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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. I repeat....what makes people believe there will be a huge surplus of money to spend before FA. If I AMA potential FA I want to see who gets hired here, who signs here and who I am playing for before I sign. All that has to happen before Dec. 31st if in fact there is Cap money left. Do you think the GM, HC situation will be resolved by then?


    Walters will be around no matter what, I doubt he stays as permanent GM and likely goes back to his assistant position but, that doesn't mean he won't have authority to wheel and deal.


    Now if the Bombers want Tate then ask away.... Please.


    actually, i think they should. 


    Tate and Hall backing up Collaros (who you should make a big money offer to) would take you from the worst QB situation to one of the better ones. having a designated QB coach with those three should go without saying...



    A nice thought but just not realistic from a financial standpoint to pay both Collaros and Tate. I agree though that Max Hall would make an ideal backup to either of those 2 as your starter.



    You JUST called Muamba "exceptional by NI standards" on the other site.


    Make up your damn mind.


    I think he's an exceptional athlete for a NI just not a great starting MLB. :D  


    Dude, the more I read your posts, the more I think you're just a troll.



    It makes absolutely no sense to break the bank on this guy, which you're going to have to do come free agency, at the position that he plays. He can be replaced by an import at a substantial cost savings that should be used toward either the an oline position or franchise QB, it's just that simple. Even if was a franchise type player, it still doesn't make any sense.....that money needs to go elsewhere, end of story.

  4. It's all going to come down to selling (out) potential free agents on our ability to build a winning culture here in Winnipeg .. if Walters / Miller can't do that .. we're going to lose more than Muamba to free agency. 


    And for the record, I agree with Irving when he says losing Muamba would be akin to losing Labatte .. this is a kid that's only going to get better the more he plays ..


    Yup, there was a time when players actually used to take less money just to stay a Bomber, not that long ago either, they have to get back to being a place that players want to play. Basically, a chance to win every year.


    Please elaborate then Mike, it's on topic.


    FWIW, I heard a few stories from the Legacy Dinner the other night. Couple conversations with some of our stronger defensive players and apparently it was a good chance to get their honest thoughts instead of the "proper" media replies. I bet you can guess what they think of Tim Burke and his coaching staff. I'll give you a hint. It's the same thing I think of them.



    Now you got to the meat of it, I've also heard similar comments from players but not just about Burke over the past few years, glad that people are finally waking up to the truth, appreciate the reply, thanks.



    He's responsible for getting the best out of his personal and putting them in a position to win which he didn't do last night with taking the knee.


    So near the top of the league in sacks from the dline and a MLB near the top of the league in tackles isn't.........these guys must have no ceiling to their awesomeness. :lol:


    So here you argue for the MLB being near the top of the league in tackles and on the other thread you say he's a sieve.

    Which is it?



    Quit trying to derail the thread :P

  7. He's responsible for getting the best out of his personal and putting them in a position to win which he didn't do last night with taking the knee.


    So near the top of the league in sacks from the dline and a MLB near the top of the league in tackles isn't.........these guys must have no ceiling to their awesomeness. :lol:

  8. So Muamba is a complete sieve and the opponents had no influence on their own successful plays.

    That means the opponents erred a lot in their assignments whenever Henoc managed to get involved.


    How many of the other teams, including Ottawa, would grab Henoc if they could?


    The only teams who would be interested in him are the ones who are light on their NI starters. Anyone with good NI depth wouldn't even consider starting him at MLB.




    Finding out what you have is for training camp and garbage time, the idea is to win and win now. Blaming the HC for this situation is nonsense.

    They are not mutually exclusive.


    Trace what Burke does and at the end of your drawing you will have a conclusion that Burke shares the blame...heavily.



    Just go back to what I asked, is he or isn't he responsible for the personnel who are starting?


    We have seen more personnel turnover in the last month under our Interim GM than Mack made in his 3 years.


    So I ask again, who is responsible the personnel on the field and why aren't they making plays when the opportunity hits them right in the hands.


    You want to talk personnel, then lay the page out.


    This thread is on Burke and if you have decided he shares no blame..then say so.



    All I will say then is, put any other coach in the league in Burke's shoes and how do you think he would fair. If you answer that question honestly then you will see that the HC position is meaningless for this current mess.


    Finding out what you have is for training camp and garbage time, the idea is to win and win now. Blaming the HC for this situation is nonsense.

    They are not mutually exclusive.


    Trace what Burke does and at the end of your drawing you will have a conclusion that Burke shares the blame...heavily.



    Just go back to what I asked, is he or isn't he responsible for the personnel who are starting?


    We have seen more personnel turnover in the last month under our Interim GM than Mack made in his 3 years.


    So I ask again, who is responsible the personnel on the field and why aren't they making plays when the opportunity hits them right in the hands.


    That loss can only be described as a total team effort, everyone took their turn scharting themselves when the chips were down. The boos from the crowd were well earned and should be a signal to management that more changes are needed.

    So was 28,000 in attendance. That attendance count was flattering because there was nowhere near 28,000 at the game. I'd say 26,000 actual. Fans made a statement by staying away last night.The team stinks all around. Management, coaching & players. And the sentiment with the people I was with was there's no way the Bombers pay back the money they owe on the stadium. They're going to eventually default on the $90 million.



    All part of the master plan........private ownership to the rescue for pennies on the dollar.......wish I could get a piece of that pie.


    Remember this:

    First IKEA, then an Apple Store, now a new Bomber Stadium! The sky is definitely falling! The rumored U of M Bomber Stadium announced last September has become truth!

    At 10:30am today, three levels of government, the University of Manitoba, and David Asper are expected to make made a joint statement regarding the development of a new 122-million dollar stadium at the University’s Fort Garry campus.

    A new 30,000 seat stadium will be constructed adjacent to the current University stadium.

    The province will contribute $15-million to the stadium and $5-million to a world-class fitness center at the complex for a total of $20-million dollars. The federal government will contribute $15-million.

    The key part in the deal is that the Winnipeg Blue Bombers (who are currently publicly owned) will be sold to David Asper. Don’t worry folks, an agreement has been signed guaranteeing that the Bombers will stay in Winnipeg and can not be sold to anyone who will move the club.


  12. Last time I checked, wins and losses are all that counts. He had his team in a position to win until the players fumbled, bumbled and tipped their way to a loss. You can't blame a coach for players who can't do the job when the opportunity is there for them to make a play.

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