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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. See my tough love (on Willy) thread - exactly what I've been saying. 9 td passes in 12 games. Not good enough Because real fans don't blame their team, they blame everyone else, lol.
  2. Very surprised that we continue to see the same problems dragging this team down, the players don't appear to be responding to what the coaches are teaching them.
  3. We waited too long to add a 6th blocker to the line, we should have had 7 blocking from the get go, everyone and their dog new that Hamilton's front 7 and especially their d-line was going to be the challenge in this game, except for our coaches? Really boggles the mind.
  4. Yet their only TD came on two straight hand offs from the 30 with basically no resistance from the defence. Same old same old all around with this bunch that has been consistent since the losing started. Offense, defense and special teams all having brain farts.
  5. I'd hate to think where we'd be without Willy, he's surround by a mediocre cast and crew.
  6. and don't forget, O'Shea is the only coach allowed to speak to the media.......so of course he's the mouth piece of the organization.
  7. I wouldn't be too quick to release the guy, he'll have value as an injury replacement for some team should the need arise.
  8. I agree in principle with this, but pepping up the defence is not the need (except against the run)- the problem is an anemic offense and it sure as heck looks like Romby is just going through the motions. He was brought in to be a deep threat, but he has to actually get open and catch the ball to be a threat. Agree about the offence but credit has to go to Marcel for that.
  9. Nice job Desjardins, even the Bomber train wreck of 2013 found a way to win 3 games that season. No surprise that the Esks squashed the Riders, even with Durant the Esks are the superior team when healthy. White is a freak.
  10. A 300+ lb. D.E. can inflict a serious amount of pain in an instant as happened when Durant met Mr. Turner. If he's not healed sufficiently Willy won't have a chance to get sore, it's more likely he'll get broken. Sure, he could break a leg which has nothing to do with a sprained shoulder.
  11. Yeah, why are they sticking with this bum? If they were smart they'd put in the guy who started the first 6 games. Now that guy was decent. With a young starting QB and really newly rebuilt team people should be a bit more patient and a lot more impressed with how the Bombers are playing in a tough division. 1 - 5 in the division, including a 23 point loss to Edm and 17 point loss to the Lions. I don't know how to be impressed by that?
  12. I was thinking the same thing, not sure why Taman had to make this move at all? Why not just bring some in for a look see?
  13. I don't think it's an injury that playing on will matter for his long term health. If it's not too sore Willy will start, that's how football goes, and if get's too sore Brohm will come in and finish up.
  14. 1970 was the last year they made tough guys, anyone born after that is a *****.
  15. I'm actually not as concerned as some about Brohm starting, McManus liked him so he must have something to offer.
  16. I would much rather see Hickman and Turner at DT than Thomas and play Richardson and Pall at one end and Peach & Booker at the other.
  17. What you didn't take into consideration was the issue of subtlety of word transference….a rather common oversight. The old SOWT......and here I thought you were just FOS
  18. 'A fool and his money are quickly parted.' Hope he gets it back though.
  19. Hank played well but ended up turning into Frank with the game on the line. Kudos to Tino for picking his game up. The kid looked great in the fourth quarter. My Grandmother would have looked great with all the time he had to stand and throw to wide open receivers.
  20. I can see why Ottawa will be all over Alex Hall, their dline gets no pressure at all, and their DC doesn't know how to dial up a blitz. Hank is Hank but that defence let him down.
  21. This is turning out to be the best week ever.......and we didn't play.
  22. Too many QB injuries because offences have not evolved the same way defences have to counter the speed of the rush.
  23. Agreed Mark H and what most people fail to realize about Tretsmans offense was that he always had 7 men blocking, that Montreal oline got all the credit but had help too.
  24. A bit concerned with Willy's game management/decision making at times too, hope that comes around with experience as well. But having said that, like all QB's you have to give him time to throw the ball.
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