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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. They gave him his options and he asked for his release and no one asked what the options were? or did I miss that part?
  2. From what I've seen this year, both Walters and O'Shea are too green for their current positions. Both have relied too heavily on Marcel and Etch as this team has their stink all over it. Strong GM's like Wally, Popp & Huff have their finger prints all over their teams regardless who's coaching.
  3. What is that supposed to mean? I would love to hear an explanation from the Bombers.
  4. Could be but Willy is beat to a pulp and I'm not sure that Collaros wouldn't be either, probably just looking at the same outcome. Damon Allen, Tracy Hamm, a younger Burris & Durant, might have chance to play all 18 games in this system.
  5. I expect to see a lot more of Brohm down the stretch so it only makes sense that he gets as many reps as he can.
  6. They both have to go as you can't waste another year recruiting players to fit their needs.
  7. and without a running QB. Marcel like Lapo really need a mobile QB as a threat to make their offences work consistently.
  8. Trestman had none. Former QB's would be a good place to start, especially ones with some coaching experience. Same thing for defence.
  9. It's not size, it's talent. Wild is not your prototypical MLB but he is playing damned well despite it. Turner isn't a behemoth at DL and he's fine. The guys we are using just aren't good enough. Anderson was playing well at DT but they lost him to injury and the replacements haven't been up to par. It's size and strength, they got rag dolled by bigger, stronger men. Line play always comes down to beating the guy across the line from you. then how come the OL was so poor when all Joe Mack did was draft or recruit the biggest strongest most athletic OL out there? There is much more to it than simply size and strength. If you suck you suck no matter how big and strong you are. Need talented people who can do what is asked of them it doesn't really matter if they're big or not. Blaming the size is what people do when they don't want to put any thought into their game analysis. The issues with what Etchevary does don't start with the preference to have smaller faster players. The things he does with his players is the issues that needs to be talked about first and foremost. You are as delusional as Etch if you think you can win with the right players in his defence. Every defence in the league and all the best ones are 43's built the traditional way for a reason. This has nothing to do with issues, it's common sense.
  10. I want to say something about how we are progressing but best to let it go and wipe this one from memory.
  11. It's not size, it's talent. Wild is not your prototypical MLB but he is playing damned well despite it. Turner isn't a behemoth at DL and he's fine. The guys we are using just aren't good enough. Anderson was playing well at DT but they lost him to injury and the replacements haven't been up to par. It's size and strength, they got rag dolled by bigger, stronger men. Line play always comes down to beating the guy across the line from you.
  12. How can you blame the GM and scouting staff when they have to find the type of player the coaching staff wants? I find it hard to believe that there aren't any DT's wondering around out there somewhere but we haven't brought a single one in from day 1 because they want tweener's instead. Every short yardage play from Edmonton ended up in 3+ yard gains, there was zero push from the dline. It's a catch 22 situation. The second half of the season is always the true measure of a team, just too small on the defensive front 7 and not enough talent on the offense, both need big changes.
  13. When they finally hire someone again who understands that when you build a football team, it's better to be bigger and stronger than your opponent.
  14. The penalties are something I would expect to see at a junior game, just awful, I can't believe a HC just turns his back on them.
  15. You can't lose another year of building this team by recruiting guys that fit the current DC and OC molds, have to fire both at the end of the season regardless. Just poach assistants from the good teams.
  16. PTSD, with the right coaching he will recover but not this season.
  17. We have become the destination for coaches to take a paid vacation. These teams shouldn't have even been on the same field today.
  18. Won/lost record will be similar too. Crazy offensive schemes v crazy defensive schemes. Animosity with the media. At least we haven't traded away our draft picks yet for some magic beans.
  19. Well I hope we put up more resistance than Ottawa did, that was a pancaking but you could tell from the get go that BC meant business and for a team missing so many weapons on offense they didn't miss a beat.
  20. Holy moly iso you are going way back into the memory banks with that one, http://cfldb.ca/faq/rosters/ The advantage I see with this is that you are not limited to the number of players being brought in throughout the year, good call.
  21. Regardless of how he does, I'm just happy to see an actual LB'er added to the roster.
  22. Big time comeback by the Argos. How they got Owens matched up on that LB'er with no safety help is a real head scratcher if you're a TiCat fan.
  23. This is all Marcel thinking he has a big play offence. After 3 quarters of 2 and outs again, they'll string together some 9 play drives just in time to run out of time. Complete and utter BS.
  24. I think Cotton isn't much different than Grigsby, both are more home run hitters than bangers and crashers.
  25. So Suber has 3 games under his belt with the Argos already and we have yet to see Gibson?
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