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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Yup, there's no problem in Wpg with getting young fans involved.
  2. Nope not the case. Unless you mistakenly think the run stopping problems are a personnel issue and not a scheme issue.And I do.Then you're wrong. We had the same defensive tackles with Tim Burke and run stopping wasn't a huge area of concern. Henoc made like 100 tackles, helps to have a big body in the middle. And Ian Wild has 47 tackles in half a season, what exactly is your point? That I don't recall Henoc being dragged half way done the field after first contact.
  3. Well not according to O'Shea, not if they execute and cancel their gaps, their defence should be no more vulnerable than anyone else's, so that only leaves personnel not doing their jobs.
  4. Braley's no idiot, there would have been all sorts of concessions by the league with his purchase of the Argos, clearly was just a temporary gig until a new facility could be hammered out. If he dumps the team now, with no plans for a facility in place, they are as good as sunk.
  5. No defence will work with without the right personnel in it, Etch's included.
  6. use a formation that doesn't give teams running options and problem solved no need to worry about size... As long as Etchevary is here we are going to be a team that has a weakness against the run that's just the way it is. Been his MO the entire time. You knew what you were getting when you hired him we just have to live with it and hope that it works in the long run. We made personnel changes on both special teams and offense, no reason it can't be done on defense too. If it's just Etch being Etch, then O'Shea needs to tune him in. That's exactly the point though, it doesn't matter what type of player you have when the scheme says "let them run, we care about pressure on the qb and stopping the pass only" Why would O'Shea tune the guy in? He's doing exactly what we knew he was going to do when he was hired. You have simplified it to a point that it's no longer accurate. O'Shea wasn't concerned about the size of his defence because he felt they would be quick enough to slip tackles and make plays. The scheme calls for gap cancellation but only if the first part about being quick enough to slip tackles applies. They are tied at the hip. If you're players aren't quick enough to slip tackles and fill the gaps, you're getting the ball stuffed down your throat. At that time, it becomes obvious you need to make personnel changes, a big man, can be just as quick as a smaller man and also has the advantage of absorbing tackles still filling the gap. Either way you slice it, you can't have one without the other.
  7. Nope not the case. Unless you mistakenly think the run stopping problems are a personnel issue and not a scheme issue.And I do.Then you're wrong. We had the same defensive tackles with Tim Burke and run stopping wasn't a huge area of concern. Henoc made like 100 tackles, helps to have a big body in the middle.
  8. As over-rated as he was, I'd take him back in a heart beat or anything close to him at this point.
  9. use a formation that doesn't give teams running options and problem solved no need to worry about size... As long as Etchevary is here we are going to be a team that has a weakness against the run that's just the way it is. Been his MO the entire time. You knew what you were getting when you hired him we just have to live with it and hope that it works in the long run. We made personnel changes on both special teams and offense, no reason it can't be done on defense too. If it's just Etch being Etch, then O'Shea needs to tune him in.
  10. And not having experienced what it's like to win a GC won't help win you new fans either.
  11. That's basically what I saw last game, 4 man rush with everyone else giving 10 yard cushions giving up the short stuff. Until the 4th quarter when Demond brain cramped and Sask went jumbo and stuffed it down our throats.
  12. Plays hard, practices hard, too a fault.
  13. Plugin a jumbo tackle and real MLB'er and problem solved. If Etch is going to be so inflexible then O'Shea needs to step in.
  14. imo, it all comes down to peer groups. My father was not a football fan, I went to 1 Bomber game up until the time I was 18, and that was only because my uncle took us. Despite that, I was always a Bomber/CFL fan because all my friends were too. My son is now 17 and despite being to dozens of games with me over the years, he is not a fan, neither are most of his friends. btw, why are Bombers so against wearing road whites? Everyone else in the league does, why do we have to be different.
  15. 2 more speed rushers to go with Gibson, who'd of thunk it.
  16. Who says we can't have both? never understood why people think we can only pick up one player I don't know, maybe roster space? They just brought in 3 dlinemen. There's a big difference between brining a guy in for a cup of coffee and one that ends up in the starting lineup, without even getting into cap space and who you cut to make room.
  17. This is a good move by Ottawa, now they just need someone to catch the ball. Their dline could use a little help too.
  18. As much as I like CM, I'd sooner see a big RB brought in to spell off Grigsby.
  19. Yup, it's not like he'd have to start from scratch, Kuale is a waste of space in any defence.
  20. I wouldn't hold my breath on anything changing. I can see us going 2 - 6 down the stretch mostly due to other teams have figured out our weakness. I would think 2 & 6 is ridiculous ... if we start losing there will be several different types of changes made ... personnel, schemes, internal personal resolve ,,, we have a decent core of players on this team and excellent coaching plus a pretty good leader/QB ....calling for 2 & 6 says "the sky is falling" I don't know man, of the west teams who can we beat....BC with Lulay?
  21. You mean Nick Moore, jj, he doesn't take stupid penalties when he's healthy.
  22. Telling the media it's not a problem is the right thing to do but let's hope they are working on correcting things behind the scenes. It would be pretty disappointing if he was actually serious and they weren't.
  23. Probably because of their record and a chance to go deep into the playoffs.
  24. I wouldn't hold my breath on anything changing. I can see us going 2 - 6 down the stretch mostly due to other teams have figured out our weakness.
  25. A leopard (especially long in the tooth like etch) can't change it's spots.
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