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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Our oline is going to have to do a better job than Edmonton's did against that Hamilton front 4 or it will be a long day for whoever's under centre.
  2. Both those dlines dominate against so-so olines, pretty darn good game overall though and the result was good.
  3. Occupational hazard for a running back, very few have long careers.
  4. Only Ottawa has been worse offensively over the 1 - 5 stretch than us, the logic is flawed.
  5. I wasn't talking about you Resurrection as far as the apology. Those who were cherry picking my quotes out of context know darn well what they were doing was bush league but they've done it repeatedly anyway (and no, I'm not overreacting). However, referencing another board over here is a dangerous thing to get into. The Riderfan.com/Ztella (Cornish) beef is an old and complicated one. Best to leave the battle over there. Cornish brought that on himself. He actually said that he preferred to mix it up & talk trash with Rider fans than post on his own team's board (who were begging him to participate) because he felt some Stamps fans there were losers & it wasn't busy enough. If a player goes to a rival board espcially RF.com & says dumb things then he deserves to get lit up just like we would if we did the same thing. Ztella as Cornish calls himself never posts on CFL Horsemen. Thank you. Seriously, What kind of "professional" football player posts on another teams fan board, admits who he is, and trashes the team and the fans. Cornhole is a loser and I suspect he has some other issues also. He tops it off by mooning us fans at a game in Regina. He will be hated forever by Rider Nation, period. As for the stamps, there was always a heated rivalry there anyway. lol, we should be thankful that the CFL has had so many colorful characters to keep us entertained over the years.
  6. You can't reason with some of the pom pom waivers on here though. Suggest any sort of change and you are a negatron troll, so might as well have some fun with it.
  7. BC is still mediocre (what do you expect with Glenn) but TO is really coming on, thanks for the help.
  8. Sure start all over again like we always do every 3 or 4 years, great idea, no wonder we can't win a GC in 24 years, we're too busy rebuilding all the time. Maybe if we just decided to build a team to win everything now, it might actually work?
  9. Coverage sacks are just good defence, they happen but the ball should in the 5th row by then aways.
  10. Ottawa and Hamilton are upcoming, so it's still possible. Don't waste the typing effort bud, outside revels in the fact we are losing.. The only thing I hate worse than losing is doing nothing about it. What do you suggest they do. It's easy to make a comment like that but there doesn't seem to be much substance in that comment. What do you suggest they do, I want names and i want who they replace on the roster. Name let's say 3 guys they should sign and who those 3 guys should replace, Keep in mind, those guys you want to be signed, they need to want to sign in the CFL.. so there goes Matthews, Thigpen and Alex Hall who is out for the season with a hand injury of some kind. Those guys you are looking for, should have been brought in to training camp and should be on the PR or waiting for a phone call.
  11. Well if we had better blocking maybe Willy would still be in one piece. I can understand that Moore & Denmark & Kelly & Grigsby are the main targets and the big play guys but if you don't have anyone to get them the ball it's pointless anyways. Willy got hurt on his own and I'm not sure how you don't understand that. The reality of this is simple, Pontbriand and Fitzgerald are good role players, but that's all they are and all they ever will be. This isn't a shot at them but fact is, they aren't that good actually. Willy hurt himself. Putting that on anyone other than Willy is ridiculous. The pocket collapsed and he had to step up, maintain a pocket for him to stand and wait for a receiver to open up and it's all good. Willy is pocket passing QB not some demolition man like Riley & Buck. Priority #1 with him should be protection and that means a pocket to throw from.
  12. The problem is the ratio, we play Sherman and Bucknor over Sears instead of starting Fitzgerald or Pontbriand over Romby Bryant? That should be a no brainer considering Romby isn't exactly tearing things up.
  13. Well if we had better blocking maybe Willy would still be in one piece. I can understand that Moore & Denmark & Kelly & Grigsby are the main targets and the big play guys but if you don't have anyone to get them the ball it's pointless anyways.
  14. Ottawa and Hamilton are upcoming, so it's still possible. Don't waste the typing effort bud, outside revels in the fact we are losing.. The only thing I hate worse than losing is doing nothing about it.
  15. The o-line coach usually only works with the players on their footwork, aiming point and punch, all technique things. If you want to know how well the players are being coached just watch for these things. Pretty hard to grade Wylie in half a season. If a guy like Goosen ended up being a starter by the end of the year, then you could pretty much give Wylie an A+ for honing his technique.
  16. Unfortunately the FB position died out long ago in the CFL, which is too bad because today the players are much more athletic and able to run and catch as well as most other offensive positions. I'm not surprised that Marcel doesn't have an alignment with a FB in the backfield but am surprised that it isn't something that would be added during the year as the playbook expands. Marcel needs to expand the playbook plain and simple.
  17. 0 - 2 for anyone keeping track, with Willy down 2 - 6 may not even be realistic anymore.
  18. And Kuale was a DE when he started with the Argos, so the comparison is directly on point since you want to get technical about it.
  19. Not per se, but I'm closely connected to the guys out in the fields. I help with making hay, vegetable harvest, yard work, etc. And also play pac man at the same time . But whatever you do, don't back up into that sheet with the hole in it.
  20. I find it funny that people joke about driving a $500,000.00 piece of technology......what are you driving that makes you so special.
  21. Wonder what that's all about? Gotta love these trades between the same owner, can basically formulate any rumor you want to justify bolstering the weak sister. Complete crock of **** if you ask me and should be rule against this sort of collusion and clear conflict of interest.
  22. Pffttt.. Kuale is way better. They don't play the same position. Hickman is a DE. If you must throw a Bomber under the bus every time a team in the CFL signs someone at least pay attention to what position you should pick. Comparing Kuale and Hickman doesn't make sense. not much does unfortunately.. Also.. Rumoured and confirmed are definitely two different things... Would be nice if the negatrons could hold off until things actually happen as opposed to rumours and things that could happen.. Just relax you two, you do realize that Hickman was playing the same position in Indy that Freeman and Muamba are don't you? The guy can play either position and for our system, Kuale IS the better fit. I won't wait for an apology so carry on with your bashing.
  23. Are you building it in a wheat field........where is the infrastructure around it?
  24. We'll beat all 3 of those teams because our guys won't quit.
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