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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Yup, let's waste reps on a guy with no upside, great idea.
  2. My thoughts exactly, the middle of the field is LB'er territory, either the MAC or WIL have to light people up for going across it. There is no excuse for both to be getting pulled out of there, something is just wrong with their reads. Creehan being a former LB'er coach should correct this after the first time it happens.
  3. I was thinking about the safety on those plays too but wasn't sure, seems to me that a LB'er would need to be the one to drop back, show blitz but then drop back into that area, would be an easy pick if the QB doesn't see him or at least light up the receiver.
  4. It's really odd how players who haven't proven anything, or even won a single game for that matter, try to showboat. Maybe I'm just too old school.
  5. Considering how many starting QB's are on the shelf right now, if he doesn't get picked up, well that about says it all.
  6. Sask attacked the middle of the field in the second half, lots of crossers and drag routes. This has actually been happening all year once teams realize how vulnerable we are in the middle. Not sure what the problem is and why the coaches haven't fixed this yet if it's just alignment issues, probably why they have started bringing in replacement players.
  7. Finally, someone with enough arm strength to get a football through a spider web without it getting hung up. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/4/29/1448778/scouting-the-scouting-reports
  8. The sooner the Bombers get more arms in here the better, what we have now can not put the ball in tight windows with any regularity. Consistency is what you need most out of your QB not optimism.
  9. Losing him can be excused, there was enough evidence to suggest he wanted to go home and play. But, not adequately replacing him is the real problem as well as numerous other positions. You need look no further than that in summarizing Joe Mack the GM.
  10. Goltz has the physique to be a good one but, give him a regime to improve his upper body strength and a dedicated coach to develop his mechanics and more time developing on the bench in the offense. He looks like he can read a defence but just needs more time to develop, imo.
  11. No need to take chances when you're only down by 6...hope he's learned something... I think those who questioned if he had the accuracy and arm strength to be a professional QB may be right. He has yet to pass for over 200 yards and has the lowest completion %, back to Max Hall please.
  12. Nice to see A Kelly have a solid game today, can't wait to add MSW to the mix as well, lord knows they need it.
  13. Meh, I've been a Bomber fan for 40 years now and I don't think I have disliked a Bomber team anymore than this one. They can keep losing as long it means getting rid of most of Macks players.
  14. And Phil Blake in Denver too if he shows up the Als will have Jourdain,Blake,Woodruff,Bomben,Barrette,Matte,Watkins. That's six quality inside guys, and we think Mack built our depth, please.
  15. Oh c'mon, Tait is now in the same class of pond scum as Friesen. The denier's will never admit how sucked in they were by Mr Mack. It's like a cult, they have invested so much they can't be wrong, no matter how hard the truth smacks them in the face, it's good entertainment for the rest of us though, watching them crash back to earth, lol.
  16. Watched him in the Texans game the other night, he looked so, so.
  17. imo, this article says a lot about Tim Burke, he's had no real input as a HC from day 1 which is too bad. I see names in that article like Rey Williams and Kevin Huntly, 2 positions that I have been screaming about all year and it's nice to see that he also see's it. I hope Burke is given the rest of the season to work with Walters, if it doesn't work out, at least he gets a fair shake.
  18. Well, they probably wanted something crazy like a swapping picks just to speak to them...........):
  19. This is all you need to know. There is a bread crumb trail of deceit on the part of the TiCats, first not offering him the 1+1 that must be offered to all rookies, then the sketchy letter about the option year, for any court, this is a slam dunk. Neither the arbitrator nor the court found that they hadn't offered him the 1+1, the difference of opinion between arbitration and the court is whether or not the ticats properly communicated their picking up the option year. This is an argument over the wording of that option being picked up and little more at this point I would say. They're smart enough to smell a rat. The background of the case laid it out so that anyone could connect the dots.
  20. Getting Da'Bolt in to mop up would be nice. Hopefully we get a big lead early! Exactly what I meant, Goltz arm will be so sore by half time from throwing TD's to A Kelly that he will have to let Boltz mop up.
  21. but who finishes is the real question.
  22. This is all you need to know. There is a bread crumb trail of deceit on the part of the TiCats, first not offering him the 1+1 that must be offered to all rookies, then the sketchy letter about the option year, for any court, this is a slam dunk. "Williams reportedly contends" "the TiCats, first not offering him the 1+1 that must be offered to all rookies," These statements alone do not prove a thing, one way or the other. One says one thing, not surprisingly , the other party states the other. The standard of reasonableness is held in civil courts, it's their job to determine what is and isn't reasonable, not to prove anything beyond a shadow of doubt like criminal proceedings. It's always he said she said in civil matters and it's the courts job to draw the most reasonable conclusion, which they based on the evidence provided.
  23. This is all you need to know. There is a bread crumb trail of deceit on the part of the TiCats, first not offering him the 1+1 that must be offered to all rookies, then the sketchy letter about the option year, for any court, this is a slam dunk.
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