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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. DC http://www.stampeders.com/tony_missick
  2. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. The Stamps just execute very well, try to stop the run and they burn you with the deep ball, don't and they run it down your throat.
  3. I think he's a keeper, liked his play last night.
  4. Really - tell me who. Give some specific examples. I haven't seen a QB do what Marve did in Wpg since Clements. I have to agree with kk, Marve was made for the CFL game.
  5. The threat of a running QB makes the read option so much more effective for the RB and the Stamps had not prepared for it, from what I could tell. Stubler was screaming at his ends for losing contain.
  6. http://accesswinnipeg.com/2014/07/winnipeg-blue-bombers-all-time-streaks-and-records/ All-Time Streaks and Records (as of July 2014): ◾Third most Grey Cup wins in the CFL (10) ◾Most Grey Cup appearances (24) ◾23 First place regular season finishes ◾Longest Winning Streak, overall: 12 wins (Aug 3, 2001 to Oct 26, 2001) ◾Longest Winning Streak, home: 16 wins (Oct 23, 1983 to Oct 18, 1985) ◾Longest Winning Streak, away: 20 wins (Aug 11, 1960 to Sep 24, 1962) ◾Longest Winning Streak, in one regular season: 11 wins (2001) ◾Longest Losing Streak, overall: 13 losses (Aug 18, 1964 to Jul 30, 1965) ◾Longest Losing Streak, home: 8 losses (Sep 2, 1970 to Aug 19, 1971) ◾Longest Losing Streak, away: 13 losses (Sep 12, 1997 to Jul 29, 1999)
  7. I hope we may have found a couple tackles but have a feeling the success was due more to Brohm and Marve than anything. I have been saying all year the Willy holds the ball too long and does not move well enough in the pocket to play that way.
  8. Marve actually made Marcel's offense look dangerous, if we're keeping Marcel then Marve is the best fit.
  9. Well that should be enough now to get him fired in the off season. The look on O'Shea's face on that last Stamps drive said it all.
  10. Totally goes against everything we heard about having the horses and just needing to execute better and needing a spark to get them going. But in reality, a ******* dynamite enema wouldn't have cured their constipation.
  11. I'm looking forward to this one if only to see the look on Skanks face.
  12. It seems Nic Grigsby could not accept or understand that the RB position in the CFL is the one of the most if not cruelest positions to play. Ifhis plan is to stay in the CFL, it will be no different. This 'bad situation' Alex Suber refered to in his twitter is misguided as its not a situation unique to our club, it's straight across the board. Nah, the coaches not playing the best players and them looking to get out was the 'bad situation' he was referring to. Sitting Grigsby and Kelly just brought it to a head. Actually that statement supports what I said. In the RB world of the CFL, it's 'what have you done for me lately' (i.e., not four games ago) and lately Nic Grigsby was deemed 'not the best player'. He didn't accept that. What I'm suggesting is this scenario is not unique to the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. This is the reality of thge CFL. If Nic Grigsby lands with another CFL team, he will be met with this 'bad situation' guarenteed. If anything, based on CFL standards, the Blue Bombers demonstrated tons of patience with him. That would be correct except that O'Shea said he was starting Cotton because he was looking for a spark, not because he was the better option. I agree with what you're saying and Grigsby should have been nature enough to accept it but he wasn't.
  13. This could be the best lineup they've started all season, less Willy of course.
  14. It seems Nic Grigsby could not accept or understand that the RB position in the CFL is the one of the most if not cruelest positions to play. Ifhis plan is to stay in the CFL, it will be no different. This 'bad situation' Alex Suber refered to in his twitter is misguided as its not a situation unique to our club, it's straight across the board. Nah, the coaches not playing the best players and them looking to get out was the 'bad situation' he was referring to. Sitting Grigsby and Kelly just brought it to a head.
  15. Grigsby had a chance of winning the rushing title in the league this year, definitely a real shot at 1,000 yards, wonder if potential contract bonus's played a part in this, I think you will be hearing more on this soon.
  16. Well that actually makes some sense now about Grigsby being a cancer and basically forcing him out. But, he wouldn't be the first young player with this sort of attitude problem.
  17. The old wishbone, sounds like a Mike Kelly set. The problem with the Bombers is that they only run the ball on that little read play. Maybe if they actually had an offense with more than 1 or 2 formations to run out of, you get defences to back off.
  18. I can't agree with what he did either but just the other day O'Shea scoffed at changes because he was trying to build something and not tear it down. There were better ways to handle this situation than having a player quit on you because of playing time, time which he had earned throughout the season. There is a big difference between losing your job to the next guy because he out performed you then to lose it for really no reason at all. Both players could and should have been on the roster splitting touches and may the best man win. Just very bush league that it even had to come to this.
  19. Well.. You can have the best coaches in the league but if you don't have the best players or even good to great players you can't win ****. Our oline hasn't been good.. Which we thought wylie could fix, but the talent isn't there. The d-line requires us to blitz to get pressure, and even then we can't get to the QB. The recievers need work. We need a dominant running back with an oline that can run block. Thats a big list. Do i think the OC and DC are great? no.. No they are not.. But they also don't have the greatest players.. So you're blaming the GM for bringing in the guys the coaches wanted?
  20. Agreed completely. Ability to have a big game now and again, but underwhelming overall IMO. Really, I'd take his 6.0 average from 2012 Whitaker 4.5 Allen 5.4 Harris 5.3 Cornish 7.7 Other than Cornish, he'd be near the top.
  21. When Marcel was in Montreal in 2007, he changed AC's drop from a 5 to 3 step, which resulted in a record number of sacks and almost ended AC's career, eerily similar to what has happened to WIlly. The point, unless Marcel goes, doesn't matter who is back next season but I'd bring them all back to camp and go from there, hopefully with a new OC. I'd even show Wylie the door as he can't escape blame here either. Same goes for the defence, Etch must go before anyone else, bring them all back for camp but just add what you need for a 4-3 defence, which is only a MLB and a tackle or two. Hopefully we can add some more missing pieces through free agency and the draft but realistically, we are still at least 2 years away from making any noise.
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