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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Picard was signed to bring some nastiness to the line.....but I think they expected more than just unnecessary roughness penalties.
  2. Of course it's the board, they control the purse strings. In Cal's day he spent money like a drunk'in sailor because he knew that is what it took to compete and build a winner. Lyle had to dig the team out of the hole. Until we get back to spending maximum dollars on football operations, and developing the us scouting, nothing will change much. How can any coach build a winning team when you bring in guys like that lineman Tormino (ole), he's just one example. The change does need to start at the top but it needs to focus at the very bottom of the chain and that is finding talented players to arm the coaches with.
  3. I think you have to look at the Bombers as an expansion team, Walters had to basically rebuild everything from the US scouting department and everything in between. It's a slow process but Hall was a better choice than Etch. Next year, they should find someone better than Marcel. I can see why Miller says it's a three year plan for this bunch. By the end of year three things should be a lot better otherwise they failed and have to go. US scouting wasn't a problem until Walters took over. He's basically reversed the problem from NI's to imports. Better base for the next GM to build from I guess. Wasn't it just Mack & Moll though? Walters didn't fire them so I don't see how he had a say in it, he was just left to clean up the mess.
  4. I'm willing to let these guys have their 3 years provided someone better than Marcel is the OC in year 3. I think Hall could be the guy for the defense and I don't see why O'Shea can't stay on as the ST coach/HC. I want a playoff spot next year though.
  5. I think you have to look at the Bombers as an expansion team, Walters had to basically rebuild everything from the US scouting department and everything in between. It's a slow process but Hall was a better choice than Etch. Next year, they should find someone better than Marcel. I can see why Miller says it's a three year plan for this bunch. By the end of year three things should be a lot better otherwise they failed and have to go.
  6. When we were winning, we were spending above our means. We no longer have that luxury we only spend what we can afford on football operations. Now apparently that is changing but I don't know if we are at the stage of competing with the rest of the clubs.
  7. I thought they released Longo a few weeks back? I'm glad he's in, if they even open a hole on one side of centre it will help the running game get going.
  8. Morley, Brown, they still have friends in the organization/locker-room that keep them in the loop. Just ask Westwood about that.
  9. You obviously have never been employed by government, the whole system thrives on it.
  10. No kidding, a simple 'yes' would have done without going into details.
  11. Good move, our special teams have been terrible but a new punter, kick returner and a gunner are still needed to right that ship.
  12. That's because the D sucked from the midpoint of the first quarter on, I really don't know which game some of you were watching?
  13. Knowing how the BOD worked in the past they'll wait until the Earth is scorched before they do anything. Remember Berry, every 6 games there were changes made if things weren't going well, God I miss having a guy around who knew what they were doing. Remember Dinwiddie and Glenn being co-offensive coordinators in 2008 as Berry's buddy sat in the room and on the sidelines while Berry wouldn't fire him? That's what cost Berry his job. Berry had some pretty significant struggles himself. The fact that he's vanished pretty much shows you how he's viewed. If he was a even close to being a good head coach he would have got 2-3 shots at it. Close but no cigar, Berry lost his job even before the season started when Taman and the rest of the penny pinchers wouldn't let him field the team he wanted to, I believe the quote went something like 'some of you are only here because your cheaper'. Berry didn't lift a finger that year and I don't blame him.
  14. We could start another international on defence in place of Randal, 2 in fact.
  15. Knowing how the BOD worked in the past they'll wait until the Earth is scorched before they do anything. Remember Berry, every 6 games there were changes made if things weren't going well, God I miss having a guy around who knew what they were doing.
  16. The defense played as well as it could considering. I won't dump on them because without them it would have been 55-19 or worse. The offense was 2 & out all game with a panicked qb who played scared throughout & a game plan that was useless. Throw in a ST unit that was dreadful. As well as some of the calls that went the Riders way... Defense did fine. Tt was the one shining ray of light coming out of the game yesterday. And I disagree about the defense and showed you how the Riders moved the ball without resistance against them from the middle of the first quarter on. The defence and special teams are bad, the offence is just so epically bad that it is the obvious choice for everyone.
  17. It's a serious issue, there are already more NFL fans than CFL fans in T.O., Vancouver and maybe Cgy. If CFL games are seen as a joke, the next generation of fans is lost. Perception is everything. I think you could add everywhere but Sask to that list, the 18 - 30 age group I know here are all NFL fans first, the CFL is just a joke to them.
  18. I blamed all 3 phases for the loss, not just the offense.
  19. The Riders had the ball for 2/3 of the game and only managed two offensive TD's, with the first one coming at the end of the 3rd quarter. The defense did their job. They did get off the field. If you wanna play the what if game: What if special teams hadn't given up a TD and extended a Rider drive by penalty that lead to another What if the Bomber defense scored a TD instead of taking penalties that extended Rider drives leading to another TD If you really want to break it down, the Bomber special teams and defense hurt them more than their futile offense did. I'm not playing the "what if game." The defense was on the field for 2/3 of the game and gave up 2 TD's well into the second half. Those are facts. I guess you could expect them to score too, but they did their job. The benchmark for defenses is 20 points. Even being on the field for 37 minutes the defense gave up 23. They were on the field because they couldn't get off, penalties extending drives leading to points, not forcing turnovers, but that's okay because they were within the benchmark? Seems like something O'Shea would say. They got off the field for the first 43 minutes of the game. The offense only scored when they got the ball at the Riders 20. The offense racked up half of their first downs in the last minute of the first half and on the TD drive when the game was over. That's why the defense was out so long. They'd get 2 plays off and be back on the field. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand. Turnovers are awesome and the Bombers defense hasn't been slack in producing them through this season. The way the game is now the defense is playing to not give up TD's. They did that. You can't win if you're offense can't score them, and you really can't win when you're offense can't even stay on the field for more than 2 plays. After the 8 minute mark of the 1st quarter, 0 two and outs for the Riders, nothing but 6 - 8 - 10 play drives given up by the defence, yup you can't win when your defence can't get off the field.
  20. The Riders had the ball for 2/3 of the game and only managed two offensive TD's, with the first one coming at the end of the 3rd quarter. The defense did their job. They did get off the field. If you wanna play the what if game: What if special teams hadn't given up a TD and extended a Rider drive by penalty that lead to another What if the Bomber defense scored a TD instead of taking penalties that extended Rider drives leading to another TD If you really want to break it down, the Bomber special teams and defense hurt them more than their futile offense did. I'm not playing the "what if game." The defense was on the field for 2/3 of the game and gave up 2 TD's well into the second half. Those are facts. I guess you could expect them to score too, but they did their job. The benchmark for defenses is 20 points. Even being on the field for 37 minutes the defense gave up 23. They were on the field because they couldn't get off, penalties extending drives leading to points, not forcing turnovers, but that's okay because they were within the benchmark? Seems like something O'Shea would say.
  21. Nothing a good HC couldn't straighten out, the main piece QB, is already in place.
  22. That's very true. And he's playing behind the same OL. Even the wonderboy with the quick feet couldn't find time. It was funny watching Smith for the Riders scramble all over the field and extend drives with his legs yet the 'wonder boy' couldn't do the same thing? I would really like to know why that is?
  23. The Riders had the ball for 2/3 of the game and only managed two offensive TD's, with the first one coming at the end of the 3rd quarter. The defense did their job. They did get off the field. If you wanna play the what if game: What if special teams hadn't given up a TD and extended a Rider drive by penalty that lead to another What if the Bomber defense scored a TD instead of taking penalties that extended Rider drives leading to another TD If you really want to break it down, the Bomber special teams and defense hurt them more than their futile offense did.
  24. lol, you almost managed to put a positive spin on it.
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