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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=we+need+a+miracle+history+of+the+world&qpvt=we+need+a+mircacle+history+of+the+world&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=54FB2AF66C2FAC2E2E3254FB2AF66C2FAC2E2E32
  2. Gainer is plan C. lol, we know what that is like.
  3. I wonder what Plan C is going to be.....
  4. Pulse and a passport is all it takes, eh? Talent? Pffft. Wonder how much longer BC is going to put up with that Andrew Harris clown? He's injured again. At least they can rest assured that his production won't be hard to replace. Given the choice, which one would you rather have on your team? This would have to be classified as a non-point. Aaron Rodgers? Not sure, but if we're playing make believe then that's my answer. We've had Canadian bodies taking up space on the field who catch balls once in a while. Receiving threats? The only one since Gerald Wilcox who comes anywhere close to being a player defences feel threatened by is Watson. Does he get injured? Sure. Will we easily find a player with comparable talent to replace him? No. We can probably find another Hargreaves fairly easily. I sure don't want that. The ability to find playmaking NI receivers seems to be greatly overestimated by some here. Look at Ottawa. They have no talent at all for NI receiving. They have Matt Carter. He has 356 yards so far this season. Is that better than all our guys? Yep. Is he better than any of our guys? Nope. He has been targeted over and over by Burris in that offence and has 356 yards to show for it, and I'm guessing those numbers include the forward progress he makes before he fumbles the ball. I'm pretty sure he's been targeted more than all our NI's combined, and then multiplied by 2. If a decent NI receiver had that opportunity he'd have around 700 yards already. Fantuz hasn't seen half that much pigskin and he has almost 500 yards. Carter is getting the biggest opportunity he will ever have in his career and is showing himself to be a larger-bodied Geoff Drover. Watson has actual talent. Moving him and replacing him with what will almost certainly be a significantly inferior player, a guy with a passport and a pulse? I think that's a terrible move for the Bombers, and an obvious downgrade in overall talent. That thing we keep saying needs to be upgraded. Taking him out and putting in a Matt Carter/Hargreaves/Drover/longlistofuselessNIreceiversoverthelast15years? On purpose? Barf. We won't be starting 3 international linemen forever, ideally 1 maybe 2, in either case national receivers will simply be a luxury not a need. We need O and D national linemen and if Watson lands us one, we win.
  5. Like Milt, he's still under contract to the Bombers.
  6. Pish posh, all we need is a pulse and a passport, guys like Watson are a dime a dozen... Getting rid of a NI starter in exchange for a middling draft pick is a surefire way to build a cup contender. Not too hard to replace his production when he can't stay in the lineup. Denmark, C WPG 51 750 14.7 58 1 Kelly, A WPG 39 515 13.2 47 3 Moore, N WPG 32 469 14.7 51 0 Grigsby, N WPG 51 421 8.3 45 1 Kohlert, R WPG 27 348 12.9 37 3 Bryant, R WPG 17 207 12.2 47 0 Watson, C WPG 14 203 14.5 47 3 Feoli-Gudino, J WPG 23 200 8.7 22 2 Now aren't those some interesting numbers there... only one receiver is less than 12 yards per catch.... just saying. He's not a bad possession guy but he isn't as versatile as the other guys. and, he has more TD's than Moore & Denmark combined
  7. Pulse and a passport is all it takes, eh? Talent? Pffft. Wonder how much longer BC is going to put up with that Andrew Harris clown? He's injured again. At least they can rest assured that his production won't be hard to replace. Given the choice, which one would you rather have on your team?
  8. Pish posh, all we need is a pulse and a passport, guys like Watson are a dime a dozen... Getting rid of a NI starter in exchange for a middling draft pick is a surefire way to build a cup contender. Not too hard to replace his production when he can't stay in the lineup. Denmark, C WPG 51 750 14.7 58 1 Kelly, A WPG 39 515 13.2 47 3 Moore, N WPG 32 469 14.7 51 0 Grigsby, N WPG 51 421 8.3 45 1 Kohlert, R WPG 27 348 12.9 37 3 Bryant, R WPG 17 207 12.2 47 0 Watson, C WPG 14 203 14.5 47 3 Feoli-Gudino, J WPG 23 200 8.7 22 2
  9. I have to admit, I was just trolling for a Prider with that one, and I agree about them being mediocre.
  10. Depth is just another component of progression, it is neither a reason nor an excuse. Depth is something that is primarily built in offseasons though, can you honestly expect depth to get better during a season? It's not bloodly likely since injuries deplete depth like clockwork during a season. You add and subtract to your team in the offseason, you find out about your depth during the season, like we are now. I don't believe any team actually gets to a stage when injuries don't affect them but if we did, we will have progressed.
  11. So let me get this straight. If Mike O'Shea stated on the radio that the helmet speaker stopped working, you think he's lying and is trying to cover up for some screw up on their part. But if Lawless, Wiecek or Friesen say anything...OMG IT'S THE TRUTH!!!! HOW CAN YOU GUYS NOT BELIEVE THE MEDIA, AS IF THEY WOULD LIE TO US!!!!!1111!!! YOU GUYS ARE ALL CONSPIRACY THEORISTS! Seriously man, this is why people question the things you say. Because you believe the guys who just want to bash on the Bombers, but you won't believe the head coach when he said there was a malfunction. Your not drawing me into yet another media argument. This one has absolutely nothing to do with the media. Is it possible that it was just bad luck and bad timing at a critical part of the game? Sure. Probable? Not in my opinion. Worth arguing about? Nah. If O'Shea fed you pablum and called it a steak, you'd not only believe him, but you'd argue with everyone else that is was the best steak you ever ate. Yeah, because we're just sheep that believe everything he says and does and have never argued about some of the choices he's made this year. My point above doesn't have has anything to do with the media, it's the fact that you make no sense in who YOU specifically choose to believe in your posts, so it dirties your rep. What would make you think O'Shea is lying to everyone about this? It's not like he walks around telling everyone a bunch of BS all the time. But according to you he's making an excuse, or in fact lying to everyone, to cover his butt. Yet you choose to believe practically anything the media says and defend them at all stakes. The comparison I made is not media vs O'Shea, it's about how you interpret who is telling the truth and who is BSing you. MOS is a very matter of fact guy who seems pretty down to Earth. I don't agree with him on all his choices (run defense, starting certain players, etc...), but I can't see what the point would be for him to lie about this. His team already made enough mistakes all game, there's no reason for him to lie about this one thing. He didn't even mention the bad calls the refs made during the game. That right there shows integrity. Even though he knew they were wrong he didn't go around calling them out on it. I don't always believe what players, coaches, management or media say. Years of experience lead me to believe that all of them lie or massage or spin the truth or give a version of the truth that puts them in the best light. They all go through the same media training. O'Shea's never going to blame a player or coach or any of the management team for that matter in public. It's been his MO since the day he took the job. He's never wavered from it and I don't think he ever will. If a coach didn't get the play call in in time, O'Shea wouldn't call him out. If Willy didn't get the play off on time, O'Shea wouldn't call him out. If other players didn't get lined up in time, O'Shea's not going to call them out. If a player or coach was supposed to be watching the clock and didn't do it, O'Shea's not going to call him out. O'Shea's not calling the plays, so he can't fall on his sword and take the blame, which he's done on other occasions. Blaming the tech is an easy way out. O'Shea is hardly up front about most things in the media. He keeps stuff behind closed doors. Lots of folks around here have commended him on that, but they still want to believe that everything he says is gospel. You can't have it both ways IMHO. That bolded one is what bothered me about this. Usually an o-lineman is watching so that if he has to, he can take a procedure penalty to avoid the time count. It's basically giving up 5 yards for a time out.
  12. The plan would be to acquire a veteran QB who will pretty much assure you a home playoff game, that would be the only way you could justify the cost for him. If he fails to deliver on that home playoff game though, then you look like a chump.
  13. Depth is just another component of progression, it is neither a reason nor an excuse.
  14. Only because I think this is a good topic to discuss, I will make it easy for you. imo the only significant injury that has cost us has been at long snapper. Zach Anderson, Nic Moore, and Jason Vega. and....how exactly do we know that? Have their replacements made mistakes that lead directly to losses. Are you suggesting no top receiver in the lineup hasn't directly contributed to our losses? Key word being contributed. I said this, The injury excuse just avoids the question, it doesn't answer it, it's either yes or no, then you can go into the reasons why. I don't buy the injury excuse either but because it's past noon now, I'm not really understanding exactly what you're saying with this line. Are you just challenging people to be more specific? Not having a healthy Nic Moore in the lineup has directly contributed to us losing games. Why? Because his replacement hasn't matched his level of productivity (see stat sheets). That's not an excuse, that's just a fact. However, that's on us though of not having the necessary depth to maintain his level of productivity necessary to help us win. As I've said before, lately Calgary is a good example of showing some success in this area. All you're doing is projecting though. Last game we almost doubled Hamilton in offensive output but still lost. We lost because of a blocked punt leading to a TD and bad penalty at the end of the game, not because Nic Moore wasn't in the lineup. Hmmm okay, yes I'm projecting however I am using his previous game productivity to suggest without that in the lineup helps decrease our chances for success. Not to make anyone's head spin, one could suggest you also are projecting about reasons for our loss. We have no idea what would have happened if our punt wasn't blocked. There are so many different scenarios, some good, some bad. As for the penalty, completely out of our control. What actually happened though: punt was blocked and TD scored two plays later; clock management was ****, delay of game penalty, cost down and time. If Brohm had started instead of Willy and we lost, most would have said Brohm was the reason. That is just wrong though, it's just an excuse, same as any other injury. Only what actually happened on the field is what matters just as in the question posed, are we progressing, and the answer is still no, without reasons or excuses.
  15. Only because I think this is a good topic to discuss, I will make it easy for you. imo the only significant injury that has cost us has been at long snapper. Zach Anderson, Nic Moore, and Jason Vega. and....how exactly do we know that? Have their replacements made mistakes that lead directly to losses. Are you suggesting no top receiver in the lineup hasn't directly contributed to our losses? Key word being contributed. I said this, The injury excuse just avoids the question, it doesn't answer it, it's either yes or no, then you can go into the reasons why. I don't buy the injury excuse either but because it's past noon now, I'm not really understanding exactly what you're saying with this line. Are you just challenging people to be more specific? Not having a healthy Nic Moore in the lineup has directly contributed to us losing games. Why? Because his replacement hasn't matched his level of productivity (see stat sheets). That's not an excuse, that's just a fact. However, that's on us though of not having the necessary depth to maintain his level of productivity necessary to help us win. As I've said before, lately Calgary is a good example of showing some success in this area. All you're doing is projecting though. Last game we almost doubled Hamilton in offensive output but still lost. We lost because of a blocked punt leading to a TD and bad penalty at the end of the game, not because Nic Moore wasn't in the lineup.
  16. Legget by far is the MVP of that secondary, I'd say Johnson & Randle are pretty much a toss up both have been solid, Washington's been okay but not at the same level as the other three just mentioned and Bucknor I will say has been a pleasant surprise considering.
  17. Other than Ottawa maybe but they get a pass this year. I look at the Bombers and see: A QB who can get the job done A reliable FG kicker A stout defense That's pretty much all you need if the coaching is up to snuff.
  18. Only because I think this is a good topic to discuss, I will make it easy for you. imo the only significant injury that has cost us has been at long snapper. Zach Anderson, Nic Moore, and Jason Vega. and....how exactly do we know that? Have their replacements made mistakes that lead directly to losses. Are you suggesting no top receiver in the lineup hasn't directly contributed to our losses? Key word being contributed. I said this, The injury excuse just avoids the question, it doesn't answer it, it's either yes or no, then you can go into the reasons why.
  19. Cleanup the turnovers and penalties and they'd be contenders this year never mind next.
  20. The injury excuse just avoids the question, it doesn't answer it, it's either yes or no, then you can go into the reasons why.
  21. Last year our Oline came together once January was out for a bit and Jones went to LT then when January can back he went to RT ( Jones ) and down the stretch the Oline played very well. In my opinion January has had a poor year overall he always seems to be banged up I know he is a trouper and plays with pain and he is a good leader but I am seeing an average player these days he isn't nearly the player he was a few years ago I am not sure if his body is breaking down or what is happening but I am wondering if its time to make more dramatic changes to the oline like starting 3 Nationals and possibly sitting January or move him to an easier position ( RT ) And I would like to see the 3 hour brawler in there over what we have seen that is what is missing with this group someone with an edge to their game... The Ticat ends had January on roller skates most of the game, he was getting physically bull rushed but so where the rest of them at times. Just a really good dline they were up against.
  22. 6'2" with a 40 inch vertical, not bad, could stand to put on a few more pounds though.
  23. Darrin Bauming @DarrinBauming Now Canadian running back Carl Volny is taking reps with the #Bombers first-team O.
  24. Only because I think this is a good topic to discuss, I will make it easy for you. imo the only significant injury that has cost us has been at long snapper. Zach Anderson, Nic Moore, and Jason Vega. and....how exactly do we know that? Have their replacements made mistakes that lead directly to losses.
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