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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. and....you and your staff couldn't get the same thing out of him? That would be a fail on your part Mr Kelly.
  2. In Calgary there's Brad Sinopoli. He was a Hec Creighton winning qb who sat on the bench for 3 seasons. He was converted to receiver this season at training camp, a position he's never played & the guy has been great. He catches everything & makes good YAC yards after each catch. We have a first round pick with 16 catches in 3 seasons & Sinipoli with just a few months of experience at receiver is outplaying Etienne. And our 1st round picks Etienne & Poblah can't even get playing time over an undrafted free agent and a wash out in Foster. Trolling, plain and simple. But it's Dave, he's the master.
  3. Last summer, like 2012, I did.
  4. Let's see now, Rory an undrafted free agent........Jade a first round pick..........gee which one should be the stud and which the dud. Given all the screaming around here about that 2nd to 4th round swap with the Riders I can't believe anyone would even be stupid enough or brash enough to bring this comparison up unless they were just trolling.
  5. fwiw, I ran into a former NCAA linemen at a game last summer, he didn't like what he saw from the oline, talked about footwork and coaching specifically looking like the problem.
  6. Pretty much, the goal has to be starting 4 NI's on the line and you keep guys who can play multiple positions.
  7. Don't mistake my comment about being light along the DL (tackle in particular) as a comment about weight .. it's more about physicality than anything else .. it's great these guys are athletic .. but far too often we see our interior guys being ineffective against bigger (more physical) offensive lineman .. outside of Turner, our tackles don't command respect .. they don't keep interior linemen from moving to the next level (ie. occupying space and keeping guards / center off our MLB - not that Muamba gets off blocks well to begin with .. but that's another story) Well said.
  8. well clearly the smart thing to do is not say anything. Oh please, then we'd find something else to attack him on. Perhaps his lack of confidence in answering a question. Or why he would clearly ignore a question directly posed to him from the media. Burke does plenty of stupid things and deserves criticism for all of them. This is not one of them. This is Troy Westwood-level criticism right here. It's not hard to say things like "all I can do is worry about winning game this year and whatever they decide to do they decide to do" says nothing and still answers the question. Seriously this isn't complicated. "Look, Coach Burke doesn't even care about what happens next season cause he's already checked out! Fire him now already! Him being on the team when he clearly doesn't care about what happens going forward is only going to hurt our team long-term." You're right, slamming him regardless of what he says isn't that complicated. The fact that he didn't answer the question in the exact way you wanted him to framed perfectly to fit your expectations doesn't mean he handled it wrong. instead he threw the fired GM totally under the bus, he threw his players under the bus and he quite frankly insulted the intelligence of everyone who follows this team by contradicting what he said before the season started. Yeah that's much better. Burke at this point is simply saying anything and everything to make excuses for himself and it is absolutely disgusting. Burke doesn't deserve to keep his job. And I don't agree with most of what he says. Below is every direct quote from Burke. Please show me where he throws Mack "totally under the bus". Also, please help me figure out which specific players he threw under the bus that has you so disgusted: “I don’t think I’ll go through any more adversity than this year,” “So if I stayed strong through this, then I’ll be a better head coach in the future. It’s easier to deal with success than it is failure." “As a team at least we’ve been competitive. We’ve gone out and given great effort. In some areas we’ve gotten better. We do have some personnel deficiencies, and some of those deficiencies are hard to overcome, so we’ll try to address those in the off-season.” “We definitely have to improve our scouting, and it just isn’t going to happen overnight,” he said. “It’s going to take two or three years to really get to where we want to get to. The first stage is to try to be a playoff team. The next phase is to be competitive towards the Grey Cup, and the third phase is to win the Grey Cup. “We’re going to have to acquire personnel that helps us get there, and we have a plan to try to get us to that first phase, hopefully within a year.” “It’s different, that’s for sure,” Burke said. “The great thing is all three of us work together well. I feel it is more of a collaborative effort, and hopefully we all hang around together and can move forward, because I think we got a great plan to move forward.” “My job is to try to help keep the team motivated,” Burke said. “I want us to go out there and play with passion and I want us to go out there and play with great effort, and I want us to try and get better as a team. If we do that, then I feel like I’ve done my job.” Exactly why they need to bring in an experienced GM for a couple seasons to get Walters connected down south and help guide him through this mess. To just dump the whole thing on his plate would be unfair.
  9. Hello.....Kyle........is anybody home? Receivers and running backs please. DB's, LB'ers and DT's.......the problems have been staring you straight in the face the past 2 years.
  10. Defense lost Lobendahn, he was having an MOP year and replaced him with PLP, little wonder their played dropped off.
  11. Burke would like nothing better than a nice long paid vacation which he is lobbying for big time.
  12. Looks like everyone finally agrees on what Joe Mack's legacy will be.
  13. 2 NI's > 1 NI & I It's just about NI's, always has been, always will be in the CFL.
  14. Best running attack all season with some exceptional pulling and blocking by the line but my expectations are low so it doesn't take much improvement to get me excited.
  15. Damn straight iso, the chickens have come home to roost, and all the Mack fan boys are licking the egg off their faces poo pooing about 2nd round picks.....hilarious to see.
  16. So any NI who started some games at tackle is a "starting NI tackle?" There's no variability in quality? Paul Swiston is therefore a NI starting tackle now. That's about the level of player we're getting, so don't get your hopes up too high. Neufeld has much to prove. The only reason this trade isn't a total fleecing is because we dumped a 14 pick for a 15 one when there will be a full draft pool, but there's no way we should have had to give up 2 rounds in that swap. Neufeld isn't a top 6 OL for the Riders and had very little chance of making their team next season regardless of Ottawa. Should have been no need to sweeten the pot, and if it was insisted upon, play hardball. After Toarmina and Boatman how bad could it be? Let's start 3 imports on the line instead, that was priceless and embarrassing to the whole organization/fan base. The sooner they get back to doing things the right way the better, the better, and that starts by brining in NI's to compete for positions on the lines. And yes, this oline is so sad that any NI who can basically compete is an improvement. This thing is freaking train wreck and needs major cleanup.
  17. I agree totally. As well there is no reason we can't resign Hall next year if he does not catch on in the NFL.Well done Walters. if you actually believe there is a chance Hall re-signs here you're insane. Why come back to this place after he gets a taste of a winning team? No as soon as you trade him you ain't getting him back. So not trading him would have guaranteed he came back and played for us, got it.
  18. As long as picks are coming back your way in return, I don't know what all the fuss is about. There is no guarantee that a pick in any round is going to be better than the next.
  19. Very true, lots of short sightedness going on here, he moved up two rounds in the Parenteau deal but I don't recall much said about that, only that Parenteau was a bum. Maybe being our CIS scout, the guy just might have inkling on what he's doing. Parenteau, Foster and now Neufeld, maybe if we had drafted properly in the past, he wouldn't have to try to restock the cupboards now.
  20. Yes because starting NI tackles are dropping from trees....right.
  21. Oh c'mon, that Mack rebuilt our NI talent so much that we don't need draft picks for quite awhile now.
  22. Nothing is stopping the Bombers from trading again to recoup their pick, people are nitpicking the deal for no good reason at this point.
  23. Sure it's easy to throw out a bunch of names. But Would you really want any of these guys? I'd rather stick with Walters over any of those washed up GM's. There are a few AGM's out there but still unproven when it comes to running a team on their own. So, you'd hire another guy trying to prove himself (Kyle Walters) over a guy (Tom Higgins) who has coached & managed two CFL teams & won a GC in Edmonton? That is why this team is so bad & has been bad for so long. We keep recycling thru the same inexperienced cheap hires to run the team. Walters has proven exactly, what??? All he should be is a caretaker GM until we hire someone else & that is it. The experienced guy we need here is Higgins. Not Tillman who is a pervert, Macciocia who is a bumbling fool, Obie & Rita who are too old. Too old........70 is the new 50 man, get with it, and who better to hit free agency with than a wily old coot.
  24. If he's a marginal tackle, then he'll be starting on our line for at least the next 2 years, ,for a 4 game rental player and a 2 round drop in the draft.........oooh I don't know about this one.
  25. Yes, I would want one of those guys, okay maybe not machoka, to spend a couple years assisting Walters, he isn't ready for the big chair yet. A couple years with OB or Rita or Higgins at his side guiding him and getting him connected is the way to go.
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