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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. bluto, given that Stubler has now left your 2 favorite teams, I would hardly call you impartial in this discussion. Nobody brought the hat like that Argo D did, especially the half backs, the closet we have on the roster now is Sears but he is always injured, the rest are smurfs.
  2. Thanks to PLL for his years of service, he was always one of the hardest working players on the roster. Now let's hope we can move on from the NI MLB experiment.
  3. You can start with the dline, they will want a nose tackle, so there goes two right there, at least one LB, a safety, and two DB's the half backs will have to be LB size punishing hitters, there's 6 without even trying.
  4. Hope this hire becomes reality and we finally get back to a hard nosed defence that punishes the crap out you for short **** over the middle. I expect half the current D starters won't be back as they are not capable of playing Stubler/O'Shea style football.
  5. The Riders just made a mint off of the GC, 2015 or 2025 won't matter to them what the future costs are, especially once the new stadium is up and running and they are pulling down even more revenue, I can see this becoming their m.o. and driving the weaker sisters to their knees, everything they bitched and complained about happening to them in the past, hypocrites is apt.
  6. I like his mantra on hard work and buy in by the players, that's a good starting point.
  7. Cortez is very intriguing, he knows how to build an offence but that would still leave a gapping hole on defence.
  8. Big splash coming or so we have been told, there are some very talented names on that list that we could use.
  9. I can't imagine anyone comparing resumes and coming to the conclusion that Walters was the more qualified of the two.
  10. Jacques is the Rodney Dangerfield of the CFL 'I get no respect'..........they were the only team to put a scare in the Riders in the playoffs and would have been them hoisting the cup if not the Riders.
  11. Dressler is a far better receiver than anything we have on the roster and would make the Bombers a better team ala you have to look at acquiring him if he's available. You cut somebody's ass to make room for him, simple as that, it's not even a cap issue.
  12. Hope he sticks, he'll be twice the player he is now with the experience he gains down there when he comes back. Let's just hope that if does, they brain trust aren't considering PLL as the next starting MLB.
  13. I voted no, when a guy like Higgins withdraws his name, you know the game was rigged from the start.....same old BS as always. I used to laugh at the people who thought that until the BOD was cleansed or another oversight body elected that things would never change, it appears they were right all along.
  14. That is an absolutely ridiculous stance, taking a pass on a guy who can improve your team because he's a import...........any HC coming in is going to recognize that the Bombers just don't have enough impact players on the roster, even Burke saw it, and is going to want assurances from management that they will have the opportunity to grab guys when they become available. You only get so many chances to acquire those types of players.
  15. Maas is tied to the hip with Ray, he won't leave TO. A better bet is that Marcel B reunites with Khari and the two of them run the offense.
  16. Not going to happen, I tend to believe the McMannus AGM rumor more than this one.
  17. I actually like the idea of O'Shea as HC but only because he's the GM's choice.......isn't that how functional teams operate?
  18. Burke's mug shot can now be included along side of Bolt and the White Zombie on the Bomber wall of shame. I see that Danny Barrett interviewed for the Esks job as well, Blade would seem like a natural choice to join the above all-stars.
  19. Success or failure will all fall at Wades feet with these hires, maybe he will surprise us.
  20. Beat you by 2 days but who's counting...... Just as long as the TiCats spoil the Rider parade now.
  21. I'm stating the facts, Khari needs one more year in a successful Rider program to be an accurate comparison to Chamblin having spent 3 in the Stamps program, it's the rest of you who need to pull your heads out.
  22. If you're going to credit Marcel (OC) for Denmarks turnaround in 2013 then you have to credit Baressi (OC) for his 2011 performance too, *** for tat.
  23. Chamblin's been coaching for 7 season's, you left out his NFLE time, but that wasn't my point. I said where you get your experience is often more important than years of service. The Stamps have been a successful organization and Chamblin was part of it, not part of some gong show.
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