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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Quit cherry picking, but I guess that's about all I could expect from you now isn't it.
  2. Opening drive of the second half, move right into Hamilton territory then, immediately calls two qb draws back to back, field goal..………..Lapolice's play calling is complete dog ****.
  3. That's only half the story, here's the big picture, https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/stimulus-gamble-how-ottawa-saved-the-economy-and-wasted-billions/article16760149/
  4. I know it will never happen but they need to take the play calling away from Lapolice, he has no feel for the game and no idea how to set up a defence.
  5. The effort level of several players is disturbing, players starting to tune out.....
  6. Whatever, I guess you more about economics than the economists do.
  7. Everything about this team right now is brutal, they have completely lost focus.
  8. You have to do stimulus payments in a recession, which is the only time they should do them.
  9. Ditto, financial crisis and recession, otherwise things would have been in the black or at least balanced. There is no reason for JT to be running $10B deficits, except to try to buy votes, staying in power is all that matters to him, not being a fiscally responsible leader. If you enjoy passing the debt off onto your children so be it.
  10. Ditto, Financial crisis and recession, something Martin didn't have to deal with.
  11. Once again, you conveniently leave out the Financial Crisis and Recession, must be nice posting revisionist history based on only what matters to your point.
  12. You got all that from the link? Except you forgot the part about the World Financial Crisis, you do remember that don't you?
  13. Poor Greta, she is just being used, Greta Thunberg lives in Sweden. According to peer-reviewed science, Sweden was at least 3°C warmer than it is today about 6000 to 9000 years ago, when CO2 concentrations lingered around 265 ppm. At 410 ppm CO2, 21st century Sweden is colder now than almost any time in the last 9000 years. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00382-007-0358-2
  14. Everyone needs to read the facts instead of folklore https://www.cbc.ca/news/multimedia/canada-s-deficits-and-surpluses-1963-to-2015-1.3042571
  15. read the facts instead of hearsay https://www.cbc.ca/news/multimedia/canada-s-deficits-and-surpluses-1963-to-2015-1.3042571
  16. liar liar pants on fire https://www.cbc.ca/news/multimedia/canada-s-deficits-and-surpluses-1963-to-2015-1.3042571
  17. Since nobody wants to answer, I will ask the question again. Why not just dispose of emissions in a responsible manner, no GHG's no problem. Why does the entire FF industry have to be shut down? Or you afraid to answer the question, sure looks that way to me.
  18. You too need to learn the difference between weather and climate.
  19. It's called weather, please learn the difference.
  20. We didn't miss anything, you are just oblivious to the need for petroleum products in todays world, they are just as needed as our biological functions. Now run along and take that dump that you so clearly need and come back when you are not so constipated.
  21. Why would you want to saddle future generations with unmanageable debt servicing, which is all running deficits does. It's just as bad as destroying the environment on them yet nobody is marching on capital hill about it. Way too many double standards today posing as a noble cause, ie. partisan politics.
  22. I don't follow you, what else is there but the emissions problem? They've already come up with a new material that will split CO2 into CO and O, solving the GHG problem.
  23. That was exactly the point, it's almost as an important as a good dump, which you clearly need :)
  24. That's not what I said at all, I said we are all ****** if natural variation can raise the temp 6C all on it's own. There is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from going and living off the grid like a pioneer right now is there? I wish all you greens would show us how it's done starting by turning off all your electronics, don't you agree?
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