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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. I haven't seen the replay but I thought it should have been no yards on the stamps on the stoudermire fumble. Also, Cotton should be taking heat for coughing up the ball too at a critical time.
  2. Be less passionate about it, your blood pressure will thank you for it.
  3. Bass looks better every game and I liked how Richards ran over two tacklers to get the first down. Brohm was money on the qb sneaks too.
  4. The world and especially sports cannot be viewed so such a black and white version of the world. There is a plethora of grey area to consider IMO. You either win the GC or you don't, that's the black and white of it.
  5. I didn't hear any from the players or coaches in the post game interviews.
  6. I hope Wade is happy, you hire second rate help and you get what you pay for.
  7. The front seven has been awful since last year, it's not a one time thing.
  8. The Stamps actually pressured Willy more than we could get on Mitchell. Harlan was taking the double team all day....the other three guys just aren't good enough, Hurl does need to go too.
  9. That's the difference between a well coached team and the Bombers at this point.
  10. I like to drink during a round too... twisted teas are delicious but they really sneak up on you Golf does qualify everything.
  11. That's irrelevant. Unless it's a passing play, the RB is his responsibility.
  12. Injuries and other circumstances force you to bring in players, Taman traded for Zeke Moreno one year. There are always options no matter the time of year.
  13. I don't expect miracles from Hurl, just would like to see him actually lay the lumber to someone like a MLB'er is supposed to do. Three games in and I haven't seen him deliver a bone crusher to anyone in the middle.
  14. So, we had this discussion on the golf course the other day, is Robert Marve the end game? Are Willy and Brohm just the punching bags until the Bombers finally put together an o-line that can pass protect. And is that the reason we are not seeing more of him right now?
  15. A BIG loss for the Alouettes- Woods was as good as any middle linebacker in the league and better than most. lol, Elsworth steps in and dominates at the position. I don't know who is behind him on the Als depth chart but just go grovel to Popp and get him in a Bomber uniform please.
  16. twice Willy was sacked when the Bombers were in FG range and both times the sacks took them out of FG range. Willy has to get rid of the ball in those cases, those sacks cost us an easy six points. The more I see of Willy the less I am sold on him. He can't read a blitz and his release is so dam slow. I'm more worried about Picard making the line calls. After 3 games I see no upside to having him in there, the amount of guys coming through the inside gaps untouched is embarrassing. Picard can't block anybody so if he can't at least get the protections right he's doing nothing for us that Goossen couldn't do. I don't fault Willy for not throwing a pass when he can't even get his eyes upfield before he's being tackled. Rather take the loss of yards than have the ball going back the other way, even if it takes us out of FG range. It's way too easy to just blame Picard. It may be as simple as the center identifying the middle linebacker so the entire line knows that player must be included as part of their pass protection, or it can be as complex as changing the entire blocking scheme on one side of the line at the point of attack. In any case all the other players need to be smart enough to pick up and execute the new blocking assignments. What I have been seeing is confusion across the line and in the backfield with the both the QB and RB in terms of identifying where the pressure is coming from and either have the RB step up or the QB roll away from it. Picard is the guy calling the OL protections, and those inside gaps which are generally giving them the most problems are the responsibility of the interior OL. I can guarantee you they aren't drawing up protections where the interior OL chase after a blitzing LB and let a DT run free through an inside gap for Paris Cotton or Feoli-Gudino to block. That's a major breakdown and a mistake in Picard's call. My assumption is that Picard is making too many assumptions in terms of setting the strength of the defense at the line of scrimmage when they are stacking rushers and lining up 6 or 7 across the line. In those cases they need to stay in a base protection and block from the inside out, the extra blockers taking outside gaps/extra rushers who come through the outside gaps if they send extra (not DT's). Greaves and Picard are a major achilles heel for our offence. Will be interesting to see if Neufeld gets a shot at left guard when he's healthy, Greaves has been that bad pass and run blocking. Greaves being terrible has nothing to do with Picard calling out the protections for the front 4 and MLB'er. If they are sending more than 5 then it is up to the QB to recognize it and get rid of the ball quickly or roll away from the pressure.
  17. twice Willy was sacked when the Bombers were in FG range and both times the sacks took them out of FG range. Willy has to get rid of the ball in those cases, those sacks cost us an easy six points. The more I see of Willy the less I am sold on him. He can't read a blitz and his release is so dam slow. I'm more worried about Picard making the line calls. After 3 games I see no upside to having him in there, the amount of guys coming through the inside gaps untouched is embarrassing. Picard can't block anybody so if he can't at least get the protections right he's doing nothing for us that Goossen couldn't do. I don't fault Willy for not throwing a pass when he can't even get his eyes upfield before he's being tackled. Rather take the loss of yards than have the ball going back the other way, even if it takes us out of FG range. It's way too easy to just blame Picard. It may be as simple as the center identifying the middle linebacker so the entire line knows that player must be included as part of their pass protection, or it can be as complex as changing the entire blocking scheme on one side of the line at the point of attack. In any case all the other players need to be smart enough to pick up and execute the new blocking assignments. What I have been seeing is confusion across the line and in the backfield with the both the QB and RB in terms of identifying where the pressure is coming from and either have the RB step up or the QB roll away from it.
  18. some people think it's gross but it's really good on toast.. oh wait, no that's not hurl. Yeah you are right, Hurl is awful. Hurl being toast would be delightful though.
  19. twice Willy was sacked when the Bombers were in FG range and both times the sacks took them out of FG range. Willy has to get rid of the ball in those cases, those sacks cost us an easy six points. The more I see of Willy the less I am sold on him. He can't read a blitz and his release is so dam slow.
  20. Obviously change will occur at this rate, it's just disappointing to be so bad right now.
  21. I said it just after we made our final cuts that I was less than impressed with the crop of new talent the scouting department supplied for training camp. The only areas where we improved our talent was by paying big bucks at free agency Recruiting hasn't really provided any great talent for our dline and lb's which are the two weak links on defence. Goveia was supposed to be this up and coming personnel guy from TO but I wonder if he was riding the coat tails of Jim Barker who is probably the best talent scout in the CFL. Danny MacManus was a great QB but I'm not sure about his scouting talents. He was mandated to improve our QB talent. Still looking I guess. Coaching is key but I have to give our coaches a bit of a pass as I think their dealing from a full deck. The cupboard was truly bare. Good moves on the oline though, I will give them credit for that.
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