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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. I like Moore and Kelly but otherwise I'd be looking for another big body target for the inside slot.
  2. Only because I think this is a good topic to discuss, I will make it easy for you. imo the only significant injury that has cost us has been at long snapper.
  3. It's a matter of perspective. You can't really compare the current roster to the one that started the season, mostly due to injuries. It's pretty hard to measure progression when so many guys who started the first game are not playing. It's the same standard for all teams in the league, injuries effect everyone. Of course it is. But it was clear going into the season that they could ill-afford injuries at certain positions. Measuring their improvement by that standard means you're measuring how much they could improve their depth during the season. Depth isn't very likely to improve after TC. As there is no way to know how the team would be doing without injuries, you can only base it on how they have done with them, and that is what I have done.
  4. The spread offense has been figured out by defenses around the league. Toronto is running more of a west coast style and I expect them to continue to have success as long as Ray and his weapons stay healthy. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see them win it all this year if Burke get's his act together.
  5. It's a matter of perspective. You can't really compare the current roster to the one that started the season, mostly due to injuries. It's pretty hard to measure progression when so many guys who started the first game are not playing. It's the same standard for all teams in the league, injuries effect everyone. yes but the point here is that the bombers aren't a deep team and we knew that going into the year. I think what it shows more than anything is that when healthy this is a decent team, but when not healthy they don't have that extra gear to pick up the wins. Well one sign of progression would be your starting qb running the 2 minute drill. He shouldn't have to have plays called in week 13th should he?
  6. It's a matter of perspective. You can't really compare the current roster to the one that started the season, mostly due to injuries. It's pretty hard to measure progression when so many guys who started the first game are not playing. It's the same standard for all teams in the league, injuries effect everyone.
  7. You don't go to war with the media, especially in this town.
  8. I would not be surprised to see Watson moved either, what do you think his value might be, 3rd round pick?
  9. BC put up a whopping 7 pts on the Stamps. Cgy lost to Mtl. Any team can beat anyone on any given day. Riders have a good team, sorry but that is a fact.Let me guess, you wrote off the Riders last year during their 4 game losing streak? Was Durant hurt during that stretch last season? If not, I don't see the comparison. Going by the majority of the comments on here before Durant got hurt, he isn't all that valuable. Funny how that works hey? He's probably more valuable at extending drives with his legs and improvising than any other qb in the league, and probably the hardest to bring down that I have ever seen. He'll never be considered an elite qb like Ray or Calvillo though, he's sand lot all the way.
  10. BC put up a whopping 7 pts on the Stamps. Cgy lost to Mtl. Any team can beat anyone on any given day. Riders have a good team, sorry but that is a fact.Let me guess, you wrote off the Riders last year during their 4 game losing streak? Was Durant hurt during that stretch last season? If not, I don't see the comparison.
  11. You're confusing effort level with execution and discipline. The effort level is not an issue, it's been there since day 1. It's the coachable, teachable things like discipline and execution that have been killing them during the losing streak. Those are the things that we are being told the coaching staff is working on correcting.....for the past 8 weeks now.
  12. Actually, rookie qb has done everything you can ask of him, supporting cast around him not good enough.
  13. Double standard, he's offered the press next to nothing all year on the team and them get's upset when they interrupt something incorrectly. I like Osh and think he will be a good HC in the league but he may not last through the media storm if he keeps it up, they have chewed up and spit out better men than him in this town.
  14. After each of those losses, Osh's reply to press has always been, we need to do a better job coaching/teaching the players not to make those mistakes. Going on 8 weeks now, the media has the right to ask how long is this going to take to sink in.
  15. He was injured and out of the lineup, last 3 games since he's been back: AK: 19 - 210 CD: 14 - 153
  16. A Kelly is becoming our best and most reliable receiver, I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not but at 6'4" he's also our tallest receiver, coincidence or do we need more height in our receiving corps.
  17. I would argue that they have yet to come through when the game is on the line, at least I can't recall that scenario happening this season? First game in BC? At Montreal? At Hamilton? First home game against Saskatchewan? At home against Montreal? Banjo Bowl, continually getting the ball back to our offense in the 2nd half? Yesterday, again getting the ball back to our offense and holding Hamilton to field goals? Short memory? Yeah the defense has actually been quite effective for the most part this season. I dunno why people don't want to admit it. They haven't been a dominant D that can win games on their own, but it's rare that they have actually completely failed. Given this team chances to win most of the games. The biggest disappointment for this team has been the special teams by far. Expected a lot better out of them but they've made a lot of huge mistakes and basically cost the team several games. 4th in offense, 8th in defense, the stats speak for themselves.
  18. I would argue that they have yet to come through when the game is on the line, at least I can't recall that scenario happening this season?
  19. Etch just has to knock off the crazy alignments vacating the middle of the field of linebackers and Marcel needs to get more crayons for his playbook.
  20. This was terrible coaching plain and simple, with no time outs left, Willy should have been given both the 1st and 2nd down plays to run, that is done at every level of football in this situation.
  21. Help me out here then, what exactly is the point of this comment, that the coach got a little bent during the show?
  22. We have not progressed from game 1 to game 13 of the 2014 season, which is the most disappointing thing. I'm actually happy with the 6 wins so far but there isn't much to be optimistic about for the remainder of this season at the current pace of things. As always in Bomber land, unfinished business remains the mantra.
  23. So, let me get this straight, the coach just suffered his 5th loss in 6 games and his priority is to 'get to the bottom' of a tweet???? No wonder the ship is sinking.
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