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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Yup, he spent four years iirc behind Hamm before he started to play like a starter and them Trestman put him over the top. He spent 5 years with Don Matthews as coach before Trestman took over. No doubt he had huge success with Trestman, but he was already a super star and Grey Cup champion when Trestman came in. Thanks for filling in the blanks Rich. I just remember him before he became the starter for the Als and the transformation in his game was night and day. He did have a horrible GC record before Trestman though, something like 1 - 5 and was basically labeled a choker. Then Bellfool got hold of him and almost killed him and ended his career. He was set to retire until Trestman took over and basically pulled him together and rid him of the chocker label.
  2. You're ready to write Marve off after one start? In a thread earlier this week it was noted that Glenn took three years to develop before he showed positive results, same goes for Durant, Reilly and Burris. Basically yes as there are better qbs out there we can bring in than Marve. Burris spent his first year in 1997 on the Stamps PR. In 1998 he saw limited time appearing in his first game. In 1999 he got his first few starts, led the Stamps to 2 victories & looked good before being injured with a torn ACL in August that year & missing the rest of that season. Hank put up much better numbers than Marve his first start. And he showed he had a strong arm, athletic ability & accuracy. Something Marve can't do. What people aren't understanding is that a QB must have the fundamentals to play the game at the pro level. Just because some QBs took years to develop, it wasn't because of their fundamentals. They were working on their understanding of the game and ability to manage it. Durant, Reilly, Burris, Glenn, Calvillo all have one thing in common. A good accurate arm with a quick release. This is why they rose to the top. In pro sports you can't teach a player how to throw. He either knows that by now, or he's gone. Marve struggles with his accuracy, and he is a fundamentally poor thrower of the ball. FFS, you and I don't have a hot clue what that means, if we did be scouting down south.
  3. Yup, he spent four years iirc behind Hamm before he started to play like a starter and them Trestman put him over the top.
  4. Even if they shitcan us we will still have 3x as many wins as them.
  5. lol, I fell asleep before it ended, just brutal but that is why these guys are backups. BC played a good road game, limited their mistakes and scored on Montreals.
  6. I'm not been picky but that's just not true, even in win 3 I believe he didn't even break 200.
  7. Oooh. My nipples are hard.... Did I miss the Lemon signing?
  8. I was thinking the same thing, wonder who is lining up at the nose?
  9. Lord knows we needed some qb help but the past injury problems are a concern, hopefully that trend doesn't continue.
  10. And you would be partly right but, the defense with those same Walters stiffs has been coming around, why is that? coaching, gelling, perhaps both. So what is the offense's excuse?
  11. Well considering Brohm ran the same thing, nothing but outs, curls and flats you can clearly see those were the first reads not a post, corner or fade to be had. Terry makes a good point and the link I posted pretty much confirms it.
  12. He's just giving Marve a chance to watch a bit from the sideline before he goes in
  13. Walkers faster, he has that Kenton Keith break away ability, Marcel has always liked that in his backs.
  14. Smith is starting at qb for the Riders Pressure him force the picks Should be an easy win for the blue
  15. Actually, there are no examples of the offense 'clicking' without involving the RB's so I don't think he has a case.
  16. lol, Walker has more rushing yards than anyone on our roster, more receiving yards than our backs too.
  17. He's 60% this year but that's not the point. It's like retraining your brain Marve has always been a sprint out and throw on the run qb, that's what he's always done Asking him to stay cool and stand in the pocket is like learning Japanese He may get it, he probably won't
  18. This is pretty much exactly what I thought was happening. He looked like he'd panic and run directly into trouble. Sure he may have a suitable amount of time but was his receiver open? He's trying to make something happen at that stage in the game, throwing into the stands wasn't an option. Single coverage was further downfield - I'm sure guys like Denmark and Moore can get open one on one. Denmark has stunk this year, even said so himself in the paper and Moore, if he plays is going up against the defences best cover man, the rest of our receivers probably don't even belong on a professional field of play. Here's an example, against Toronto Marve had Denmark open deep and missed the throw by 10 yards. It's not that there's no options to throw it deep, it's that when Marve does throw it deep he is not throwing a catchable ball. I know people love to hate on the coaches, I dislike Bellefeuille as a coach too and I argued for him to be fired before Etchevary was fired, but come on, Marve hasn't done anything to make teams respect his arm. They bait him to throw deep and he buys it, they don't believe he can throw over the top accurately so they sit and wait for him to try and run and make him make a mistake by waiting for it. He's predictable and until he can open up the coverage by actually passing the ball well it's going to be more of the same. Yes, first series of the game, he was jacked up and over threw him no doubt. He's a rookie, those things happen, I'll wait to have more data than just one over throw to say the guy' can't pass or throw' as some seem to think. That's not the only deep ball he's thrown poorly just an obvious example that came to mind instantly. What about the one against Calgary he underthrew to I think Denmark when he was double covered? MAybe you were at the game but you know what Matt Dunigan said on that one? Said it was a terrible decision, the db was baiting him and he threw it anyway, lucky he wasn't picked off. If he looked to the other side of the field he had an option. Look I want Marve to do well but the guy isn't ready to play quarterback. Doesn't read the field quick enough and his arm might be strong but he hasn't connected on one deep attempt yet. That is basic stuff. Even if you can't read a defence you should be able to throw a deep ball to a place the receiver can catch it. That's all I'm saying, don't expect him to do things he can't or isn't ready for. He's a backup not the starter, there should be a drop off at the position otherwise he'd be starting for some one else. Collaros, Reilly, all paid their dues as back ups before.
  19. I'm just pointing what worked in our 3 wins, not saying the offense doesn't have it warts, because it does. But involving your RB's more, especially with a green qb, is never a bad idea.
  20. This is what is puzzling because the Bombers have shown that when they involve their RB's heavily in the offense they win, at least have won this season. First Win 27 touches, 20/145 rushing 7/92 receiving Second Win 20 touches, 16/44 rushing 4/49 passing Third Win 17 touches. 15/59 rushing 2/27 passing What is happening though is that the number of touches have been steadily decreasing to the point of the backs being taken out of the game. If you can't get your RB involved on the ground and in the air then most times you will lose, like the Bombers have been. This team can run the ball and use the backs as effective receivers as we seen early on, they have just gone away from it more and more. Marcel needs to wake up and get back to what worked early in the year or he needs to be removed in favor of someone who can. Early in the season Willy was healthy and teams had to respect his arm. Now they don't worry about that and focus on stopping our run. Nope, Willys numbers started to dip when teams started blitzing because they knew he tends to hold onto the ball too long. Had we stuck with a heavy of running backs, they would have had to back off, just piss poor game calling by Marcel. Just like that huh? How about this: when the offense is clicking the runningbacks naturally get more touches, when the offence stagnates and bogs down they get less touches. This isn't rocket science. It's easy to give the backs lots of touches when you're leading or having success all around on offence, but when you're losing and your offence can't string first downs together they don't get that many opportunities. The OL is not consistent enough to just hand off all the time, that's a surefire way to find yourself in 2nd and long more than we already are. You can involve your RB's in the passing game too, doesn't always have to be the read option hand off.
  21. At least they recognize they are not getting the production out of the RB position that they should however, I too don't see Chevy as the answer to that problem.
  22. This is pretty much exactly what I thought was happening. He looked like he'd panic and run directly into trouble. Sure he may have a suitable amount of time but was his receiver open? He's trying to make something happen at that stage in the game, throwing into the stands wasn't an option. Single coverage was further downfield - I'm sure guys like Denmark and Moore can get open one on one. Denmark has stunk this year, even said so himself in the paper and Moore, if he plays is going up against the defences best cover man, the rest of our receivers probably don't even belong on a professional field of play. Here's an example, against Toronto Marve had Denmark open deep and missed the throw by 10 yards. It's not that there's no options to throw it deep, it's that when Marve does throw it deep he is not throwing a catchable ball. I know people love to hate on the coaches, I dislike Bellefeuille as a coach too and I argued for him to be fired before Etchevary was fired, but come on, Marve hasn't done anything to make teams respect his arm. They bait him to throw deep and he buys it, they don't believe he can throw over the top accurately so they sit and wait for him to try and run and make him make a mistake by waiting for it. He's predictable and until he can open up the coverage by actually passing the ball well it's going to be more of the same. Yes, first series of the game, he was jacked up and over threw him no doubt. He's a rookie, those things happen, I'll wait to have more data than just one over throw to say the guy' can't pass or throw' as some seem to think.
  23. Things are rocky but c'mon, even I'm not at the stage of throwing in the towel. Sask is in complete shambles, I wouldn't be surprised to see us take both games, 5 - 6 and there is a very different light on things, players confidence is back up With BC and Ott x 2, that possible 8 wins, this season is far from done.
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