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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. It doesn't take 25 years to rebuild a team or foster talent, many of todays fans weren't even born during that time, that falls on the people running the show and no one else. The older fans who have had to endure it, know what it takes to build a winning organization and don't buy into the false hope schemes that have been thrust on them.
  2. Which player, Banks or Poblah, was more valuable to their team........that is all you need to know about this trade.
  3. Opens the door for Levi 747 Brown........
  4. Great trade and as Mike said, Kito making north of 100k was a waste. Banks is stud with an attitude and will earn every cent of his pay cheque, I hope they keep moves like this one coming. Love it or hate Burris would fit in very nicely now.
  5. 34 is not over the hill yet and this is the type of player signing that actually makes sense given the Bombers current needs.
  6. Like I said, we'll see how committed to winning the Bombers are after they sign a starting QB. Backups like Collaros & Willy are still big question marks and as much as I agree with 17 on Burris, he still is the best starting QB out there.
  7. Well the Bombers have to change something, either you are committed to winning or you are not. When they actually sign a starting QB we'll have our answer.
  8. Tate's a very talented QB, he could start on my Bomber team any time.
  9. Terrible news, my condolences to the family.
  10. I think they are now on the right track but I don't expect any significant improvement regardless of who is hired/signed/drafted. We've just gone through 3 years of losing veteran players without adequate replacements in the system and will be banking on another teams backup QB to start for us. We are in next year country as in 2015.
  11. Should have traded him last season, like Alex Hall, for NI linemen and/or a QB. We'd be in the same position as now with him as a free agent and an opportunity to re-sign him. Jolt'in Joe missed the boat on that one.
  12. Right now, Dave Stala is a better NI receiver than what we have, although you could make a case for Watson. He just made the Als a better team and would have done the same for the Bombers if they had signed him.
  13. Only with the Bombers is this even news worthy, good news nonetheless.
  14. A person would have to be blind or stupid or a troll to think that either the Bombers or Jets have the rosters to be champions. Coaching only comes into play when you actually have the players needed to get you there and neither teams do.
  15. Not only the coaching staff but the GM too but hey, someone has to give these guys a shot and recycling hasn't worked out so great for us in the past.
  16. Huff hires Del Monaco as his OL coach.............guess it was the players after all.
  17. Marshall is probably the better DC but I think Miles would be the better choice.
  18. I would take any of those remaining guys that Atomic just listed, the Bombers need to add 3 starting linemen to their roster for depth.
  19. Pickings are slim, time to give a serious look at Miles in Sask, Brown in TO and Willis in Montreal.
  20. I'd say talent mostly, the young guys we brought in all seemed to have cement shoes, just terrible footwork which is something that should have been identified in the scouting phase.
  21. Too bad but really, anyone will be better than Creehan, he's had the worst defences over the past 2 seasons by far.
  22. They should call it what it really is, OC/Assistant HC and I doubt you'd find a better available candidate for the job than MB.
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