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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. No I'm not over simplifying. This is how the problem gets solved. I know full well what the treaties that were signed were and what the intent was. The problem is that they are legal documents that are guaranteed by the constitution of this country, and that's a huge problem and the #1 reason why most of these problems exist. When they were signed it was seen as the easy solution, put the natives out of the way and throw them a few trinkets every now and then and let them live their traditional lifestyle. Problem is that in todays society it is a terrible solution and completely unworkable. The best solution IS to stop treating them differently and make them all Canadian and treat everyone equally. When you have such a skewed number of impoverished people on reserves it is safe to say that the system is broken, but where's the push to change a broken system? You even bring it up and you're labelled a racist. Too much blame gets thrown at the feet of the government of Canada and they're expected to fix it, but they can't fix it unilaterally, self determination and all that, so basically it's just "give us more money because residential schools! abuse! ugly history! white guilt!" It's those treaties that are holding things back. The best solution is for white people to stop believing that they have a clue how to fix the problem. That's how we got into this mess in the first place Largest untapped work force in the country, 2 million first nation grads by 2020, assimilation has happened. The days of hunting & fishing for a living are over. The reserves will dry up because the young won't stay.
  2. lol, so it came full circle after all, be tolerant to all including Rider fans!!!!
  3. You know what,I'll take a stand and say residential schools were a not terrible idea that was just handled really poorly. Should a just assimilated everyone from the start then there'd be a lot less problems with reserves I agree.. Good idea in theory.. Execution was horrible. My only problem is that you hear of the atrocities of these bad schools.. Does anyone know the ratio of "good" schools to "bad" schools? I've heard conflicting reports that there was many, many schools that functioned as design and were not essentially the jail/asylums that we keep hearing about.. I've also heard that what we know is the tip of the ice berg.. You are correct spuds, I don't know the exact figure but there were many schools in Alberta in the 50's & 60's that did good for the reserves and that the bands had to fight to keep open. Also, the abuse wasn't just clergy on students, as much or more of the abuse was older students on the younger ones.
  4. I wonder how many folks setting up these churches share the same "to each their own" attitude as you? Call up a cowboy church and ask if they perform gay marriages? I have a pretty good idea what the answer will be... WTF does that have to do with anything? Call up a Chinese restaurant and ask them if they do fondue, if they don't should they be ridiculed on a football forum? Who's ridiculing? I think organized religion has done far more "evil" in the past 2000 years than it's done good. And the more extreme/peculiar the religion, the more hateful and intolerant they tend to be. That's my opinion, expressed respectfully on a football forum. Enjoy your Chinese food. I am a regular church goer and can readily concede that religions can do and have done wonderful things for humanity. That said, it has been reported that there have been more killing over religious differences (at least that was the excuse) than any other reason. About 20 years ago, the chief theologian for the Catholic church (Hans Kung) wondered out loud in an interview whether mankind would not have been better off without organized religion. Within 24 hours of the airing of the interview, he was demoted to a small parrish in France. Religion is not the problem. It happens when politics and religion get into bed together. QFT. Unfortunately since the dark ages that has almost exclusively been the case. Even in the recent history of Canada, atrocities such as Residential schools for natives are living proof that politics and religion are a terrible mix. What about Communism, the Holocaust or Ethnic Cleansing, none have anything to do with religion, it's always about politics.
  5. Shea Emry is a slightly more talented Ejiro Kuale, with the right passport. He'll make a half decent play once in awhile, but totally blow it by then taking a 15 yard roughing penalty. But who are we going to designate as a target of bile for us? I'm hoping it will be a National.....the Internationals should be our best players.
  6. Some, it would seem, don't understand what was in the treaties either. You might want to educate yourself a bit. Considering it spawned it's own branch of law, I'm not going to argue with you, that is the simplest of understanding.
  7. This stuff was all in the treaties that were signed, in order to get your 50 acres of land, you had to be educated and know how to farm it. Shouldn't have signed the treaty, should have just had a massive war like in the USA and basically ended up dead or assimilated like them, which is the better choice? The world is a very different place 120 years ago, people don't understand that.
  8. I heard Sellinger mixed it himself in his basement to save money. Close, but it looks like these guys want to take credit for it. http://cmhconstruction.com/#Projects
  9. Wonder who mixed and delivered the concrete.
  10. Why sue the architect then if there were no design flaws? It's pretty obvious from reading the allegations in the SOC that BBB has pointed out design flaws. Some of it is just common sense too. How do you screw up between a wet and dry sprinkler system? One has water in it and one doesn't, one is for cold environments and one isn't. There was a massive disconnect between what was being built and what the owners wanted, the body responsible for that is to blame....hmm BOD.
  11. Anything to get butts in the seats....just like anything else.
  12. The general contractor, architect and engineering firm are all national companies.
  13. For sure - the Bomber brass should have known to catch rainwater in buckets and run out onto the street to dump it out. Foolish of them to just "expect" drainage. Just like they should have known enough to have the plumbing winterized....like I said wait for the whole story to come out. Suits are filed to preserve limitation dates on claims not always because someone screwed up.
  14. Two sides to every story, might want to wait hear them.
  15. Unlikely Curran will hold out much longer but you never know.
  16. Returning PR players, nothing to see here.
  17. An impressive looking staff Hall has put together, very nice.
  18. imo, Brohm looked good in the system last year when he got the opportunity, good move by Walters.
  19. Love to see him in a back up role for the Bombers.
  20. I would hope that's the plan and as far as the MLB position goes, we should be able to find better than what's on the market with a little bit of scouting down south. I give full marks to Walters for retooling the o-line with some vets, we have enough up and comers on the way that we really don't need to panic in that area. He just needs to finish the off season strong with the draft and scouting for the positions that still need help.
  21. There may have not been anyone available in free agency but that still doesn't change the need at those positions going forward.
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