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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. We have seen enough 'off the board' picks for one lifetime.
  2. Take Evan Gill, he can start right away for you on the dline if all the oline options flame out.
  3. In what way? The only reason the offense may have been better is because he WASN'T on the field. I'm not saying he won't be a good coach, but whatever he contributed last year did bugger all to help Crowton. And the record speaks for that. lol, how could you possibly get the joke but not get it?
  4. At least Walters is liked by Lawless, that's half the battle right there. Imo, Mack/Butchko were just brought in to be penny counters until the new revenue streams came on line, neither guy was capable of guiding a CFL club to any on field success. However, when you tank in the CFL, the reward is supposed to be Canadian depth, which Walters was to be stock piling for us. For whatever reason, Mack should have let Walters do his job, to me that was his biggest failing.
  5. The Bomber offense was better with Buck........up in the booth with the headset on, looks like a good move.
  6. That's a good point, even Glenn seems to 'up his game' when he's had to compete for the job, maybe I will soften on the idea of him but it sounds like he'll go elsewhere anyways.
  7. lol, then that explains it, keep'em coming whoevers at the controls.
  8. This team is going to have to suffer with the decisions of the past and neither Glenn or Peyton Manning can do anything about it.
  9. Is Moll still with the Bombers........if so, good job.
  10. lol, I didn't even know we let him go......who is our pk????
  11. I can't imagine why anyone would want Glenn back in here again, move on people.
  12. Hefney's gone, Johnsons gone, Stewart is gone, might as well keep it going and clean the slate including Cauchy and Suber. btw, I was referring to Subers 1 good year.
  13. Goltz is pretty good at sneaking and his run package..........although that seemed to be lost on our OC so who knows.
  14. That 1 year doesn't prove fa.
  15. That's about right, and JJ was the DMOP in 2011......it's always about what have you done for me lately and getting better every year instead of standing still.
  16. Private owners have been bleeding money for years just keeping the league afloat, imo it's more important for those owners to recoup some of their losses first and the layers can have what is left. It looks like the league is on the verge of finally standing on a solid ground and with that you will get salaries increasing and ultimately attracting better talent.
  17. Many of his Bomber teammates referred to him as their leader during his time here, to suggest otherwise is petty.
  18. Good for Gary and grats to Lapo on the upcoming package.
  19. Zero chance he ever plays in the CFL, imo.
  20. Buck was committed to the Bombers, not much more you can say than that.
  21. Making fun of people who misspell words........not funny.
  22. The more slots the better. What we really need though are a couple speedy wide receivers to stretch the field.
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