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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. This is fantastic... mbrg, you rarely disappoint These could also be considered self-contradictory oxymorons- like military intelligence and feminine logic. or All-star Linebacker Henoc Muamba
  2. I would agree with that especially when Leggett had to come up leaving one on one coverage in the back end.
  3. I agree. You and me mighta been the only posters not full bore shilling for the H-Bomber. He was obviously superior to a hobo like Kuale - almost as intense but able to cut thru fat and clutter on the line to get to the ball carrier. Personally, I thought he was weak in intermediate coverage and of course, given his main asset was quickness around the line he was useless in intermediate to long coverage. Until I saw him in his last exhibition for Indy. Unless he was playing in garbage time vs. hobos he was tremendous. Put on 15 to 20 lbs. and he's formidable on the line - even vs. heavier NFL monsters. What sealed it was seeing him actually dominate in intermediate to long coverage. A heavy LB, not known for speed or a good dropback covering guys like glue downfield. Impressed to say the least. Bombers knew they were gonna be hard-pressed to replace him. They gave up on finding a canuck replacement and the only guy they could find was one of O'Shea's old Argo rounders. They've been able to hide Kuale well in Etch's wild-minded schemes but against a pure road-grader offense they're dying out there with Kuale. On top of that, he often guessed the wrong gap and wasn't a very good open field tackler. The Bomber d-line did a nice job last year of funneling the play to him where he was lights out. I'm happy to see him doing well in Indy, their defence was made for CFL linebackers, Freeman has excelled in it.
  4. Does suck for AM he had a chance of sticking in the NFL for awhile. As for the Bombers, not saying it's the case but, having undersized players in the front 7 could be catching up to them.
  5. or Maybe Kuale isn't as big of a problem as some are making him out to be, Kuale got hurt last night, missed the entire second half really... see what happened when he wasn't in the game? the lions ran the ball down our throats, Kuale is just one player. It's not just one player. I will agree having Kuale out in the second didn't make much of a difference and Kromah could have been more effective. Our defense is a "bend but don't break" D which is what it did up until around mid 4th quarter. Then what happened is what happens every time you have the Bend don't Break D paired with an ineffective offense, the D is exhausted, beaten up and finally breaks. The Etch D needs a good offense to be effective, without it we get what happened last night. Very frustrating, especially when you watch Bighill, Elimimian and that B.C D do their thing. Made me jealous. Doug Brown said that what allows Bighill, Elimimian to be so effective is that they are allowed to play "clean" meaning they are in essence rovers that are allowed to react to the play without having to susidize a weak D-lines play like the Bomber LBers. This is why they achieve such high tackle numbers because they are not assigned blocking duties and simply track the ball wherever it goes. They are both incredibly fast for big men too.
  6. lol, it's a discussion forum, what else would be going on? How is it a discussion when its "RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE O'Shea needs to do this! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE walters needs to find this!" discussions require 2 active paticipants... Most of these ones are statements... Why not just stay out of it then? Why bash the people who want to state their opinions?
  7. Agreed. The inability to find better import talent for the OL is vexing to say the least. Willy holds onto the ball too long though, he's always looking for the home run, throws too many picks as he's still learn'in.
  8. lol, it's a discussion forum, what else would be going on?
  9. So you missed how losing your qb can change a teams fortunes huh? Well let me help you out.http://www.cfl.ca/video/index/id/102817/autostart/1 It was one game, our QB needs to be better no question. Thankfully the supporting cast around him is among the most talented in the league. Also with other starting QBs like BLM & Willy out for several games puts the Riders in a better position. Nice family shot migs. In all honesty, I can't see the Bombers winning more than 1 games against their western opponents down the stretch, even Hamilton in 2 weeks will be a challenge. As for you guys, no home playoff game this year.
  10. As for the OP, Osh never rose above special teams coaching, imo he's left the O & D decisions up to his coordinators including personnel, his role is cheerleader.
  11. I'd throw Stoudemire in that mix too. He went to camp with the Riders, but he'd never played a CFL game before. That's 4 good rookies. How many are expected for one season? How about finding some at more positions than just defensive back? I'd be hesitant to include a player taken from another teams PR anyway but still, he's another DB. Very good point 17 makes, I questioned why we had 26 DB's on the training camp roster and only half that for the other D positions. Walters and the scouts were told who to bring in wasn't their choice imo.
  12. Riders are in huge trouble, this Tino guy is worse than Brohm, can't even hit an opener receiver in stride.
  13. Calls not going the Riders way.....and they are getting kicked, no surprise. They should be down even more, save for Hammy owns ineptness.
  14. Good lord, no field goal.....the incompetence of coaching in this league is beyond belief.
  15. At least the defence has been mostly consistent, for all the flaws and lack of talent, Etch is getting about what you would expect from his players. It's the offence that has been too on and off for the talent they have, Marcel is a bigger problem than Etch imo.
  16. I don't think it was any distraction at all- if anything, the Bomber offense was comatose. Would have been the perfect time for the Bombers to turn the tables and pound the ball down the Lions throat.
  17. This shouldn't even be up for debate anymore, it's as plain as the nose on your face.
  18. Yup, the emphasis is on rolling with what you got and hope it turns out differently.........not unlike insanity.
  19. You can apply that across the board at every position that is underachieving on the team. Change is only coming because of injury, the coaches believe that cleaning things up is all that is required. The question though is how many more losses are you willing to accept. 1 - 5 is the reality.
  20. Lions may not have been able to hit 250, but I bet the Stamps will.... I wonder then If O'Shea will finally open his eyes I'm not sure Bomber fans will want to watch the Calgary game without being being heavily sedated and maybe even in restraints. All signs point to it being a painful game to watch. With 5 of the past 6 games being losses and a real possibility of Willy being out, the team morale has to be sinking rapidly and a rout will be a deathblow to any fantasies we still have about being in the playoffs. The Bombers are a good team in an excellent division. They are on the right path but injuries, which are inevitable, have exposed a lack of depth when compared to the other four western teams. Injuries aside, teams have done a good job exploiting them.
  21. That's pretty much it in a nutshell. I now understand why Walters said there was no quick fix, it's because the system itself is flawed, subbing one undersized player for another will accomplish nothing.
  22. You guys are too hard on Brohm considering he came in down by 12 and got it to 7 despite having no run support or receivers making a play for him. Most of the blame lies with Marcel again for some incredibly stupid play calling given the situation.
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