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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. I did get a chuckle out of this Lawless gem:
  2. Both were free agents in 2013, not this last off season. I must have blocked out last season
  3. Well in the off season I suggested Ed Steele and Weldon Brown and was also in favor of giving Messam a look. All three are having good seasons and would have helped our ratio if nothing else. But I just want to see an end to the narrow minded thinking. Saying those three guys don't fit the system or won't improve the club is nonsense.
  4. There is no thought when things are said in the heat of the moment so there can be no intent.
  5. lol, 99% will believe exactly what the media feeds them. I don't think so. I think it's probably closer to 10 percent. I don't think you are giving people enough credit actually. I think most people can see through the BS that the media is putting out there. I think it's become quite apparent the last couple years to most people that the media don't know as much as they like to pretend they do. Most people don't like to be told what to think or how to think it or who to cheer for and who not to cheer for, Sure, theres a percentage of people who will believe the media until the cows come home but i think that percentage of people would also believe the media if they told them the sky was green and the grass is blue. You are always going to have people who believe the media, but you also have people who thought that MH370 plane was on the moon or abducted by aliens, Those people are few and far between i think. Okay, maybe not 99%, but most people will 'eat up' the whole 5- 1 start to 1 - 4 tail spin because only wins and losses matter at the end of the day.
  6. lol, 99% will believe exactly what the media feeds them.
  7. I would agree fully... ...Except for the fact that, that's not in the least what he is doing. ...Except that the media is painting it that way.
  8. Even older and slower McCune would give you more than what Kuale has given us which is nothing, not too hard to improve on nothing.
  9. It's only going to get worse if Osh continues to pretend to the press that it doesn't matter. 'Not an issue, handled internally' didn't go over well last time.
  10. Something's not adding up. The Twitter side bar says the Riders have had 5, 100 yard rushing games this year. 3 of those against us, meaning they only managed 2 in the other 7 games? Sure sounds like a top notch run game to me, only 2 in the other 7 games, are they really that good or are the Bombers just that bad at stopping it, odds say the later.
  11. You do realize sask runs on every team right, they average like 150 yards rushing a game.... It means they run on everyone, not just the bombers. So why empty the middle of the field then?
  12. Well we have seen Hank in a bra.....
  13. Not really, Leggett was making first contact on most running backs as the Bombers continued to empty the middle of the field, even when Sask was in the I formation and everyone knew what was coming, Etch's incredibly stupid alignments cause most if not all the problems.
  14. Just the fact that someone thinks that Kuale is a capable baller leaves me with zero confidence in that person.
  15. Some of you are not considering the pounding running the ball has on wearing down a defence.
  16. No question about it, he should be cut. In addition to being a terrible linebacker, he's a terrible football player.
  17. What I find concerning is what killed them in game 1 was killing them again in game 3. The team is definitely much better than years past but seems to have plateaued in terms of their talent level.
  18. Potato Potahto Cauchy was exactly what everyone outside the Bomber organization thought he was, not a starting safety. Henoc, despite being an Al-star, was an amazing athlete but a capable MLB'er at best.
  19. I thought I read somewhere that he wasn't going to be taking another contract in TO....I'll try to find the linkIf Milo exits Toronto I suspect its either head coach in Montreal or OC in Wpg. Let the Als have Marcel B. - O'Shea and Milanovich would be kegs of dyno mite...... that said, still need significant personnel upgrades. Milanovich is pretty unlikely to take a coordinator gig at this point in time. Montreal does seem like a good bet. Yeah no kidding, he'd get a head gig no trouble if he left Toronto. Winning as a head coach will do that for a guy. There is a pretty good chance that BC will be looking for a head coach next season as well. Benevides has got to be on the hot seat given this is their Grey Cup hosting year. Benevides would be welcome here to fill the Bomber DC opening next season (I can dream).
  20. Bellefuille does show flashes of brilliance, it's the other 50% of the time though that is concerning.
  21. I think someone just implied that Messam is a good running back, better duck.
  22. Well not according to O'Shea, not if they execute and cancel their gaps, their defence should be no more vulnerable than anyone else's, so that only leaves personnel not doing their jobs. Etch D basically relies on top talent making up for his schemes... works well when you have Williams, Lloyd and Lucas in their prime Exactly, still comes down to the men in the uniforms.
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