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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. Not much new to get excited about except maybe Marve and the kickers,

    the oline was more bad than good

    TO just kept attacking the flats and the LB's & DE's were nowhere to be found, the DT's & LB's got washed away against the run, the secondary was the same old same old, but everyone loves Suber, lol, okay

    TO just looked bigger and stronger at all positions.

  2. Really surprised how many people are so anti-unions in this thread. Kind of interesting...

    i'm pro union...

    but i'm very anti public sector union.

    I knew I liked you for a reason.

    As for the players, getting their money now and not waiting for league revenues to increase was their choice and a good one for any player due to their uncertain shelf life. The best thing for the league is still cost certainty and whether the players admit it or not, it's the best thing for them. Idealism has no place in this argument.

  3. I'd give Walters an A grade in his first draft. There weren't many starting caliber players available but what he did get can contribute in other ways too, good job.

    I think Everett could turn out to be the sleeper pick for us if he can grasp the NT position.

  4. MarcelB is a proponent of 2-back system. I'm guessing he will have 2 import RBs on the gameday roster. 1 will be a feature back and the other as DI (in a RB/KR role) will have significant snaps on the Offense.


    Hope we can find that Corey Holmes, Marcus Thigpen type that Bellefeuille has been able to use successfully in the past.

    Yeah Keith Stokes was one of those versatile players for us, have to find a guy like that again.

  5. My company might be the ones to go in and assess the damage and make recommendations on clean up and drying.  If so It will likely be myself going there as I spent month in there during construction.  If I do get in there I will let you all know how bad it is/was.


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