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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Wade was probably sick to his stomach watching this game but as long as the team is in the black he won't do anything.
  2. Second half melt-downs are becoming this teams trade mark.
  3. He wants O'Shea's job and I think he is going to get it before the season is done.
  4. Oh, so penalties...that help a team succeed...shouldn't be taken into consideration? So like if the Riders didn't get caught cheating, it would have been OK? Hilarious argument there. Uh no, despite having two TD's called back on penalties, they still kicked our ass.
  5. If you're going to quote their record...quote all of it. 10-18. If Willy was starting, I would.
  6. I just don't see how the Bombers are going to find a way to win Saturday, I wish I did but I don't, they are just a terrible football team in all 3 phases and it's pretty hard to fix that with a few days of practice. Their 5 - 17 record speaks for itself.
  7. The defence didn't make any plays, they are just as culpable as the offense and special teams for the loss. The defence made enough plays to give the offence a fighting chance. Problem is...there was no offence to give the defence a fighting chance. Who forced the 1st turnover? The defence. Who held the Sask offence to 2 FGs in the 1st half? Guess. Did the defence not stop the Riders to kick in the 3rd quarter, only to have the STs give the ball back? Did the defence fumble on the 22 yard line and give the Riders an easy TD? Did the defence call an absolutely terrible pass completion to an out-of-bounds rider at the 1 yard line? The defence was guilty of a penalty-aided drive that resulted in a TD...that was started by the contacting the kicker penalty. I don't blame the defence one iota for that ****-show...just the play calling. The Riders had 2 TD's called back on their own penalties or this thing was over before the Bombers even got the wind back.
  8. The defence didn't make any plays, they are just as culpable as the offense and special teams for the loss.
  9. The Bomber offense looks like the Mike Kelly version all over again.
  10. That was by far Brohm's best performance as a Bomber....when you're given a tricycle to ride in the Tour de France I don't think you can expect much in the way of results. Matt Nichols, come on down, it's your turn to ride the tricycle.
  11. He's a ratio breaker, even though we need help in other areas, you have to do everything you can to get him here.
  12. yup. no other reason for messem to get going like he did other then our defense simply burning out. he was prettt contained up til what.. mid third? Pretty much, its tough to tackle with tired legs especially a load like that. Oh boo fricking hoo, Anderson even said after the game they weren't tired, it was a cool, perfect afternoon for football. If these guys are mailing it in at half time there's a problem, they're mentally whipped not physically and that's even worse.
  13. Yeah but if Willy was on, we could squeak out some wins and/or be competitive. Without Willy though, we've been destroyed in just about every game. You missing the point man. The O sucks with or without Willy. Willy just made MB look better. That's what I said, the coaching sucks, it's just more evident without Willy.
  14. Desperate really, when you consider Marcel's record as a HC (just a HC) and compare it to the rest of the staff, he really is the next logical choice. I'm not saying he's the only choice, that he's the most logical at this time. Unless you think that O'Shea will be back next season but I don't believe he will be, he's already a lame duck so get rid of him and then get rid of the rest of them in the off season. Maybe this time we can actually due some due diligence and interview "qualified HC candidates".
  15. Yeah but if Willy was on, we could squeak out some wins and/or be competitive. Without Willy though, we've been destroyed in just about every game.
  16. The O sucks because we don't have a qb, other than Willy, who can run it. Stop saying that. You can't add Burke and MOS records together. Stop posting on here when you're drunk.I'm not drunk, why would you say that? The record is what is over the last 3 1/2 years, whether you accept it or not. We have a guy on the staff who has a better record as a HC and has actually made the playoffs with his teams in consectutive years. Call it mediocre but you have to actually MAKE THE PLAYOFFS in order to have any chance of winning. Actually the guy on the staff (you're referring to) is the only guy who HAS been here those 3 1/2 years .. and can be accountable for that record you keep trotting out. He's part of the problem. So the guy that decided to keep him is a better choice...okay you go with that.
  17. Our talent is far better than our coaching with Willy, which is why we win in spite of it. But without Willy, you can see just how poorly coached this team is getting blown out most nights.
  18. Stop saying that. You can't add Burke and MOS records together. Stop posting on here when you're drunk. I'm not drunk, why would you say that? The record is what is over the last 3 1/2 years, whether you accept it or not. We have a guy on the staff who has a better record as a HC and has actually made the playoffs with his teams in consectutive years. Call it mediocre but you have to actually MAKE THE PLAYOFFS in order to have any chance of winning.
  19. I'd take Morley at G over Greeves any day and twice on Sundays, Greeves is our worst lineman and it isn't even close, Picard has been trying to cover up for the guy all year but even he can't make up for how bad Greeves is.
  20. Sask had the ball all game even against the wind, the offense was bad but the defence left themselves on the field all second half.
  21. The D is not 'folding' they are getting scorched in second half's because the opposition is making adjustments (when they aren't taking stupid undisciplined penalties). These are deeper rooted problems than just running out of gas. It has to be disheartening to a proud player who is giving his all on defence and who knows the game is winnable if only the fourletterwording offense could play even half-decent. I don't wonder at the frustration penalties. The offense gave them a 10 nothing lead to run with.
  22. 1. Terrible job as the OC in Montreal in 2007. 2. Terrible job as the OC in Hamilton in 2008. 3. Mediocre job as the Head Coach in Hamilton. 4. Terrible as Winnipeg OC in 2014 and 2015. What I KNOW is that he's a lousy coach and not the answer. I suspect you failed logic in school. Still better than 19 - 45 and no playoffs going on 4 years, that's why.
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