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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Geez, what's the second part of that "and you can't make me" ? Is that even a question? Or are you going to add something to the conversion. I know it's hard for you but how about giving it a try for a change instead of your cheeky remarks, maybe you should just sit this one out or would you like to answer the question why staying the course is the best option? Or maybe if I read something to believe you actually are making a valid point with equally valid, reasonable answers, I would have something to address, instead of you remarking on a 6-5 record, or as you continually refer to it, a 1-4 record. Yeah, that's really adding to the conversation. Only a fool would ignore 5-1 to 1 -4, so what are you? Or can you explain why things are all rosy still despite the latest stretch, give is hope then, please. No, ain't biting, but I do more than to come on a fan forum and complain , complain, complain. That solves nothing. Good grief, you don't even know the difference between the complaining and constructive criticism, maybe a 'fan forum' isn't for you? I don't know or care but argue the post, not the poster, right? Isn't that rule #1 of every forum?
  2. Guess you'll just have to wait and see how many guys they add to the PR when it expands. PR has nothing to do with an 'airlift'... you know that. Airlift is bringing in starters - every year the PR expands after NFL cuts Find a situation where a good team (we are over .500) brought a CFL rookie up from down south and put them onto their roster in the 2nd half of the season in this decade (2010s). We did last year because it was basically an extended 2014 training camp and we basically lost our entire OL at one point so Knapp and Jones got tossed to the wolves. Just doesn't happen. That's easy, Kenton Keith. not so easy because he's not applicable to the stated criteria. Pretty tight qualifiers I'll agree but let him prove me wrong, the 'X-factor' was signed late in the season iirc but I don't remember which, only him running all over us in the playoffs at home, big upset too.
  3. Geez, what's the second part of that "and you can't make me" ? Is that even a question? Or are you going to add something to the conversion. I know it's hard for you but how about giving it a try for a change instead of your cheeky remarks, maybe you should just sit this one out or would you like to answer the question why staying the course is the best option? Or maybe if I read something to believe you actually are making a valid point with equally valid, reasonable answers, I would have something to address, instead of you remarking on a 6-5 record, or as you continually refer to it, a 1-4 record. Yeah, that's really adding to the conversation. Only a fool would ignore 5-1 to 1 -4, so what are you? Or can you explain why things are all rosy still despite the latest stretch, give is hope then, please.
  4. You're talking about one player so let's close the door on the rest of them too.... Do you have a source on who the rest of these players are? Cause there's Matthews (not coming north), Hall (most likely not coming north, seems to be limited interest from both CFL teams and Hall), Hunt (injured) and Damaso Munoz. Well you just named 4, now how about draft picks and neg list, you got those too are we to assume that none of those are panning out either? Well Kyle Walters talked about the draft picks on the CJOB pre-game show last weekend, directly from his mouth "None of those guys are coming to the CFL this year, they're going to try and exhaust every NFL option the remainder of this year" So only 30 or 40 neg list guys to go then. Either way, do your effing job and look for talent instead of recycling filth like Kuale & Bryant, who despite experience, bring nothing to your team.
  5. Guess you'll just have to wait and see how many guys they add to the PR when it expands. PR has nothing to do with an 'airlift'... you know that. Airlift is bringing in starters - every year the PR expands after NFL cuts Find a situation where a good team (we are over .500) brought a CFL rookie up from down south and put them onto their roster in the 2nd half of the season in this decade (2010s). We did last year because it was basically an extended 2014 training camp and we basically lost our entire OL at one point so Knapp and Jones got tossed to the wolves. Just doesn't happen. That's easy, Kenton Keith.
  6. Geez, what's the second part of that "and you can't make me" ? Is that even a question? Or are you going to add something to the conversion. I know it's hard for you but how about giving it a try for a change instead of your cheeky remarks, maybe you should just sit this one out or would you like to answer the question why staying the course is the best option?
  7. Because there is nothing to report, except 1 - 4 and no changes coming. I'm not a reporter but if I had to 'fabricate a story' about no news, what else would I do?
  8. Tons of ex-CFLers in the draft and on the neg list, or maybe zero. Pretty hard to have a discussion if you can't follow the thread. Ying and yang, I don't have to because I'm not the one suggesting staying the course is the right approach. But if Kuale is a better option than snot nose out of D3 ball.....than I will eat Mike's hat.
  9. Glen Suitor better watch out! You're coming for his chair. lol, I can't top that.
  10. JHC, someone gets it. Let's add fuel to the fire and shout from the roof tops that we except close losses too and no need to change anything because we are Winnipeg and good losers, lol.
  11. No, my brain just works normally. Pull in a guy who's conditioned to play American football, give him 3 days to learn the playbook, good luck. You think Mo Legget is our defensive MVP because of his experience witrh the CFL game? Guys a straight up baller no matter what league it is. Talent trumps experience and we lack talent. Mo Leggett had a full training camp. Apples to oranges. Anyone they bring in at this point they are looking at for next season and will only play in desperate circumstances. BS Mo Leggett was a stud the day he stepped on the field, same thing in the NFL when he was KC rookie of the year. Guy is straight up baller no matter what league, talent trumps experience and you know it so just quit it.
  12. You're talking about one player so let's close the door on the rest of them too.... Do you have a source on who the rest of these players are? Cause there's Matthews (not coming north), Hall (most likely not coming north, seems to be limited interest from both CFL teams and Hall), Hunt (injured) and Damaso Munoz. Well you just named 4, now how about draft picks and neg list, you got those too are we to assume that none of those are panning out either?
  13. No, my brain just works normally. Pull in a guy who's conditioned to play American football, give him 3 days to learn the playbook, good luck. You think Mo Legget is our defensive MVP because of his experience witrh the CFL game? Guys a straight up baller no matter what league it is. Talent trumps experience and we lack talent.
  14. And Kromah blew the tackle on Anderson for the TD too.
  15. Which is complete and utter horseshit for the half way point of the season in the heat of a playoff race. It's this kind of attitude that gets you eat'in alive by the press. I'd bet my life that O'Shea hasn't spent one second thinking about how the press will react to anything since the season started. Why? Because it is completely inconsequential to his job of winning football games. Dropping 5 NFL cuts onto the field next week has a high probability of affecting that outcome negatively. Well 1 - 4 isn't winning football games now is it? And who's to say that adding 1 or 2 NFL cuts wouldn't have a positive affect on the results, or can you see the future too?
  16. You're talking about one player so let's close the door on the rest of them too....
  17. Which is complete and utter horseshit for the half way point of the season in the heat of a playoff race. It's this kind of attitude that gets you eat'in alive by the press.
  18. Really, so what's your definition of holding as it applies to the rule book and give specific examples of more holding calls on passing plays than running plays.
  19. Again, you have intimate knowledge of this, please share your source, are you just relying on the same media that you hold in disdain?
  20. The Bombers (and every team) is always looking for players who can make them better. The PR expansion typically does nothing to help a team's short term prospects. A player coming onto the PR in October and making some kind of big impact in that same season? There probably is an example or two, but nothing immediately comes to mind. Over the long haul? There have been some great players who started their careers buried on the practise roster. Stevie Baggs was stuck behind Tom Canada and Gavin Walls for most of his Bomber career. Occasionally an injury will give one of these guys an opportunity before the following June, but for the most part they are auditioning for 2015 training camp invites. People familiar with the CFL understand that. Wiecek does not. Which is why he should probably head back to the track. There are 100 people on this site more qualified to write about football. Maybe more. That is the obvious answer but I think he was asking who is going to be OUR 'Weston Dressler' signing. Which shows Wiecek hasn't been paying attention. Other than Dressler, there hasn't been a big name return to the CFL since being cut. And you have intimate knowledge that there won't be, please share your source.
  21. The Bombers (and every team) is always looking for players who can make them better. The PR expansion typically does nothing to help a team's short term prospects. A player coming onto the PR in October and making some kind of big impact in that same season? There probably is an example or two, but nothing immediately comes to mind. Over the long haul? There have been some great players who started their careers buried on the practise roster. Stevie Baggs was stuck behind Tom Canada and Gavin Walls for most of his Bomber career. Occasionally an injury will give one of these guys an opportunity before the following June, but for the most part they are auditioning for 2015 training camp invites. People familiar with the CFL understand that. Wiecek does not. Which is why he should probably head back to the track. There are 100 people on this site more qualified to write about football. Maybe more. That is the obvious answer but I think he was asking who is going to be OUR 'Weston Dressler' signing.
  22. I don't know, it's only in the last 20 years that we have gotten used to losing. Weick and Lawless look to be around my age, I've followed the Bombers for a good 40 years now and back in the day, a loss on home field was the end of the world. Home losses for this team were rare, even when we didn't have championship teams. The franchise really has sunk to new lows and until it returns to it's past glory years, I don't think the press should let up on them. 20 years is long enough.
  23. Wiecek not realizing how incredibly asinine this question is is the main reason they should have left him at the racetrack covering the ponies. He'd be happier. We'd be happier. Guaranteed the Sept 23 edition of the FP will re-visit the need to airlift in help. SOS, this is an SOS! I hate that the implication is that the only thing they should be looking for are star players. I want to see better depth here because that's what killing us. When they're healthy this team is pretty solid, but as soon as guys start going down with injury it predictably gets dicey. I'll admit, that's not the answer I wanted to hear from Walters. Yes, their working hard and they've been close, but at least tell me you're always looking for players who can make you better....even if you don't mean it, don't just close the door on it and say no.
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