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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Because Napoleon Marcel Bellefeuille runs a BIG play offense and you have to have players with BIG play potential in the lineup, lol.
  2. Pretty sad though when just told us in his last presser that it wasn't the RB but hey coaches prerogative to change his mind I guess.
  3. This is what frustrates me the most about O'Shea. I can buy the 'you can't stick a newly arrived player into the lineup because he doesn't know the system' line. But, Cotton's been here all year and knows the system. Yet O'Shea tells the media that the Oline and RB are not the problem, that it's the defences blitzing when we have called a run play and have to call out of it. What the F does that even mean?
  4. imo, Dickenson was a better special team coach than what we have now. Marcel? Hard to tell, did the offence improve under him last season when he took over from Gary C or was it the play of Max Hall? No way to really compare apples to apples on that one. Defence under CC last year was right there with Daley as the worst of all time, so things have improved on that front barring a complete collapse down the stretch. I don't think the answer is as easy as it appears. I believe 7 in row was the longest losing streak last season, this team could go 9.
  5. Very interesting too when he was asked about the problem with the run game. He said it wasn't just the oline and RB, that many times on first down the defence was in cover zero........translation, Willy boy not reading the defence correctly yet.
  6. I would say that is false but only because that would require in game adjustments which we have yet to see.
  7. Lapo's offence was the same sort of meat grinder on qb's that MB is running, both work better with a qb who is actually a threat to run.
  8. I really hope Daniels can be a solid tackle, with all the international OL on the roster it would be nice to find 2 solid tackles to finish off the year with.
  9. I would like to think that starting Volny would allow us to start another international receiver but we haven't seen what we got in that regard so it wouldn't make any sense on the offense. However, if it allows us to start another international on defense, then it might be a good move.
  10. Anything in particular he said or just a gut feeling? Also who would be the leading candidates to replace them?
  11. Considering we are last against the run and last in rushing the football, those are the areas to focus on for next year. Find a tackling machine to play with Wild and Sherman (assuming those 2 are back starting) All d-line positions should be looked at, especially DE, we have no sack machine. A little more size on the interior wouldn't hurt either. Find two international starting tackles and fill out the rest of the line with nationals, Greaves, Goosen, Neufeld most likely I'd keep Grigbsy but I'd be looking for a power back to be my every down starter. Voila.
  12. lol, especially after just getting crushed by the worst team in the east.
  13. Ritchie knew the importance of starting 5 nationals on the oline, I don't remember them all but we had Sheridan, Lazeo, MacNeil, Mudge, Elewonebi, Sutherland.......most coaches would kill to have that line today.
  14. I'm sure that Walters already knows who he wants in this draft and what he has to do to make it happen.
  15. Bombers are starting a lot of new, young players, they need guidance and discipline, I don't know that a 'one of boys' type of HC is the best option.
  16. You are forgetting we have a rookie QB too, he is no Khari.
  17. Long story short.......make massive improvements to the nationals on both the O and D lines in the off season.
  18. The oline is so bad that Milt, Geroy and Bruce wouldn't make a difference at this point.
  19. lol, this is the best time of the year, so many things will happen, don't tune out.
  20. Things like home and family are always big considerations for a player but I don't believe that Sask natives are any different than any other place in Canada. I mean c'mon it's a **** hole compared to some places in Canada.
  21. I completely agree but, don't forget these coaches are/were jocks and most have a degree in exercise if anything. It's like watching a chess match between 4 year olds.
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