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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. This is exactly the mess the team got in when the BoD decided it was time for Cal Murphy to go....and exactly the same situation was there was no one remaining on the staff with an ounce of football management experience. Same **** different date.


    Except that the team was swimming in debt and about to fold, Cal spent like a druk'en sailor.

  2. I completely agree with your, 'players don't give @#$%' conclusion.


    I don't remember which player said it after last years LDC but it was basically 'if the organization isn't giving us 100% why should we', the players just didn't believe that they had enough talent left on the team after 2011 to win which was really the whole point behind their twitter outbursts. So, with a new direction being taken by the organization, things should change with better players onboard, and attitudes should change once it looks like the organization is serious about building a winner. If not, then they still haven't found the problem.


    So, why is an interim President who may only be here for the next 3 months interfering in the process? Where does Miller get off saying that no matter what, Walters stays??? What if a new GM wants to bring in his own assistant? He'll be handcuffed. Then what? That's why I think the impression that the Bombers will be doing an actual search for a President & GM is bogus. They've got their guys now. Miller will become the permanent President & Walters the permanent GM. Decision's been made. Just the Bombers don't dare tell the fanbase yet because of the backlash.

    In the world of Iso.

    What's it like being so angry and bitter all the time?



    He's had 23 years to perfect it.


    Burke is the GM hey? Criticize the guy all you want for his coaching decisions (and rightfully so), but it's not his job to bring in the talent.

    No but it is his job to get the players ready to play and put them in positions to succeed. Do you see any of that happening?



    You do realize that football is all about getting the matchups you want......like how Hamilton matched up their backs on our sad sack linebackers for most of the first half (gee like that hasn't been a problem for oh......2 years now).


    All any coach can do is get his players matched up with the opposition the way he wants, it's still up to them to make a play, like Terrance did last game for 180 yards. That should pretty much tell you that 'a good player' will win the matchup while the crap ones won't. We have too many turds circling the bowl on this team.



    When considering a vet that might be available, I have a short list....all are really stop gap, not long term solutions.

    Free Agents:




    Jackson (Jarious)



    Available by trade (speculative)





    My guess would be Jyles.


    No way in hell Glenn is going to get traded by Calgary... not a chance.   Me thinks Tate would be more likely purely because they don't want his injury issues.   


    I think we should acquire Tate from Calgary, Nichols from Edmonton, and keep Buck. We can run a 3 QB rotation depending on who's healthy. It will keep other teams off balance. Based on today, Hall looks like he may have potential as a development QB in this scheme.



    lol, I know you're joking but trading for Nichols probably makes the most sense since their season is all but over too.

  6. Even Dave Dickenson would fail with the group we have now. Judging Bellefeuille's play calling & offense with the hand he's been dealt isn't fair. Needs more time. What I would like to see is Burke firing Creehan & he takes over the defense himself. Then leave the coaches alone until the off season. 


    He doesn't even need to fire him, just take over the duties and have Creehan be the head cheerleader like he was before. Berry used to do this all the time with the oline receivers and backs, until they made him fire his buddy Cartwright then he just checked out.


    I'd like to see a player shake up first before we can more coaches. As Tim Burke said 'you can't make chicken salad out of chicken ****'.....actually he said, 'we are doing the best with what we have' but pretty much the same thing.

    Burke has to go and the sooner the better. when you try and pull a player off the field and he refuses and then you don't even bench the player for the rest of the game that's just unacceptable behaviour. The team isn't listening to Burke so why are we letting this persist? 



    Not that I disagree, what should happen now, Burke should sit that guys ass down on the bench for the next game and get the players attention back. If that happened in TO Milanovich would probably have cut his ass on the spot. If there are no consequences for this then yes, the HC should be fired on the spot as well.


    As noted before, Rod is basically on the Riders' payroll so you have to take everything he says with a grain of salt (even in media circles, he's a joke), but here's his take on the Bombers' current situation:
    * The Blue Bombers appear to be nowhere near ready to hire a General Manager.  They're still firing people, including Sunday's dismissal of offensive coordinator Gary Crowton.  If you're paying attention, Crowton was a holdover from the Joe Mack regime as Mack hired Crowton to be Paul Lapolice's offensive coordinator after Jamie Baressi was let go days after the 2011 Grey Cup.
    A buddy in Winnipeg emailed me a list of people who aren't working for the Bombers, but are still being paid by them.  These are rough estimates of what they're earning: Paul Lapolice ($200,000), Joe Mack ($300,000), Garth Buchko ($300,000), Gary Crowton ($100,000).
    * A disaster.  An absolute trainwreck.  As one source in Winnipeg put it, "As bad as it looks on the outside, it's 10 times worse inside".  And, the source said "Gene Dunn and David Asper are running this team."  If that's the case, take a bow.
    * Had a chance to chat briefly with TSN colour commentator Duane Forde about the vacant Bomber GM job.  I asked him what his stock line is when asked about the opening.  "I don't have one," Forde said.  "No one there has approached me."
    * Regarding Jeremy O'Day, a source close to him told me the Rider Assistant GM could be here for a long time yet because he's smart enough to realize it's better to be where he is with a stable organization than to be in charge of the Titanic.



    Do the Bombers need anymore motivation than this going into the LDC.


    Is there even any pride left in that locker room.


    They were coming off 4 straight winning seasons, they had talent, they just went off the rails for a bit.


    Rebuilt 80% of their roster and their entire coaching staff after 2011.  All they had was a good QB and a great receiver and they built around that.



    I'll take your word for it but guys like Getzlaf, Best & Shologan have been there for 6 or 7 years now.

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