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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. Bombers at least, made more of an effort to get Grigsby some space.   The reality is, that we simply don't have enough push from the interior of the OL, to slam it inside.  We have been the worst team on 2nd and 2 or 3 or 4, and other short yd situations, for some time.  Grigsby needs some track, and can hit the gearshift....but is not going to find much too often in the A/B gaps.  Cotton might be more adept at moving a pile, but hard to sit down Grigsby, right now.....

    Come October/November we better hope they have it figured out.

  2. I'd probably give Grigsby another week or two... but why not try platooning Aaron Woods?  We know he has good ball control and can catch a ball in the flats...


    Need to rewatch the game but I didn't see us running outside a whole lot last game aside from the Denmark play

    Agree about Woods and it seemed like we were only using the run to set up play action.

  3. Hated the third down gamble at the end of the second half, your up on the road in a defensive battle, take the points, Mike will learn.

    Romby Bryant is still a burner, he's been wide open the last two games but Willy has no timing with him yet, once he figures out to just throw it deep and let Bryant go get it.

    Denmark, heck of a catch and run, loved some of the full back and te calls too.

    Overall defence and special teams won the game, great road win.

  4. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't just Willy being stymied by that defence, it was everyone on offence including the coaches. We don't know if the receiver should have gone in or out on a play just that the qb and receiver were not on the same page when they don't hook up. But it's usually the qb who gets the blame.

  5. Epic fail. Tackling 101 not happening. Willy has been exposed. Where is the goddam running game? Despite lack of plan, execution was pathetic . I'm more pissed at Rielly not being tackled by the 20 guys that didn't wrap him up. I have foam bricks, lucky me or my tv would be...  Better be a learning game, or we're fcked.


    lol here we go. Willy has been exposed.


    As what? A quarterback who won't go undefeated?

    I dunno Mike why don't you tell me what you saw from Willy yesterday? Less than average performance from my point of view.
    I agree with Mike. How has Willy been exposed??? We lost. We got beat by a better team last night.
    I would LOVE to hear an explanation as to how Willy got exposed and what he should have done differently considering the circumstances.

    Willy did look confused most of the night but Chris Jones has done that to quarterbacks with way more experience than Willy. The real test is what happens next time these two teams meet up.

  6. When you rush more defenders than you have blockers you can't blame it on the oline but when they are only rushing 4 or 3 and still owning you, it's the olines fault. Montreal was sending the house, Edmonton wasn't. Edmonton's front 4 was just too good for our starting 5, but this shouldn't have come as a surprise to the Bomber coaches should it? I'd take Chris Jones traditional 43 defence over anyone else in the league, he's the best and it showed.

  7. Don't think the Julio Figaro Galafino play was a drop .Looked like Willy threw it to the wrong side and JFG made a great last second adjustment to make it close.

    at the game JFG stopped running actually, he slowed down, if anything JFG misjudged the throw a wee bit. It was pretty obvious in person, He got his hand on it, he stopped running for a few seconds, If he didn't, Touchdown. I'm going to say it, Watson makes that catch and scores,JFG has been good but Guaranteed Watson catches it and scores. JFG has been a very nice surprise though, not really much press when we signed him, but has turned out nice for us.

    Thanks, the old Citizen black and white let me down for the first time, 12 inches of pure beauty. First time for everything.

    lol, let's hope the VCR on it still works....

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