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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Yup, after 4 years Buck is finally gone and we get to suffer with the rookies.......which of course is a major reason Mack is unemployed, right now. Actually, Burke is being blamed, for a number of things....beyond that. Hey, he's either responsible for the personnel on the field or he isn't, so which is it?
  2. Sorry but I had to necro this after last nights second half of letting a gimpy Charles run all over us. Please trade him now for anything of value, he was/is a complete sieve in the middle of our defence, weakest link by far next to his inept brother.
  3. When id this become the hypocrisy forum? Everyone got what they wanted, Buck is gone and now you get to suffer with the rookies. Laying the blame at Burke's feet is just a way to ease their conscience now.
  4. I wouldn't have any faith in these Bombers either if I were Burke, what have they shown or done to instill any? Say what you want about Burke but the main problem is still on the field with the players.
  5. One of the better oline performances all year actually. Max Hall is a pretty good game manager but eventually all those mid range throws over the middle will catch up with you. He does not have the arm strength to make all the throws that an offence needs to keep a defence honest.
  6. That loss can only be described as a total team effort, everyone took their turn scharting themselves when the chips were down. The boos from the crowd were well earned and should be a signal to management that more changes are needed.
  7. Good to see Burke hasn't lost his sense of humor.
  8. I'd be surprised if it wasn't an ex-ticat with a torn acl.
  9. There's only a market kels if you have no other choice and every team has the choice. You are only looking at this from the side of his value to the Bombers.
  10. So did I actually, Thomas fought hard out there.Whats with all the Max Hall love? He wasn't any better than Goltz. Burke is the one who said he expected Goltz & Hall to be better than Elliot and Brink this year. Well it looks that couldn't be any less true. Thomas didn't embarrass himself because he has quicker feet than our olinemen. I have never seen such an assembly of olinemen with concrete shoes, the scouting on these guys must have been non-existent, if an olinemen can't move his feet then he is going to fail at the professional level.
  11. Injuries aside. You determine who your best 5 are and then figure out where they play best together. Their status of I or NI shouldn't enter the equation. Until the brain trust gets back to doing the basics first, nothing is going to improve with the sink or swim mentality. All that does is confirm that the guys in charge, shouldn't be.
  12. If you're referring to Buck, I hope you realize he would have been hospitalized about halfway through the first quarter of that last game... his reads are no quicker than Goltz's. Henoc definitely has value - Linebacker is increasingly an NI position... I would think almost every team in the league would have interest - not for a starting QB straight up but possibly a backup... then again, Calgary and Sask aren't trading any QBs right now, Toronto can't and no one else really has anyone that jumps out T.O. is probably the best market for Henoc if they want to make a grey cup run... but they're not giving up Collaros and not messing with their OL... I'm talking about any experience at the QB position before you move on. Most teams do not need to start a NI at linebacker and despite what you think the trend is, most will not if they have the option. The best the Bombers could hope for is a third stringer QB that nobody has heard of yet, Khari Jones type.
  13. We continue to run our experienced QB's out of town leaving us in a lurch before a replacement is ready. History just repeating itself. As for Henoc, he's not as valuable as some may think, unless you have a capable NI backup, which most teams do not. There isn't a single player on this Bomber team that you could flip straight up for a backup QB let alone a starter, yes it's that bad.
  14. Goltz is brutal and Hall has a noodle arm, neither is worth wasting time on, bring on the next guy.
  15. Ship them both out, problem solved. More like problem created Really, why, unless you don't think that you would receive NI starters in return? But if that's the case, then they shouldn't be starters to begin with.
  16. Peach or Bergman from the Stamps is my bet.
  17. Yeah it was pretty obvious that the secondary looked much better playing man coverage today when the opposing QB is constantly being harassed, hit and sacked. This is exactly how the 2011 defence played Calvillo all the time.
  18. lol, what an awful game but a wins a win, I just won't expect many more.
  19. Renaud leads the league in punting average.........it's more important to be clutch and come through when you have to, so far, we have not had that sort of performance from anyone, no positives at all yet but we are only half way through the season, I expect the cream will start to rise to the top in the second half.
  20. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Seriously, what else could you tell Walters to keep him working effectively? Finally, the BOD shows that they are capable of smart business decisions after all.
  21. Shocking news. Now, you can't just leave it at that Mike, spill the beans.....
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