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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Two separate arguments there. Bighill had a great game, with lots handed right to him. He was much better than his Toronto game where Collaros made a Molehill out of him. The question is simple, do you think Henoc is capable of having that type of game, I don't.
  2. Haven't you heard......Buck was the reason everything was wrong with the offence in Wpg........the cheering was just because they were so glad he was now somebody else's problem
  3. So after watching the impact Bighill had on the game last night anyone still think Henoc iis worth breaking the bank on as a starting MLB......
  4. Agreed, not having a HC who is clearly in charge, if that is the case, is a hopeless situation. Somebody though needs to put the ship on the right course whether it be Walters or Willer, somebody somewhere along the chain of command has to be responsible.
  5. The only highlights Stewart has made all year is when he's getting torched, he's the last one to talk.
  6. I was thinking the same thing, he stepped out short of the marker, all he had to do was fall forward and he would have had it. When a vet like TE loses focus, you know things are bad.
  7. Currently though, you have to blame whoever is in charge of the import ratio, trying to start 5 NI's at skill positions is beyond nuts.
  8. NI's sitting on practice rosters around the league, there are currently 4 DL and 9 OL, poaching other teams practice roster players used to be a Taman specialty. We are to the point where it needs to be done again, poach 1 DL and 1 OL and get the ratio in order.
  9. That pass Boltus threw to Denmark in the end zone was a laser beam, nice arm on the kid.
  10. They are treating this like it's exhibition, I feel sorry those season ticket holders who have to pay full bore for this, completely unprofessional and almost dishonest.
  11. That's why you play an import at middle linebacker, Adam Bighill is the best player on the field tonight, monster game so far.
  12. We have 2 NI starters on our lines, he would easily be our third, without a doubt.
  13. You need tunes to go with that http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=anew+revolution+youtube&qs=n&form=QBVR&pq=anew+revolution+youtube&sc=0-0&sp=-1&sk=#view=detail&mid=1598FEBD8D4B574675031598FEBD8D4B57467503
  14. And there's plenty to suggest otherwise, Don O a local boy for example, who are just as important to retain, couldn't even get a decent sniff. There's no reason given our current state that he shouldn't be starting on the dline tonight in rotation with Thomas. To suggest that our NI talent hasn't been mismanaged in the Mack era is ridiculous.
  15. Run the table and we are 8 - 10 and playoff bound, even 7 - 11 could get it done.
  16. I absolutely agree, the offence was actually half decent down the stretch in 2012 and I don't give Crowton any credit for that whatsoever.
  17. So you named 3, good for you that still leaves us well short of paying 7 starters top dollar.
  18. Buck was also in the booth with Crowton down the stretch in 2012.
  19. It comes down to money, starting quality NI linemen are the highest paid NI's in the league, we tried to go the least expensive route and it hasn't worked out so good.
  20. People forget that last year was still the Lapo offence and not the new and improved Crowton offence of this year. Unless I miscounted, we have 21 NI's on the 42 man roster......that's 1 more than we need?
  21. Hard to believe that a team in the CFL can only start 2 NI's on their O & D line, that is the real problem that has been ignored despite player turnover.
  22. This is why most of your draft picks have to be linemen, at least we had Labatte and Picard at one time..........******* joke.
  23. On the bright side, the next GM can start with a blank slate and not be beholden to players with bloated contracts. - get a franchise QB - build your lines - then impact players and you're set, shouldn't take more than 2 years to be a contender again.
  24. 3 imports on the oline is just crazy enough to work and more evidence just how woeful the depth is.
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