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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. It's still falls back on the people in charge for either not hiring the right people to begin with or for firing the right people prematurely.
  2. Enjoy the experience, getting too emotionally invested in the team/game will only ruin it.
  3. Grigsby did a lot of things well early in the season too......football is all about what have you done for me lately.
  4. Mitchells only played 13 games his stats should be lower.
  5. I completely agree with the upgrades but that shouldn't be difficult at all for a GM to find.
  6. Jake Thomas. That's the only one I can think of too, and a 4th round after-thought too boot, just goes to show how bad it's been.
  7. lol, must have been his pet name in cell block 8 I was thinking of but that's the guy.
  8. It's a nothing game for both teams standing wise, just makes sense to be playing an eye for next year.
  9. O and D lines are 9 of your 24 starters, there is always more turnover and you need to account for that fact in drafting every year, whether you need it or not.
  10. It's not like we haven't drafted them tho... They have just been too good to trickle down yet.. The more you have, the greater the chances, we got tired of waiting on Mace and now he's in Calgary.
  11. De ferk? Literally no clue what your going for here.. Maybe something to do with Robert Baker not coming to Winnipeg from Toronto years ago? I dunno, just a guess. Yup, Shake n Bake was his rap name, he never showed up.
  12. It's the WBB Football club that is to blame for all this, they can't handle success, whenever this team gets close, they refuse to do what is needed to get over the top and stay there.
  13. I'd also bet we haven't drafted a d-lineman who has actually played a down for us in that time too. Ignore the lines and you pay the price.
  14. All you have to do is look back to the 2007 team to see what a real GC contender looks like. All around, the current cast of coaches and players isn't even close to what is needed. Coaching: the only one worth their salt is Wylie. Players: Maybe 6 would have a shot at starting on that 2007 team, maybe. You're talking an entire coaching staff and 18 players to get there, that ain't happening in one off season.
  15. Willy got happy feet in that first loss to the Riders and hasn't settled down since. Other teams just watched the film and did the same thing after that.
  16. At the end of the day, it's still a business and the bottom line took a beating. Wade has been pretty quiet which probably isn't a good thing.
  17. Boyko is NFL bound for sure, Groulx maybe not, if he's available and we don't take him I'd be blown away.
  18. We need to get Kris Sweet out of Montreal.
  19. Cotton can cut on dime, too bad we didn't see what his hands are like.
  20. No more smaller, faster. Next year I want to see a front 4 that can sack a qb, and huge receivers that Willy can see past 5 yards.
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