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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Well it does prove you lack any common sense if you can't see anyone of those names would be an asset for Walters.
  2. Higgins Tillman Shivers Rita O'Billovich Maciocia There's half a dozen guys with GM experience before you even get into AGM's
  3. Only in Winnipeg would you open a brand new stadium with a 2 - 16, worst team in the history of the organization, gong show like this. And people wonder why the city/team have such a bad rap???? If Wade doesn't do the right thing and hire an experienced GM to rebuild this steaming pile, then it just confirms what everyone thinks about the city/team.......low budget, second rate outfit that can't attract good coaches and players.
  4. Players and coaches without a doubt. I cut Bellfool some slack only because he doesn't have the horses but Creehan is hands down the worst defensive co I have ever seen. The players he has are nowhere near as bad as he makes them seem.
  5. I could not believe what I was watching, guards and tackles pulling to run block and actually opening holes for the back, for the first time in a long time I smiled about the offence. Max Hall on the other hand looks about on par with most CIS QB's. I don't think I'd even want him as a #2 option in the future, he's a weakling.
  6. Nice defense, let's be sure to bring them ALL back next year.
  7. He hasn't been the same since that brutal face masking almost broke his neck.
  8. This isn't the first time. That's the cold hard truth. It's been a long time since things have been this bad though.
  9. We're only one NI starter on the dline away from getting things going in the right direction, maybe they can get one from Sask for Hall. http://cfl.uploads.mrx.ca/wpg/pdf/depth/2013/DepthChart_WpgatCal_Oct5_2013100250.pdf
  10. Best time of the year imo, the blinders are finally off and everyone see's the cold hard truth, now the real progress can start.
  11. Well who would Higgins attract as far as current QB's go? The guy's been out of the GM/coaching loop for too long now. I'd rather go with someone currently with an organization and hope that he can bring at least one QB with him.
  12. In a round about way, hiring the right GM/HC could be the tipping point for QB's to come here, and same QB's because we need more than just a starter, we need depth behind him too.
  13. But that would be possibly pointless if they end up hiring a new Coach and GM. Because if it's not someone they want to work with, even if we got Collaros, it's not going to matter. You can never have too much of a good thing, and I would hope and the new GM/HC does bring a boat load of 'his guys' with him when he arrives.
  14. Absolutely, Taman is now in panic mode, Henoc for Willey and their first pick and nothing less.
  15. Once more for the reading impaired. This is not about bringing in a starter, it's about bringing in a CFL experienced QB to be backup before they are all gobbled up next year when everyone is looking for bodies. Start now so that come training camp next season we have at least 2 guys battling for the #2 backup job behind our new free agent starter.
  16. lol, no one would be expecting him to win, and the playbook could be dumb downed, although I don't know how any dumber it could get. It's time to show the fan base that they aren't just going to roll over and take it up the chute the rest of the season.
  17. This not about signing a reject to be our franchise QB, we all know that they will try to do that in free agency. This about getting some depth behind him and having a backup with experience if needed. And just to appease the fan club, Joey Elliot would make a fine #2 behind whoever we get in free agency. #1 Free agent QB #2 Joey Elliot type backup #3 The project ala BLM in Calgary The QB positions needs depth just like all the rest of them.
  18. The fact there will be another team in the league next season makes acquiring any what you can now, even more important, for every QB Ottawa takes another has to replace him, that's going to be 8 - 10 more faces in the league. Grab what you can now is the prudent thing to do when your cupboard is bare. Free agency is too big a crap shoot.
  19. Same old problem for the Bombers, no experience in the bull pen, needs to stop at some point and might as well be now.
  20. If the CEO is finding players, there are going to be huge issues down the line. His job is strictly managing the business side of the Bombers. His job is to find our next GM, and then the GM will find a Quarterback. If we have a CEO interfering with football ops, we're right back where we started before the cleaning of the house. That's long term, when you're operating with an interim GM, I'd consider this extra-ordinary circumstances, and he was hired to fi the football ops side because what they currently have can't get the job done and I wouldn't want them making any decisions anyways.
  21. Wade needs someone who can finish this mess of a season off for him because what they currently have is zippo experience. Time to give Porter or Jyles a call. Even if they sign someone in the off season, they will still need some competition in camp as well as some veteran backup experience for next year. Besides the two I mentioned, which other veteran guys are sitting at home waiting for a call.
  22. $ Muamba + Denmark ~ $ Bighill + Harris That's just sad man.
  23. No it comes down to money, would you pay Henoc more than Bighill to play MLB.
  24. So then you would pay him more money to be our starting middle linebacker than you would pay Bighill........think about it before you answer.
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