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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. Nice to see it only took 1 quarter for the Bombers to figure out what the RB's were doing. If they had film to prepare this wouldn't have been much of a game. This was probably Ottawa's best chance for a win this season unless they can acquire some decent receivers for Henry.

  2. You are going to need more than 4 RB's for the game bluto, they will be exhausted by the half from busting all of those long TD runs.



    I don't think we'll give up any long TD runs but plenty of mid range ones. Ray is going to have a ridiculous completion percentage too but it will all be nickel and dime stuff. This defence is built to stop the big play while forcing you to march it down the field, nothing Ray hasn't done before.


    I think you might be a little surprised, pleasantly or unpleasantly depending on the result, at the amount of pressure.  I'm expecting a lot of zone, but a lot of blitzing in front of it.

    I'm sure we'll see a variety of blitz's too but if this defence stays true to form passing is what it's designed to defend against. If we give up big pass plays in a pass heavy defence...I won't know what to think.

  3. You are going to need more than 4 RB's for the game bluto, they will be exhausted by the half from busting all of those long TD runs.



    I don't think we'll give up any long TD runs but plenty of mid range ones. Ray is going to have a ridiculous completion percentage too but it will all be nickel and dime stuff. This defence is built to stop the big play while forcing you to march it down the field, nothing Ray hasn't done before.

  4. Nice, now find one for the other line.


    If we can start 4 Natl on the OL, we can start 4 Intl on the DL (Anderson instead of Thomas) and we can add 1 more Intl DL as DI. 

    I think that would be an upgrade already.

    Better still to start 5 on the lines freeing up more spots for I at the skill positions.


    The value of having an extra "skilled" receiver might be lower than you think.  When Willy is on the IR.

    Well if you're going to hang him out to dry, then any QB will end up on the IR, backs and receivers have to block too it's the evolution of the game, except for Burke, nobody just rushes 4 anymore.

  5. Nice, now find one for the other line.


    If we can start 4 Natl on the OL, we can start 4 Intl on the DL (Anderson instead of Thomas) and we can add 1 more Intl DL as DI. 

    I think that would be an upgrade already.

    Better still to start 5 on the lines freeing up more spots for I at the skill positions.

  6. Wouldn't bother me one bit if they gave every castoff in the league a tryout.


    In fact, they should really set up a special department to do just that.  Every time a player gets cut from another team, half the people on the interwebs suggest we pick him up.  Now we can satisfy all the armchair coaches.


    Just don't sign the bad ones.


    And for anyone who suggests that anything that happened in 2009 falls on the shoulders of someone other than Kelly, I will rain hellfire upon them.  Internet style.

    I think what they are suggesting is that there were 44 OTHER players who stuck it out to the bitter end and were 1 Mike Bishop pick away from hosting the ESF, those guys were the professionals, not the quiters.

  7. @WFPEdTait: FWIW: #Bomber D features Bucknor and Randle at CB, Kuale, Dunn and Sears at LB, Leggett at safety, BJohnson and Washington at hb #bn

    @WFPEdTait: #Bombers D has Vega, Turner, Thomas on DL with Peach and Anderson rotating. #bn

    Ian Wild?

    Wild will be rotating with Kuale at MLB.

    I could live with playing both, similar to what BC is doing with Sol & Bighill but neither EK or IW are straight up MLB'ers. This won't end well.

  8. Enough for the way they are working the ratio of now.

    You mean aside from DT...? And one backup for two NI REC spots...

    Sure, according to some, we should disregard what the roster is telling us and just assume that guys can play any position.

    No what you should do is stop pretending a roster for fan consumption is some kind of end all be all determining factor on where guys are capable of playing.

    Oh I agree, Cauchy played safety for almost 2 years, doesn't mean he should have. If it walks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

  9. 11 DB's on the 46 man roster....time for MO to tell Etch to get a grip.

    Silly complaint, who cares what the roster on a website says. Unamba and Dunn have been linebackers all throughout camp. 3 of those guys are Canadian special teamers. Suddenly 11 is 6, right where it should be.

    And neither guy should be lining up at LB but with that logic, any DB on the roster could play LB'er which is what this defence is being constructed around, never mind that our only Nat DE isn't and weighs less than Kuale. Gotta love the smaller faster theme which has been taken to a whole new level.

  10. Enough for the way they are working the ratio of now.


    You mean aside from DT...?  And one backup for two NI REC spots...

    Sure, according to some, we should disregard what the roster is telling us and just assume that guys can play any position.

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