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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Would Eliminians 130 tackles this season help our team in that regard, I think so.
  2. Maybe if our linebackers actually played like linebackers instead of dlinemen or dbacks, they'd actually be better off for it.
  3. Yeah sorry but Lapo sunk himself with his passive playing not to lose, and there's a reason he's on TSN now not coaching in the CFL. Burke will never be a head coach in the CFL again because of how terrible he was at the job. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king, your highness.
  4. Bombers wouldn't pony up the $$$ to change his mind.
  5. So the playoffs are still possible if can win 2 of the last 4.
  6. I loved that piece by Lapo, say what you will about them but if Lapo and Burke were running the team instead of Mack, we'd be miles ahead of where we are now and both would probably still be here.
  7. We just seem too limited with what we do offensively and defensively for me to have any faith in either the OC or DC. You have to evolve and adapt as the season goes on.
  8. That alignment was a sell out, 9 defenders, including your safety, all on the los. The chances of something going terribly wrong were a lot higher than anything good coming out of it.
  9. Jones in Edmonton is a good example, he's instilled discipline in guys like Willis by giving them the hook when they act out.
  10. We're going to have to hope that we draft an OL who can start next year, I suspect both January and Morley will retire in the offseason. We will have to start an international at LT and fill out the rest of the line with nationals and have something behind them for when injuries hit.
  11. Tackling as defined by Etch: strip the ball, don't worry about bringing the runner down.
  12. We need both Goosen and Neufeld to step up and start next year as well as a new RT.
  13. Not just that play, we were in second and 3 earlier and threw an incomplete bomb too. It's been our MO all year, Marcel likes his low percentage plays.
  14. Etch has to be fired in the off season, there is absolutely no way we can waste time recruiting players to fit his defence. That will just set us back even further in the rebuild.
  15. I think he's just making the point about how pie in the sky it is to think the oline can be fixed anytime soon.
  16. Yes you are and have been since you came into the league.
  17. I'd be happy if they just got rid of those ugly gold unis. Any HC that would let his team play in those things needs his head examined.
  18. pretty sad half of football and not just from the players
  19. Me and my arch-enemy 'The Turnover' heartily disagree with you. Chicken or the egg. After the blocked punt in the Hamilton game, they started at our 30, handed the ball off twice and were in the end zone. Difference between a TD and a FG and a win and a loss for us.
  20. Just keep the Mack & Wil linebackers in the middle of the field and we'll be fine.
  21. I think Volny gets a bad rap just because he's a national, he did play for D-1 school, He also carries more weight than Grigsby which is why he looks like a better down hill runner, he's about the same size as Andrew Harris and really, I think we should see more of him to see if he can amount to something.
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