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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. very interesting presser. Miller was in a very clear way, implying that the Bomber system was broken and needed to be addressed tout de suite.


    Miller: "Kyle's in charge of running the football operations and working in that and this is a change that this organization is going through where we actually work together and proper people are making the right decisions now in terms of players, of who's playing each week."


    that quote came out of the discussion about asking Walters who would be setting the depth chart. Miller's answer clearly implies that it was not always the HC who had final authority in that matter before and that Mack was sticking his nose in Burke's beeswax.



    all in all, it was a good move by Miller to do this. the company he's in charge of appeared like a gongshow with nobody in charge. Miller has shown that not only is he in charge, but that he has clearly delineated and communicated the roles of his subordinates. very astute of him and very un-Bomberlike.


    Your post is....very astute and un-bluto like.

  2. I'm telling ya, let's fire Burke now and let Bellefool run the ship for the last couple months just to complete the mess they've put themselves into. Season is a write off already because Burke and Crowton know they're dead men walking, the players are now confused by the **** moves being made, they'll give up in short order if they haven't already. Season is already flushed down the crapper might as well clear out all of the people who will be gone right now and make sure we hire better people this offseason. 


    And let Creehan run the defence on his own........you plug one hole in the dyke and another one opens. Burke's value is to the defence not as a HC.

  3. I feel bad for Marcel, on the free press they have a video of him being questioned and the media were all over him asking if he made the decision for Hall, if he's going to coach on the sidelines , what he has recommended so far.

    All this despite him saying he was only called 48 hours ago and has only watched film in one day.

    At least give the guy a few weeks before hounding him...


    Who wants to bet MB is on the next flight out of town.

  4. The odd part is the report that Goltz was told 'sorry kid but we want to win now' and don't have time to develop him which is inexplicable if they are going to Hall with zero CFL experience. It makes sense if Crowton has argued that hall doesn't need development time because his offence is suited to hall's skillset.



    Goltz may have more CFL experience than Hall but, Hall is the more mature QB of the two.

  5. How do you explain the first two-three games with no banged up receivers and a healthy running back? How about that the run game has been better with Goltz under center?


    I'm pretty sure that both Edwards & Mathews were banged up coming out of camp, add in the max protection package and no commitment to the run and you get what you got. But really at the end of the day it's Crowton not knowing how to make any sort of adjustments that is really handicapping the offense. I think you're right about the run game opening up more with Goltz at QB though but he isn't stuck in a max protection scheme either. Odds are, Buck will just get injured again if they let him play in the same offense as Goltz, heck even Goltz is hurting now on a wonkie ankle, that's football.

  6. Troll ==  Anyone suggesting that Buck Pierce should go in and also suggesting that Goltz was playing at a lower level then him... plain and simple!  


    lol, like the coaching staff.......good trolls do have a way of making you think they're not trolling though.

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