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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Hard to blame the players when there is no playbook to follow.
  2. Just another piece of the puzzle that is the Bomber oline, good move.
  3. Racial profiling is discriminatory but it saves more lives than it takes, lives of all colors. Back to Sam though, how he effects the locker room is the issue, not why.
  4. Probably when they believe that they have the players to be a contender and are only being held back by the coaching.
  5. Another horrible decision by my favorite team. That's only half the news though. The other half is that Drew Willy is receiving radical new surgery in the off-season to be able to withstand the Bellefeuille protection packages... We know the Bombers are prudent with their spending so we might get a deal on a used Mark IV...... http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=bear+suit&FORM=VIRE6#view=detail&mid=0970521BAECE9CF4463F0970521BAECE9CF4463F
  6. No mystery here, look who was in charge and the decisions made over the year with the roster, way too many head scratchers to expect to make sense of anything.
  7. As with any player, it matters what affect he has on the locker room. Good players are traded or released all the time. The reason isn't as important as some want to make it out to be.
  8. Definitely should have pulled the trigger before GC week but I suspect that was what all the power struggle fuss was about.
  9. Pft, get away with your facts man. Seriously though, if the Bombers had an OC who could manage a two back system, he'd still be here and we'd be a better team for it.
  10. Thanks for posting that, what an awesome human being.
  11. When O'Shea isn't look'in, just get Etch on top of the trap door and pull the lever.
  12. Well that sucks.....was hoping Marcel was in the conversation too
  13. Walters seems to understand the importance of free agency and drafting so I would be surprised if he didn't try to improve his roster through both. When you finish 7 - 11 and out of the playoffs the question should be 'why wouldn't you'?
  14. You can't blame the process for the selections that were made. A bad pick is just that.
  15. Your post makes no sense. How do you get 7 good NI starters if you don't take the best player available (with consideration to availability around the NFL factored in)? Having a bunch of OL who might be ready to play in 2-3 years won't help us. Gotta draft and develop those mid-round guys into being players. How many 1st round picks on Calgary's OL or Saskatchewan's? We desperately need players who can play now regardless of position. Draft 1 OL with the first overall and pencil him in as a 2nd year starter. Draft 1 OL later in the draft and HOPE he will eventually turn into something down the line. Use the mid-rounds to bolster the rest of the NI roster. Gotta use your top picks to upgrade where you need to and for the Bombers, that's O lineman. That's how you end up with no top end Canadians. It's the Taman plan, look at the Riders roster, look at what he did here. They are SOL when Getzlaf and Foley are done. Might as well trade picks for good players if you aren't going to take the best player in the draft. lol, that's how you end up starting 6 or 7 top ones on your O & D lines, the rest don't matter, they are plumbers and teamsters which is exactly where they belong.
  16. If we get our two wayward NI draft picks who are pining away down south to come home, everything changes Yep Bilukidi and Mulumba are game changers. They would definitely help us catch up with the rest of the league but still lots of work to be done.
  17. Bravo, it's always 'next year' in the Peg, 24 of them and counting.
  18. Terry, I can't believe that you would even have to explain this concept on a football site? I'd really like to hear why the majority doesn't agree, it should provide entertainment until training camp.
  19. wild hurt for a couple games, Anderson lost for the season, vega playing injury all year...can you think of a defence that would be successful with as poor a defensive line as the Bombers had this year?Even before those guys got hurt we couldn't stop the run. That's the thing for me... Even with our personnel at 100% for the games we had them it made no difference. The other thing to consider is every team has injuries. You can't continually use that as an excuse for under performance. If the defense is sound. If every gap is covered from A-D then it should work. We need the right personnel in place. Every time we needed the defense late in games to seal the win for us, they failed. As the game went on, our run defense couldn't get the job done. They were worn out. I saw us out physicalled, if that is even a word... Pushed back 5 yards everytime. Our O struggled, yes. But there were games when it was up to Etch's defense to get the ball back for the O by stopping the other teams running backs & they never did. For me, the first change that needs to be made is who's running the defense & that is Etcheverry.and all those rushing yards led to exactly 1 loss in that Early going. So who cares about rushing yards allowed of it doesn't result in losses? Some of you are just so dead set I your ways and any scheme or design that goes against what you believe HAS to be wrong. Etch wasn't the problem..... But it did result in losses. We could never get the ball back or stop the other teams run games later in the season in the late fourth quarter to seal the deal. That can't be ignored. The defense was terrible. In a nut shell.
  20. Good lord, talk about not learning from past mistakes.
  21. Good move, guy has all sorts of talent and would love to see him become part of the regular offense too.
  22. Lawless hit the nail right on the head this time. MB at least had an excuse with all the injuries and declining QB play he got. What was Etch's? Sweet FA.
  23. No this isn't what it is at all, this is Mike and I and some others trying to explain that the defense wasn't as bad as some of you want to pretend it was. Stay or go with Etch I don't care, I'll trust O'Shea to make the choice he wants. If Etch is back though (which he probably will be) it's not the disaster that some of you want to pretend it is because the defense for all it's unconventionality was not really a problem this season. Now you're doing it Dave. The defense got worse as the season went on, it became susceptible to the pass because the secondary was being asked to stop the run, it was giving up big plays on the ground and now through the air, it was swiss cheese for any team, even the vaunted offense of the ORB's. But it really wasn't a problem. No it wasn't a problem. The offense was the biggest problem in the back half of the year, except as I mentioned those couple of games. Redblacks and Eskimos being a couple of them. But a big part of those losses was also the offenses inability to do anything. The last 2 BC games any kind of offensive production they can win. Against Hamilton the D kept them in that game and all the offense had to do was score that damned TD late. Defense kept them in the games against the stamps for the most part. A lot of you are trying to make believe pretty hard that the defense was a problem because it fits your preconceived notions about Etchevary. Offense was down right across the league, defense was winning games for virtually everyone. Could our offense have been better, absolutely, and if they were we probably do win more games but that's not what happened. What happened was games became defensive battles and when push came to shove, we got it shoved down our throat.
  24. No this isn't what it is at all, this is Mike and I and some others trying to explain that the defense wasn't as bad as some of you want to pretend it was. Stay or go with Etch I don't care, I'll trust O'Shea to make the choice he wants. If Etch is back though (which he probably will be) it's not the disaster that some of you want to pretend it is because the defense for all it's unconventionality was not really a problem this season. Now you're doing it Dave. The defense got worse as the season went on, it became susceptible to the pass because the secondary was being asked to stop the run, it was giving up big plays on the ground and now through the air, it was swiss cheese for any team, even the vaunted offense of the ORB's. But it really wasn't a problem.
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