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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Don't be obtuse.. Games doesn't mean ALL games.. Smh. Only if you stop being so pointed.....
  2. So the GM and coach don't know what they are talking about when they said the run differential decided games....okay.
  3. lol at Grigsby. As for the Bombers, it will give them something to chew on all off season.
  4. The old 'Quebec Rule' so that they can retain those homegrown Francophones for the cultural angle. The NHL did away with it years ago, the CFL is behind the times as usual.
  5. Good for him, a little playoff money coming his way perhaps. Montreal's looking to improve their special teams, not sure if this guy helps or not.
  6. care to give a recap of what makes you feel that way? I didn't catch it.Well I recommend trying to listen to it. But from what I recall, he talked about how much the inability to stop the run hurt us this season. He provided stats on that too...seems like he's clearly done his homework/analysis. He suggested O'Shea knows the run D is a problem but that O'Shea protects the coaches during the season; that was part of his plan going into the season. Said figuring out the coaching staff is his and O'Shea's first priority now; to me that says there's uncertainty there. It would appear he and O'Shea are not on the same page regarding the cost of not stopping the run. While many here were saying stopping the running game was a real problem O'Shea and many others here argued that was not really a problem as in so what? Protecting the coaches? If the coaches need to be babied get a freaking shrink and let the coach to concentrate on winning games. What the heck is this? Walters knows there's a real problem with stopping the run but does not do anything because it might rattle his coach, the coach sooner loose games while protecting his coaches and so the fans are left sucking off the hind T, again. At some point some will have to stop making excuses and just admit for this year O'Shea was just not ready but might have taken the opportunity to learn. We have to hope. I think you misinterpreted Walter's explanation, he's basically saying that O'Shea knew and knows there's a problem stopping the run but would not admit so publicly in order to protect his players and his coaches. O'Shea's style is to keep everything under wraps, which may be good for the football club but pisses off fans and media alike. Much like a politician open and honest communication is just not his style. Not having the clips available I'm not in a position to argue with you. However, I'm having a problem with your statement the fans were pissed off because he kept everything under wraps. To this point I agree with you but while keeping everything under wraps he did not do much to fix some big problems. He replaced Gribsby way too late and Keale only after he got hurt. His reaction time might have cost us a playoff position. Having said that I think the fans sent him and his bosses a pretty strong message at the last two games and I am sure they understood. He's wondering why O'Shea didn't do something about it during the season.
  7. Improve the scouting Draft Olineman 1st or 2nd round and later round developmental guy Improve run defence, contributing factor to losses along with QB play Improve rushing attack, prairie team must have strong rushing attack O'Shea is safe, even keel, leader, players like playing for him Roster turnover is a reality, 1 year contracts are the reality National Oline free agents, have to go all in to acquire, could be $250K Calgary has the winning system to model franchise after Walters pretty much nails it.
  8. Probably because you can't get an objective remark out of him. I suggest you and the others questioning the way MOS handles the media and answers those questions listen to the Walters interview on 1290. We know how he handles the media, he doesn't throw anyone under the bus, that's not being objective that's just being a good HC. HUh, you are confusing cuz your post prior somewhat suggests that you are questioning the way he handles the media. Nope, just that what he says isn't a true reflection of reality.
  9. He also said they were close to, but didn't quite get to sign, some of the O-Line guys they had worked out. The NFL is casting a wider net on O-Linemen and CFL teams are getting squeezed more. He explained how David Fourcault, drafted by Montreal was worked out by the Panthers and is now a starting tackle for them. More teams want capable players. Yup, he admitted the scouting dept was thrown into the fire along with basically everything else last season and that was a priority to correct. Very good interview and for the first time in a long time I liked what I heard from a Bomber GM, he gets it.
  10. Probably because you can't get an objective remark out of him. I suggest you and the others questioning the way MOS handles the media and answers those questions listen to the Walters interview on 1290. We know how he handles the media, he doesn't throw anyone under the bus, that's not being objective that's just being a good HC.
  11. Probably because you can't get an objective remark out of him.
  12. Of course. They can, should and will explore all options for putting the best combination of 16 imports, 7 NIs and 1 QB on the field. And they won't be so close-minded as to rule possibilities out 5 months before they even have the players assembled. You assume, we just heard Walters say how there was no plan in place for the oline for 2014 and why we ended up with internationals playing. This is the Blue Bombers we are talking about after all.
  13. care to give a recap of what makes you feel that way? I didn't catch it.Well I recommend trying to listen to it. But from what I recall, he talked about how much the inability to stop the run hurt us this season. He provided stats on that too...seems like he's clearly done his homework/analysis. He suggested O'Shea knows the run D is a problem but that O'Shea protects the coaches during the season; that was part of his plan going into the season. Said figuring out the coaching staff is his and O'Shea's first priority now; to me that says there's uncertainty there. If this is what he said then the writing is on the wall big time.... but if they fire Etch and keep Bellefool I'll be irate. One is much more deserving of a firing than the other. Yeah but they better have better options to go to. I don't want another Casey Creehan here either.
  14. QB Brian Brohm QB Josh Portis WR Romby Bryant WR Aaron Kelly RB Carl Volny OL Gord Hinse OL Glenn January OL Devin Tyler DT Zach Anderson LB Ian Wild LB Desia Dunn LB Johnny Sears LB Rene Stephan LB Mike Cornell DB Demond Washington CB Matt Bucknor
  15. Guess they wanted to give him a vote of confidence heading into the playoffs.
  16. And what exactly did we win when we had these guys in the lineup? What exactly have we won in any of the last 24 seasons, all 24 of which we didn't start 3 NI's at receiver? Guess they had too much maple syrup available during the breakfast buffets - they got infected with Canadiana. Terrible disease. Another losing season brought on by damaging the purity of our southern receivers with domestic food choices. I got it. You're lining up 7 NI's at center. Pyramid formation or totem? Not sure which is the traditional use. Hopefully when Walters and OShea get together and address how they want to handle the ratio next season they also list retired import receivers. "So should we pursue this free agent nose tackle, draft one high, or roll with Lucas and Thomas next season?" "Bobby Gordon." "Uhh, okay, do we have a report as to whether or not Graig Newman will be game ready by May?" "James Murphy." "Thanks. Well, how about Bucknor? Bring in another guy or leave him as the starter and Alexander backing him?" "Perry Tuttle. You have memory issues Walters? Jeff Boyd. This is so freaking easy." Well we haven't won anything even with those loaded receiving corps but we did contend and injuries played a big part in deciding things like they always do. But's it's not my problem if you prefer Watson, JFG & Kolhort over Stegall, Armstrong & Edwards, you just continue to ignore the real problems.
  17. http://www.bluebombers.com/nelson-martin Perhaps.
  18. Exactly. O'Shea said they were discussing the idea. Didn't sound like anything close to a for sure thing. The simple fact they are even discussing it when you have entire off season to add to your club is disturbing, never mind they aren't even good enough to be starters if you want to be a contender. Where is that thread about Talent Evaluation because this would take the cake.
  19. Last two games of the season we did. Thought so, so now they just need to upgrade the talent to fit the defence.
  20. That's what I thought, completely assbackward thinking that has resulted in all the losing seasons we have experienced. You do not play nonimports at skill positions unless they are Cornish-like freaks. You play them where they traditionally belong and that is the real problem which needs to be addressed, not haired brained ideas to try to cope.
  21. So the ratio doesn't apply to the Bombers? You've made it sound like you are familiar with the CFL in the past, but these rules sound like they are new to you. Let me guess, we'll line up 7 NI's at center. I see we have to start over. We already start 6, 3 on the oline, 3 on defence, we only need 1 more at receiver. WTF would you want to start 3 at receiver? Yes, "we" should. Maybe go look at a depth chart and count again. What are you talking about please explain?
  22. If Etch is incapable of running a 34 or 43 defence then he should go, but I thought I read that we were switching to a 34?
  23. So the ratio doesn't apply to the Bombers? You've made it sound like you are familiar with the CFL in the past, but these rules sound like they are new to you. Let me guess, we'll line up 7 NI's at center. I see we have to start over. We already start 6, 3 on the oline, 3 on defence, we only need 1 more at receiver. WTF would you want to start 3 at receiver?
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