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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Then he remembers how to run the ball and things start to look up again. Guys just a putz.
  2. One blind side hit like last game and Collaros career is done.
  3. I looked it up and there was a picture of JT the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.
  4. My facts are wrong, they didn't directly say they would pull the aid if the investigations were shut down, but the implication is there. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/trump-impeachment-inquiry/fact-check-trump-s-false-claim-democrats-threatened-ukraine-aid-n1059156 I'm not defending Trump but the Democrats like the Liberals here are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
  5. Trudeau won't remove Liberal candidate for racist, sexist social-media posts https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/elections/trudeau-wont-remove-liberal-candidate-for-racist-sexist-social-media-posts/ar-AAImSNV?ocid=spartandhp Why am I not surprised?
  6. No need to nuke it, Walters has done a fine job of building our national and international scouting departments which are really the keys to everything. Coaching staffs are hired to be fired, that's just how it is.
  7. Impossible to tell unless they are put in each other's shoes. Both Calgary and Montreal have better receivers than us, but that's not the point. We are built to run the ball 30 - 40 times a game and that is what we have to do, not ask Strev to be Adams or Arbuckle.
  8. Buck, Dinwiddie would be the obvious choices next year, no?
  9. Just an FYI, in case anyone missed it, Democratic senators also asked the Ukraine to investigate Trump on the Russian probe or they would withhold aid to the country. I'm failing to see the difference? Anyone want to help me out here?
  10. HC is ultimately to blame for everything from Lapo & Hall to the players not getting it done. No excuses for O'Shea, he's had time to turn over the roster and hire co-ordinators.
  11. You really have to wonder how any HC worth his salt could sign off on that offensive game plan tonight? They basically put the game on Strev's arm? We are the best rushing team in the league playing the biggest game of the year in windy conditions and you put the game on Strev's arm? I'm completely blown away by the level of incompetence on the part of O'Shea & Lapo in preparing for this one. Heads have to roll in the off season.
  12. Our defense didn't stink near as bad as I thought they might, Helle otoh......does this guy not work on his puck handling and rebound control in the off season? He's a stiff unless the puck hits him.
  13. I don't agree with that, he just doesn't know what to do after he's run the scripted plays, it's why the offense doesn't adjust in second halves, he doesn't know how to set up a defense by calling a progression of plays.
  14. How many years do you give a coach? O'Shea has had more than enough, respectability isn't good enough in professional sports, the goal is to win a championship and if he can't get it done after 5 or 6 years it's time to move on, otherwise you end up stuck with the Lapo's and Hall's of the world.
  15. A new reconstruction of Arctic (NW Greenland) sea ice cover (Caron et al., 2019) reveals modern day sea ice is present multiple months longer than almost any time in the last 8000 years…and today’s summer sea surface temperatures are among the coldest of the Holocene. Yet another new study shows today’s Arctic sea ice cover is still quite extensive when compared to the last several thousand years, when CO2 concentrations ranged between 260 and 270 ppm. Regional (northwest Greenland) sea surface temperatures were about 2°C warmer than at present for most of the last 6000 to 8000 years. Other new Arctic sea ice reconstructions from the north of Iceland (Harning et al., 2019) and Barents Sea (Berben et al., 2019) regions indicate a) modern sea ice extent has changed very little in the last several hundred years, or since the Little Ice Age, and b) the Early Holocene had millennial-scale periods of sea-ice-free and open water conditions, which is in stark contrast to “modern conditions” – the “highest value” or furthest extent of the sea ice record. I love science.
  16. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/elections/violent-clashes-break-out-at-maxime-bernier-event-in-hamilton/ar-AAI2AJp?ocid=spartandhp A large crowd of about 100 protesters decrying the event stood outside with signs advocating for immigrant rights and yelling chants denouncing those entering, comparing them to Nazis and neo-Nazis. Supporters of the People's Party — some wearing "Make America Great Again" hats — stood behind police and engaged with some of the protesters verbally for about an hour.
  17. Yup, one step at a time, solve the emissions problem first then we have all the time in the world to transition in a safe and prosperous way for everyone. That won't make the anti-capitalist/social justice warrior crowd to happy but nothing ever does.
  18. He's actually really good but he has great receivers to spread the ball around too which really helps. If we are making a deal for MBT hopefully we also see a receiver coming with him.
  19. I'm fine with Lapo as OC, he does design some good looking stuff but it's time to get Buck calling the plays and if Lapo won't give up the role, then show him the door. As for Hall, his defense has been folding in crunch time all year, not sure what the answer is there, probably what Oshea said about needing to sniff out the problem on film.
  20. Please, like KBF and I don't catch the most **** around here, the difference, we are tolerant, even if we don't agree.
  21. You cherry picked it and I called you out, that is all, nothing personal.
  22. So Canada, which is basically carbon neutral if you factor in our sinks, needs to make all these sacrifices and changes why again? Even if we hit net zero, that's a 1% change in global emissions at best, but really end up being nothing as emissions continue to rise from the big polluters and emerging markets. So the whole purpose is to show the world that we can do it? Like China, USA, Russia, India give a flying **** what we do? Even someone with a learning disability can see how futile this is.
  23. I can only say the same thing we have been saying for years, we need better import receivers and we need 4 of them on the field all the time. This shouldn't be hard given we start a national at RB? What happened to the days of starting Milt, Simon, Bruce, Armstrong, Edwards, Bryant etc. We used to be able to throw out 4 nationals that would scare the pants of the other team, now we don't even start one that can do that. Streveler is good enough to get it done but man he needs some great receivers to throw the ball to. This isn't a knock on our Canuck receivers either.
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