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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. But Communism is the way forward, alrighty then. And where does Pallister and Manitoba fall in that example? Right where every Conservative government ends up after years of NDP recklessness, digging us out of the hole and back to balanced budgets. Facts are facts.
  2. Since 1981, carbon sinks have grown world wide by 12.4%. It appears that when they did their projections, nobody thought to include this possibility. But oh yeah, the science is settled just ask Greta. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-12257-8.pdf
  3. I don't care what happens to Osh, I just want Hall & Lapo gone as soon as the season ends.
  4. Our receivers don't get open or even enough separation most times, not Strevs fault, even he could have hit the Stamps receivers tonight who wide open most times. Our dline was mia until late in the 4th, I have a hard time believing that the Stamps oline is that good. At any rate, same **** different pile. Time to purge in the off season, don't even care what happens n the playoffs, Hammy or Stamps or Riders will just ***** slap us anyways.
  5. All depends which Bomber team shows up today. I've given up trying to figure that out.
  6. Does anyone know, or think they know, what the actual global temperature is today in degrees C? Please provide a link if you can, thanks. Asking for a friend.
  7. Is Perreault worth $4M , Kulikov $4.3M, Buff $8M These contracts are the real problem, time to cut bait with these guys and free up the space for guys who can actually make a difference. There are a lot of options to make moves and that is what Chevy gets paid to figure out.
  8. Sounds to me like you are advocating for a two tier health care system with private clinics providing the same services as government clinics to reduce wait times? Maybe you are a conservative after all.
  9. You don't have to move anyone if Buff ain't coming back, what good is a 34 year old overweight out of shape dman going to be anyways? Trade some picks and prospects and toss in an Appleton or Poolman, just get it done already.
  10. Maurice is the master of doing less with more...…..I stole that from someone on Lapo……...but it's true for Maurice. Little is definitely our best two-way centre and he will help but they need to address the elephant in the room which is acquiring another centre to compliment Schief, Little & Lowry. Rather than mortgage the farm at playoff time to get one, just make the move already Chevy you cheap-a-skate-a.
  11. Schief's man beat him to the net on the first Yotes goal and Morrisey went for a skate on the other. The PK with the vets also fell apart. I'd like to blame this on the new guys but it's the vet's making the same mistakes that has plagued this team for the past 3 seasons. I've got nothing at this stage for a cure. It's just bad defensive zone play by players that should know better, Maurice needs to crack the whip on this.
  12. lol, nice way to start the homestand. Maurice doesn't like to match lines and it killed them tonight.
  13. The Liberals are in full blown panic mode with the latest polls, they are losing support to the NDP's while the Cons numbers remain the same, https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/elections/scheer-singh-make-confident-pitch-to-voters-trudeau-targets-both-as-polls-move-to-favour-conservatives/ar-AAIGaM6?ocid=spartandhp The Liberals will be pulling every dirty trick out of their book to try to salvage things now. However, what can you possibly use against Jagmeet if you are a Liberal spin doctor?
  14. So Crapolice remembered how to run the ball.....what a revelation, only 3 weeks too late with first place almost out of reach now. On a side note, Darvin Adams needs to sit, his lack of compete is unacceptable for veteran leader.
  15. In both losses, the Riders got the most out of their limited talent, that is good coaching. The Bombers are once again under-achieving which imo is a direct reflection on our coaching. Something has to give.
  16. Thanks, most of the studies that I have been posting are from scientists working at those organizations so by your own admission, they are legitimate.
  17. Mark, I'm going to make this as simple as I can. All those predictions for extremes are based on a doubling of CO2, and corresponding rise in temperature, which isn't predicted to occur until 2050. What part of this do you not understand?
  18. Great move, I can see them platooning Collaros and Streveler, not overplaying either guy, Collaros will give you that situational experience that you need from a vet and Streveler can go back to being the gung ho type of player he is. Walters just may have saved the season for a 3rd round pick, take that any day and twice on Sundays.
  19. https://globalnews.ca/news/5873864/russia-arctic-canada-election-meddling/ Russia’s disinformation about Canada also focuses on three other areas, according to the report. These include ridiculing Canada’s military presence in Latvia as part of NATO’s deterrent against Russia, portraying the country as a “useful satellite” of the U.S., and calling it a testing ground for “immoral Western values” because of its support of same-sex marriage and legalizing of cannabis.
  20. Yet in June it was supposed to be the driest year ever, what happened? Can't even predict the weather accurately a few months out but we are to trust their models over decades to come, you'd have to be pretty stunned to buy that.
  21. Singapore has a message for Elon Musk: Taking mass transit is a better climate-change solution than tooling around in one of his Tesla Inc.’s electric vehicles. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-08-21/singapore-says-musk-s-vision-promotes-lifestyle-not-climate No more subsidy's for Elon, too bad.
  22. Care to name a few so I can follow their work?
  23. I thought you were all experts on the subject, my mistake.
  24. Flat-earthers, too funny While many of the original approximations have since been improved, one—that the Earth’s surface and atmosphere are locally flat—remains in current models. Correcting from flat to spherical atmospheres leads to regionally differential solar heating at rates comparable to the climate forcing by greenhouse gases and aerosols. In addition, spherical atmospheres change how we evaluate the aerosol direct radiative forcing. https://www.pnas.org/content/116/39/19330.short?rss=1
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