigh 300 pounds but it's the guys who can plant and drive and move on their feet who turn into anything worthwhile
  17. The board could do without a City and Provincial representative imo. The rest are all free enterprises who know how to run a business.
  18. We are getting there, which is about the only good thing to come out of this current regime, so we do need to give it time to bear fruit.
  19. Was O'Donnell really that good during his first stint up here? I know he's huge and strong but wasn't his blocking subpar? Or am I remembering him wrong?Struggled at first but was really good near the end of last year. I can't believe I got **** on by certain posters (you know who you are) for wanting to draft this guy way back when.
  20. Another trade with Hervey and another good one Walters will have to put something extra in Ed's sock at Xmas.
  21. Well signing Bryant has accomplished what exactly? We're on pace to give up as many or more sacks than last season and Willy is hurt again. Maybe they should have focused on the real problem, the interior of the line, and fixed that instead.
  22. This all but clinches it, the money spent in the off season on the line was a bust. Didn't we have to resort to starting 4 internationals on the oline last season too?
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