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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. I agree, there are many things we can do without or find alternatives for but that's not the point. It's something like 80% of everything we use is dependant on petroleum products. No way we are kicking that habit without major pain. Finding a way to clean up emissions just makes way more sense than anything else they have come up with so far.
  2. 6000 reasons for you, try going without and then get back to me. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/partial-list-over-6000-products-made-from-one-barrel-oil-steve-pryor
  3. That is good news, now just need to finish first in the west and all is forgiven.
  4. No reason they can't keep winning at home where they seem to play 60 minutes. I still like our chances of finishing first in the west.
  5. I'm surprised they haven't at least signed Conner? Is he holding out for a big number/long term deal too, or does he want out? There doesn't seem to have been any news on his intentions.
  6. Yeah but I thought all the Jets played well, despite the loss.
  7. Got too soft with a big league, against a good team, it happens but Lapo & Hall don't seem to learn from it. Hopefully O'Shea has them play aggressive to the final whistle now, at least go down swinging. I can't bear to think this is just another Bomber team that's going to choke in the end.
  8. But it's not an over simplification to say we were being gauged by MTS at the time. When you have a monopoly on something you can set your price, economics 101.
  9. And do we tell people they have to quit taking a dump? No, we use technology to handle the waste properly so that it doesn't pollute the environment. We should be doing the same thing with emissions, using technology to dispose of them in a responsible fashion.
  10. Some of you may be too young to remember but I can remember paying $300 - 400/month in long distance bills when we lived in a rural Manitoba area. Then the market opened to competition and within 5 years our rates were down to under $10/month.
  11. No go that it's affects on temperature will be anything more than a spit in the bucket. Meaning, that if we go up 6C just from natural variation, it's contribution is meaningless.
  12. Which is why the company sold for less than market value at the time.
  13. Ask anybody who bought MTS stock after it privatized, they're very happy with the results.
  14. Okay I'm big enough to admit when I was wrong. I've been saying not to worry because we are in an interglacial period and can expect the temperatures to rise 2C above the pre-industrial levels. Well I was wrong, new studies show that we can probably expect temperatures to rise up to 6C above pre-industrial levels. In a nutshell, we're ****** folks. Tree remains dated to this period have been discovered 600-1000 meters atop the modern treeline in the Russian Altai mountains. With lapse rate and tectonic changes considered, this suggests surface air temperatures were between 3°C and possibly up to 5.9°C warmer than today (Ganyushkin et al., 2018) at this time. Modern sea surface temperatures of 15.5°C and 10°C have been recorded in the subpolar North Atlantic (Tobago Basin and Bonair Basin, respectively). Between and about 10 and 15 thousand years ago, temperatures reached 23°C and 17°C, respectively, which is ~7°C warmer than today). Temperatures were 2-4°C warmer than today between 20 and 30 thousand years ago (Reißig et al., 2019). Today’s North Atlantic’s bottom-water temperatures are about 4°C. They averaged ~5°C during the last glacial, with anomalies reaching 10°C both 13 and 16 thousand years ago and about 7°C both 15 and 19 thousand years ago (Yasuhara et al., 2019). Modern annual temperatures at a California lake average 18°C. Between 31 and 24 thousand years ago, temperatures averaged 22°C to 23°C, which is about 4-5°C warmer than today (Feakins et al., 2019). The modern temperature in the subarctic North Pacific ranges beween 3 to 4°C. About 14,500 years ago, the region had warm peaks of 5 to 9°C, as well as 4 to 7°C between 18 and 20 thousand years ago (Lohmann et al., 2019). Sea surface temperatures near the Peruvian coast have plummeted in the last 50 years, with catfish remains in northern Peru suggesting this region was 4°C warmer than today during the Early Holocene. One reconstruction shows the region was ~2°C warmer than today about 15 to 16 thousand years ago (Salvatteci et al., 2019). The “present observed temperatures” appear to be less than 24°C in the South Atlantic. This region was about 2°C warmer than today from about 10 thousand years ago to the Roman Warm Period, but it also reached similar or slightly (~1°C) warmer temperatures around 52 to 60 thousand years ago (Dauner et al., 2019).
  15. The name wideleft says it all...…...a communist complaining about other forms of government trampling on human rights...….a mystery wrapped in an enigma for sure.
  16. He was so nice he decided Russia should become a Democracy. 😉
  17. I like Singh and May as leaders but will never vote for either, they're platforms are unrealistic and beyond affordable, they would do so much harm to the economic foundations of this country that we would never recover (think Ontario under Wynne x 1000). I only vote Liberal when there is a competent PM and cabinet, unlike this current version. I know some people are drawn to the whole diversity thing but that should never be the basis of building a management group for 2 trillion dollars of public assets. So I am left with the safe choice, the Conservatives, even though I agree with many who think Sheer is a weenie, they will at least be the best stewards of our public funds while at the same making life more affordable for everyone. I'm not scared away by all the ridiculous notions that they are somehow going to take all your human rights away, this is just a common scare tactic the left has to use because they can't compete on an economic level with them.
  18. Just stop it. He's pandering to Quebec, just like JT is by supporting their religious symbols ban, which is openly a violation of people's human rights. JT is just as guilty as Mad Max when it comes to serving their own interests. Both are scum whores.
  19. Not just him, they're in trouble all over Canada, look at the fiasco in the Maritimes when they forgot to hang up the phone after leaving a message for the Chief.
  20. Except there has never been an example of a good communist system in all of human history.
  21. That knock on your door is the SJW police.
  22. imo, Singh has been the most impressive speaker, although some of his platform ideas haven't been costed and just aren't realistic. If he continues to do well in the debates, I can see him syphoning votes away from the Liberals, fingers crossed.
  23. He should have resigned after breaking the law over SNC Lavalin, he won't even lose any sleep over this.
  24. Please don't wait 4 years next time to realize this. 🤣
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