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Posts posted by pigseye


    4 years as a QB coach and 1 as an OC hardly equals a HC resume..........we know that Wade has great respect for Khari but, he really needs to stop and think about this.

    Just for comparisons sake, Corey Chamblin didn't have a hell of a lot more coaching experience before he got the riders head job. 1 years as defensive coordinator and several as just a positional coach before that. Being a good coordinator really doesn't always translate into a head coach, there is a slightly different skill set required. I don't know if Khari has that skill set or not, but bottom line if they do hire him they better hire good people around him regardless of how good he is or isn't cause a rookie always needs a good supporting cast. 



    I tend to agree with you but, Chamblin did have 3 solid years in the Stamps organization, I tend to believe that where you get your experience is sometimes more important than just years of service.

  2. And I would say the odds of that actually happening are slim to none with none already leaving the building.


    You're now blaming coaches from 3 years ago who are no longer around for the problem this year.........the same group who were good enough to get a 4 - 14 team to the Cup game the very next year.......give it a rest already.


    Max Hall was pretty good in the previous 3 games before the season ending stinker, he had thrown for 865 yards, 5 TD's:1 INT and had QB rating of 97.93..........didn't really help much though.


    The problem is that the Bombers are not going to have a Hall of Fame QB at the controls, they surrounded a stable of mediocre QB's with more mediocre players and that is the real problem.


    Max Hall performed just well enough to come into a game when the starter goes down…no more.

    In other words…he's a backup.


    No consideration for the abysmal coaching?



    Those are not backup like numbers I posted for you, those are comparable to starter numbers.


    And if the coaching was so bad, why did his play improve along with Denmark, Ford and most of the offense? They rose to their level of mediocrity and no more, that has nothing to do with coaching and everything to do with mediocre talent plateauing.

  4. Max Hall was pretty good in the previous 3 games before the season ending stinker, he had thrown for 865 yards, 5 TD's:1 INT and had QB rating of 97.93..........didn't really help much though.


    The problem is that the Bombers are not going to have a Hall of Fame QB at the controls, they surrounded a stable of mediocre QB's with more mediocre players and that is the real problem.

  5. I'd like to hear from one of the tight-asses on the board, did they dictate how much money Mack had to spend on players and coaches, did he not have a choice and had to recruit the players he did, why didn't we have a full staff of coaches etc etc.

  6. For the Als I get rid of Bo Bowling instantly... the guy is useless on returns,  has horrible hands,  fumbled the ball away right after the horrible Bruce fumble.   


    Emry also didn't help the cause with his poor job of tackling allowing that TD......


    I thought Troy Smith looked like the veteran out there while Burris was the rookie looking lost....  Smith is definitely a keeper and rifled some great balls against the wind that unfortunately guys like Bowling and SJ Green kept on dropping killing drives.    


    I could only imagine Max Hall playing into that wind..... that would be very scary to see. 


    Troy Smith looks like Warren Moon 2.0


    For all those wanting Dickenson as HC, he has never had to handle adversity in his coaching career, Calgary has been a cake walk, just something to consider.

    Neither has Chris Jones. He's been DC in Montreal, Calgary & Toronto. Then there's Argos HC Scott Milanovich who had AC as his qb along with Marc Trestman's system. Jim Barker's provided him with talent & he done well. That's all the Bombers have to do. Follow Toronto's lead & draft well & provide their new HC with talent... Oh wait. ;)



    lol, for a minute there you had me.

  8. Chapdelaine HC

    Walters AGM

    Worman PP


    My franchise QB is Drew Tate and my 2nd overall pick is as high as I go on that deal but really I would break the bank to get him to show him he's wanted.


    I could care less about the expansion draft and protecting players with all the free agents on my roster, any combination of those already mentioned is fine.


    Finally, I target other teams free agents with an eye for NI oline, dline and receivers, and import receivers, linebackers and db's. Ideally, I want 4 players from free agency, 2 on O and 2 on D all starters.

  9. So, for all you old boys who like to reminisce.....how does this shitty season rank in your list of shitty seasons?


    Dave and I were talking about this current GC drought and how it ranks compared to the one prior to 1984. We figured Do Or Die and Iso would have some insight....


    What's the worst drought? Worst season? 


    I have pretty strong memories of the 1998 season because I was graduating high school in Pinawa and starting Brandon University. I was struggling to get CJOB to come in on my little radio in my dorm room at BU for that first win of the year. Was a GREAT day, but one of the only ones that season. This one feels about the same...really really tough.


    You guys?


    Going forward this team probably has less talent than any I have seen since we won our last cup in 1990.

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