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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. This is Marcel living in the past, I said it last season too, the team had Marcel stink all over it, makes you wonder who is really calling the shots.
  2. This is pretty much exactly what I thought was happening. He looked like he'd panic and run directly into trouble. Sure he may have a suitable amount of time but was his receiver open? He's trying to make something happen at that stage in the game, throwing into the stands wasn't an option. Single coverage was further downfield - I'm sure guys like Denmark and Moore can get open one on one. Denmark has stunk this year, even said so himself in the paper and Moore, if he plays is going up against the defences best cover man, the rest of our receivers probably don't even belong on a professional field of play.
  3. Walters is reminding me of Desjardins when he went to Hamilton to GM before he was ready for that position too. Yes, there was a lot of work to be done with the team from a national stand point but even Mack/Moll found better international talent Walters does not have the contacts down south and it's looking like his scouts don't either. Having said that though, the Bombers do have a lot international talent in the pike, thanks to Mack/Moll, so there is still hope a few of those pan out
  4. This is pretty much exactly what I thought was happening. He looked like he'd panic and run directly into trouble. Sure he may have a suitable amount of time but was his receiver open? He's trying to make something happen at that stage in the game, throwing into the stands wasn't an option.
  5. Different schemes would make a difference though. Only if you bring in Paul Johnson and the triple option. Marve can't pass, probably can't throw either, Brohm can't throw for sure. Good luck. lol, you are shoveling it on a little thick there chachi. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=robert+marve+highlights&qpvt=robert+marve+highlights&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=9ACED657D3397B5BCDA09ACED657D3397B5BCDA0 A couple nice scrambles there. Too bad everyone clued in on that. Even in that game his longest completion was 18 to Kohlert. He needs to make someone respect his arm, because no one does and the offense isn't going anywhere with him until they do. He's thrown almost 80 passes in the CFL and hasn't completed one in the air for 20+ yards. That's incredible and not in a positive way. When do we get to see the "strong arm?" And how many deep balls has Willy hit? You actually need time for those deep routes to develop, 2 steam boats isn't long enough. Wasnt our offense when led by willy leading the league in big play deep ball passes? Lol. Smh. Darvin Adams? Maybe when he's back in the lineup. How is darvin adams going to make marve not throw into double and triple coverage? He aint faster then veltung and marve aint hitting him in stride behind defenders. In open spaces beyond 10-15 yards? Not without telegraphing it to hell and gone.. Darvin Adams has been turning 15 yard passes into big yac yards, no other receiver has done that for us. But if you really expect Marve to start lighting it up in this offense, you will be waiting a long time. His game is pretty simple, sprint right, sprint left, hand off. That's all you need out of him to string together first downs.
  6. Different schemes would make a difference though. Only if you bring in Paul Johnson and the triple option. Marve can't pass, probably can't throw either, Brohm can't throw for sure. Good luck. lol, you are shoveling it on a little thick there chachi. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=robert+marve+highlights&qpvt=robert+marve+highlights&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=9ACED657D3397B5BCDA09ACED657D3397B5BCDA0 A couple nice scrambles there. Too bad everyone clued in on that. Even in that game his longest completion was 18 to Kohlert. He needs to make someone respect his arm, because no one does and the offense isn't going anywhere with him until they do. He's thrown almost 80 passes in the CFL and hasn't completed one in the air for 20+ yards. That's incredible and not in a positive way. When do we get to see the "strong arm?" And how many deep balls has Willy hit? You actually need time for those deep routes to develop, 2 steam boats isn't long enough. Wasnt our offense when led by willy leading the league in big play deep ball passes? Lol. Smh. Darvin Adams? Maybe when he's back in the lineup.
  7. Different schemes would make a difference though. Only if you bring in Paul Johnson and the triple option. Marve can't pass, probably can't throw either, Brohm can't throw for sure. Good luck. lol, you are shoveling it on a little thick there chachi. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=robert+marve+highlights&qpvt=robert+marve+highlights&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=9ACED657D3397B5BCDA09ACED657D3397B5BCDA0 A couple nice scrambles there. Too bad everyone clued in on that. Even in that game his longest completion was 18 to Kohlert. He needs to make someone respect his arm, because no one does and the offense isn't going anywhere with him until they do. He's thrown almost 80 passes in the CFL and hasn't completed one in the air for 20+ yards. That's incredible and not in a positive way. When do we get to see the "strong arm?" And how many deep balls has Willy hit? You actually need time for those deep routes to develop, 2 steam boats isn't long enough.
  8. Exactly. MB's game plan was really not that bad. It was a simple dink and dunk plan with occasional deep balls to keep team honest.. Vanilla? Yup. Executable? Yup. Did marve execute? Nope. He couldnt hit any pass consistently. He also made brutal decisions.. This was a poor game by QB IMO. Could we do better then MB? Sure.. Its a moot point tho until we have a QB who can actually.. You know.. Play QB.. IF marve craps the bed again.. Its Davis time imo.. Demote marve, can brohm and bring in new blood. Watch the link I posted.
  9. Different schemes would make a difference though. Only if you bring in Paul Johnson and the triple option. Marve can't pass, probably can't throw either, Brohm can't throw for sure. Good luck. lol, you are shoveling it on a little thick there chachi. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=robert+marve+highlights&qpvt=robert+marve+highlights&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=9ACED657D3397B5BCDA09ACED657D3397B5BCDA0
  10. This is what is puzzling because the Bombers have shown that when they involve their RB's heavily in the offense they win, at least have won this season. First Win 27 touches, 20/145 rushing 7/92 receiving Second Win 20 touches, 16/44 rushing 4/49 passing Third Win 17 touches. 15/59 rushing 2/27 passing What is happening though is that the number of touches have been steadily decreasing to the point of the backs being taken out of the game. If you can't get your RB involved on the ground and in the air then most times you will lose, like the Bombers have been. This team can run the ball and use the backs as effective receivers as we seen early on, they have just gone away from it more and more. Marcel needs to wake up and get back to what worked early in the year or he needs to be removed in favor of someone who can. Early in the season Willy was healthy and teams had to respect his arm. Now they don't worry about that and focus on stopping our run. Nope, Willys numbers started to dip when teams started blitzing because they knew he tends to hold onto the ball too long. Had we stuck with a heavy of running backs, they would have had to back off, just piss poor game calling by Marcel.
  11. Uh, fellows, Dickenson made half time adjustments that got his offense working against Hall. Marcel could not come up with anything for Stubler. Thus everyone from the fans to the press to ex-players asking for Marcel to be gone. This isn't new either, he got the same wrap in Sask, Mtl, Ham and now here. It's just that simple.
  12. Marve's problem isn't his arm or his legs, it's between his ears, with the right coaching/game plan he could be a good to great pro qb.
  13. This is what is puzzling because the Bombers have shown that when they involve their RB's heavily in the offense they win, at least have won this season. First Win 27 touches, 20/145 rushing 7/92 receiving Second Win 20 touches, 16/44 rushing 4/49 passing Third Win 17 touches. 15/59 rushing 2/27 passing What is happening though is that the number of touches have been steadily decreasing to the point of the backs being taken out of the game. If you can't get your RB involved on the ground and in the air then most times you will lose, like the Bombers have been. This team can run the ball and use the backs as effective receivers as we seen early on, they have just gone away from it more and more. Marcel needs to wake up and get back to what worked early in the year or he needs to be removed in favor of someone who can.
  14. Not executing assignments, taking bad penalties would have to be at the top of the list.
  15. Sure, let him run around like a chicken with its head cut off. That's a plan. Has everyone lost the ability to read and think tonight? Have you been sipping do or die's gin? How about swing passes, screens, shovels, a reverse There are other ways to get the ball in the running backs hands other than a draw up the gut Our back should have 30 touches runs/pass to back off the Calgary d The game plan was pure **** and set up to fail I saw all of those last night. Pretty hard for those to be effective when the defense can just sit and wait within 10 yards of the line of scrimmage because everyone in the stadium knows the QB can't make a throw. Doubly hard for that QB who's already struggling when the defense can get pressure easily with 3-4 rushers, leaving 8-9 in coverage/to spy Marve. Denmark and Moore got some nice gains on first down on bubble screens and hitch screens allowing the feeble OL to lead us to some first downs on 2nd and 2 and 3's. They used split backs and misdirection runs to Thomas but Marve's footwork was awful so it took way too long to develop and the contain guy had all day to read it. There's nothing you can call that will make a QB playing as bad as Marve did even passable. They literally should have just given up and started running option. That might have gotten them one drive before Calgary adjusted. Yeah Dunnigan was commenting on the one running play that resembled a reverse and ended up in about 5 yard loss. It was poorly designed and executed. You still have to execute and know when to call the right play for the situation. It's obvious the execution is crap, even on the pick 6, the receiver's route was too flat and took him into the defender instead of away from him. Execution even on the simplest of plays is a problem.
  16. Hmm just looked at the schedule again and it's pretty bleak.
  17. Hey, despite the blowouts, we're still in the playoff battle.
  18. He signed a new deal with Toronto and will never eeeever come here. Why. So he can be fired in 2 years?No, so he can become a GM at the twice the salary of a HC.Never eeeever. Pointless to talk about even. Never in a million years. Good coaches won't come here. No security at all. Every contract is guaranteed, if he wants 5 years, give it to him.
  19. Sure, let him run around like a chicken with its head cut off. That's a plan. Has everyone lost the ability to read and think tonight? Have you been sipping do or die's gin? How about swing passes, screens, shovels, a reverse There are other ways to get the ball in the running backs hands other than a draw up the gut Our back should have 30 touches runs/pass to back off the Calgary d The game plan was pure **** and set up to fail
  20. He signed a new deal with Toronto and will never eeeever come here. Why. So he can be fired in 2 years? No, so he can become a GM at the twice the salary of a HC.
  21. The organization is just cheap and you get what you pay for, a bunch of special team coaches and failures. Next house cleaning, which will come soon enough, they better start by hiring a worthy GM, preferably a HC who has worked his way through the ranks. I'd offer Milanovich whatever he wants to come here.
  22. Doug Brown said it best, you go out and spend a million bucks on your oline in the off season only to find you have the same problems, time to look at the men in charge.
  23. lol because that works in the CFL like never. When you have only 2 chances to gain 10 yards, the majority of plays will be passes. Even with a rookie Qb, you will most likely have a 65% pass to 35% run ratio, maybe 60-40 in a few cases. It's a passer's league - even rookie Qb's need to be able to pass. Did you miss last weeks game against the Riders? A heck of a lot closer than this smelling pile tonight with that very game plan. Congrats on finding the one game in which passes and runs were nearly 50-50. Riders still lost by the way. It's a fact that the vast majority of games will see runs less than 40% of the time, even with a rookie at the controls. That is the nature of the 3-down game. Saying the Bombers should have run it 30 times is asinine as they most likely would have been stuffed on first down for a short gain necessitating a pass play on second down. I'm afraid if you want to see more running you will have to watch the NFL. Go do a little more research, you can always run the ball on a stubler defence and I already watch the NFL thanks.
  24. lol because that works in the CFL like never. When you have only 2 chances to gain 10 yards, the majority of plays will be passes. Even with a rookie Qb, you will most likely have a 65% pass to 35% run ratio, maybe 60-40 in a few cases. It's a passer's league - even rookie Qb's need to be able to pass. Did you miss last weeks game against the Riders? A heck of a lot closer than this smelling pile tonight with that very game plan.
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