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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Bombers have stated they plan on starting Neufeld, a non import, at right tackle next season. That's fine but who backs up your starting 2 tackles? when January or Neufeld goes down.
  2. I like Jone's attitude, he's always got his nose in the action it seems and no denying that the line play has improved since his arrival but starting 2 imports sucks. Fact is though they need 2 import tackles on the team so you have to keep both.
  3. Which is why ideally, you start a NI on the dline. The sooner Burke and Creehan are gone the better.
  4. If we can find 4 NI OL who are ready to play this off-season with the addition of another team, great. We have one guy who is an above average starter right now in Greaves, and even he is pretty inconsistent. That's all you really needed to say.
  5. How about we quit trying to reinvent the wheel? Say what you want about Berry but he brought the Montreal model with him, 4 NI's on the oline, 1 on the DL, a safety and a receiver and he made the playoffs every year as a HC with us, not many Bomber HC's can say they accomplished that.
  6. Who? Anybody who can start likely won't hit the market. At best you are looking at utility guys who can step in and be average (like Parenteau), or guys that price themselves off of rosters like Picard. You can't count on draft picks to step right in. For one, guys that have that talent ready to go will probably get a NFL shot, and the others likely won't be ready. If a rookie steals a spot that's a bonus, but you can't plan for that. If we are lucky, one of our NI "tackles" will develop into an adequate guard and we'll able to acquire an average centre, which we don't have. Starting 4 NI's on the OL would just be pure ratio desperation because the players needed to do it aren't on the horizon. Well, unless there are zero linemen as free agents coming, I don't know how you can even makes that statement now. Doug Berry turned the oline around in one season using cast off veterans, it happens and should happen again with the right man in charge. I don't know which Berry team you're talking about. Taman traded a 1st round pick and Garrick Jones (probably the best import tackle we've had since the 80s) for Gauthier, Abou-Mechrek returned as a free agent the year before Berry was low-balled after 06 and hoisted the Grey Cup for the Riders in 07, Khan was a dispersal draft pick, Picard was a draft pick, Goodspeed was added in 05. What's it matter how he acquired them, Gauthier & St Germain allowed them to start 4 NI's and the team went from 5 wins to 9, just do it.
  7. Stock piling NI's for the expansion draft is a good move no matter how you slice it.
  8. Who? Anybody who can start likely won't hit the market. At best you are looking at utility guys who can step in and be average (like Parenteau), or guys that price themselves off of rosters like Picard. You can't count on draft picks to step right in. For one, guys that have that talent ready to go will probably get a NFL shot, and the others likely won't be ready. If a rookie steals a spot that's a bonus, but you can't plan for that. If we are lucky, one of our NI "tackles" will develop into an adequate guard and we'll be able to acquire an average centre, which we don't have. Starting 4 NI's on the OL would just be pure ratio desperation because the players needed to do it aren't on the horizon. Well, unless there are zero linemen as free agents coming, I don't know how you can even makes that statement now. Doug Berry turned the oline around in one season using cast off veterans, it happens and should happen again with the right man in charge.
  9. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2013/10/21/redblack-and-blue-a-look-at-players-the-bombers-should-protect-in-expansion-draft 25! Crazy times. Mass exodus coming and not a moment too soon.
  10. Subtraction by addition, starting in free agency, who will be available that will be an upgrade at any position then go from there.
  11. Hate to say it but, they are still playing hard for him, just their mistakes holding them back now. they never started playing hard for him. Playing hard and making plays are two different animals. Can't blame it all on the coaching, the players haven't delivered either when the opportunities have been there. Have to clean house, coaches and players, the talent just isn't their to win on a consistent basis.
  12. I'd of sooner had them just roll over than to lose like that from their own mistakes.
  13. Hate to say it but, they are still playing hard for him, just their mistakes holding them back now.
  14. And why do you have to always get personal? I wasn't mad, dude. I always get personal? Alright... Anyways, how about that middle ground? Why would there be a middle ground? On what basis? Rids knows his stuff when it comes to salaries. He's worked with other CFL teams at arms length. Knows scouts on various CFL teams. Has had discussions with them about players. He attends the Senior Bowl every year & is on the field with the NFL & CFL scouts. He attends the E Camp the CFL holds in March. He is on a first name basis with most CIS head coaches across Canada. He talks to these guys & they all give him the scoop on what their former players are making. He is an equal partner with CFL player Shomari Williams in a college recruiting company. He has set up combines all across Canada. I didn't just pick those numbers out of the blue that I quoted. It was Rids who first told me what CFL first rounders make just a few days ago in a private discussion about this very thing. What a bizarre comment. You said "first round picks make 85-95k" and JBR said "no they don't" and you replied with "so what are you saying, they make 40-45k" and not only that, but you're extremely confrontational about it. How in the world can you not see yourself ignoring the possibility of a middle ground in that exchange? Truly a weird dude. If you honestly weren't mad, you need to take a long hard look at the way you talk to people because for a guy who was just engaging in a conversation and wasn't at all upset, you sure came across as a bit of a d-bag. Not attacking you, just being honest. I trust you when you say you weren't mad, but damn man ... you sure sound like it. A lot. . This place is small but becoming very cliqueish. When this place first opened we all got along. Then disagreements became spats, which became arguments, which became grudges & is now becoming wars. Now when I post, I have to put on a suit of armor because I know I'll get attacked by the same people. I can almost count on it. Is it because the team sucks so bad that people including myself are so grouchy here? If we were 12-3 instead of 3-12 would we get along better? I don't know but I do know it's not as much fun coming here as it used to be. People want to be respected. Respect goes both ways, I get that. I need to be better but so do others here as well. Getting old sucks and nobody wants to hear the truth anymore. You and I have seen Bomber teams win 3 - 4 ? cups in our time and know what it takes, most here haven't even witnessed 1 I bet but think we are crack pots, that's just the way it goes.
  15. lol, I was thinking the same thing, other than Watson just protect oline men for NI's. The imports I wouldn't even worry about they are all easily replaced, look at Aaron Kelly pulled from the scrap heap and has been a stud by Bomber standards.
  16. Kohlert's the player we sign of the 2 (Etienne & Kohlert). If I was going to gamble, I'd protect Kohlert then make sure he gets signed but leave Etienne exposed to Ottawa. If Etienne isn't selected & wants to come back here then he has to take a significant pay cut to do so based on his numbers the past 3 seasons. All first rounders get paid $85-95,000 a season. He then takes a 25-35% pay cut on a new contract. If he balks then sayonara, kid. Best of luck as he won't get any better offers even in his beloved home land. No they don't. None of them do. If they are lucky they can make that if they reach performance bonuses. Muamba isn't making close to that in base salary on his current deal. Yup, iirc HM got a signing bonus of $9,500.00 and $50K in his first year.....I wouldn't pay him $95K in his next contract the way he's been playing in the second half of the season, looks like he's carpet bagging it.
  17. Offer up Chris Mathews, Huff's got a chubby over him and one of our expendable NI's maybe Volney or a swap of picks.
  18. It'll be Drew Tate, he's worn out his welcome in Cowgary and his value is dropping like a stone. I actually think Wpg would be a good fit for him. Get's to prove himself all over again against his now western rivals and a loose cannon/malcontent just like the guys Cal used to pick up back in his day.
  19. I thought he meant Walters is 'the guy'.........which almost stroked me out if true.
  20. Because #3 is the guy you are hoping develops into your future starter.
  21. Considering how poor an athlete he is, it's damn near amazing he's as good as he is. When I first saw him, I thought this guy's the second coming of Russ Michna but, he makes up for it with brains. He'll be a good backup guy imo.
  22. Who is the "horse's mouth"? Upper mgmt, can't say the name unfortunately. Very legit source though. Who says upper management is around next year, in fact, why should they be?
  23. Ford is a stud and I retract what I said about Hall, he is definitely in the running for a backup QB spot, rubber arm and all.
  24. No question defensively the coaching is rotten but, they built a small fast defense that gets steamed rolled too. The offense is just devoid of talented players, Ford looks like the most talented guy by far.
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