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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. He's only 23, a little early to be crowning him a right off, imo.
  2. Other than Willy, who is left for free agent QB's......... You're either going into the season with Willy/Hall/Goltz or you are getting ass-raped by someone in a trade. I don't see the bright side or how the Bombers come out ahead (without mortgaging the future) delayed it maybe but not going to avoid it.
  3. It's football bones get broken, they heal, how's his throwing shoulder and nogg'in, those are things you worry about on a QB. Everyone thought Glenn's knees were shot when he was a Bomber and he's done pretty well since leaving, in fact he's been more mobile since leaving.
  4. I'm pretty sure I even remember Brock Buster t-shirts floating around although the 80's were just about as crazy as the 60's for brain cell carnage.
  5. Nicholls is well above any QB we have on the roster.
  6. I wouldn't worry too much about plugging holes, with the cash saved on Muamba and Burris we should be able to address the lines and start at least 5 NI's there. I'd much rather see them get the rest of the team in good shape before breaking the bank on any one position.
  7. When/if Muamba comes back to the CFL it is going to be about the money, not how often we kissed his butt on the way out.
  8. Brock said there was nothing to do in Winnipeg, you can only go the zoo so many times.
  9. Because he rationalized acquiring an oft injured, sometime starting NI oline for that exact reason.
  10. Hindsight?? There were many fans last year who thought this way last season, hindsight has nothing to do with it.
  11. The pick itself is irrelevant the GM's rationale is what matters and in this case he is contradicting himself, which should be concerning.
  12. Unless something changed, contracts are not guaranteed, except for his upfront money, he would have been a nice stop gap for a year or two at most.
  13. He should have been moved last year when Alex Hall was, the writing was on the wall from day one, piss poor management has and is this teams biggest draw back.
  14. A high pick is only as good as you make it.........and Walters has said many times that this draft is weak........ala the Neufeld deal.
  15. Would you have given up Kito............ I swear there is a real bad case of smartassitis infecting this site.
  16. Like JBR said, there is no quick fix to this mess and it will take years of proper drafting and the right moves to recover from.
  17. Could of sworn I just saw him in the GC game this year after a 6 win season.............
  18. So we basically got one year out of our first overall pick.........
  19. Would you give up Kito, for Nicholls, he was a high pick and that should be a no brainer.
  20. Like I said before, when they actually sign a starting QB, you'll know how committed to winning they are........this is going to be another 5 year rebuild Bomber special coming.
  21. What a lame response, 'mortgage the future'.........really, like CFL contracts are guaranteed now......when did that happen and what future player are you going to pay top dollar to this year instead that can possibly be more important than a QB.......... Why not just admit you ****** up.........he wanted a 3 year deal and you offered 2 and he got his 3 from someone else, end of story.
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