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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. I have it on good authority that the conservatives just clone their leaders from a strand of Robert Borden's pubic hair.
  2. PET must be rolling over in his grave, there is no way this buffoon came from his loins. Why is he still in power, because he's the perfect patsy for his handlers, too stupid to question them on anything. He's just a drunk frat boy posing as a PM. You should all be very proud of yourselves for supporting him and continuing to do so.
  3. Time for the Jets to move on from Buff, he was looking slow last year.
  4. Not much to get excited about in that lineup last night. Pionk and Stanley may be serviceable.
  5. When I can't decide, I just ask myself a simple question, what is the biggest problem in my life right now and which party is going to at least try to fix it.
  6. Serious question for those intending to spoil their ballot, what exactly is missing in everyone's platforms that make you feel this way?
  7. The Republicans are making a better case against Obama and the FBI than the Democrats are for obstruction against Trump, what a circus.
  8. WTF, Iran is out of control. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/iranian-legislator-urges-military-to-seize-canadian-ships/ar-AAHnSvJ?ocid=spartanntp
  9. The NDP are a train wreck, the Greens may end with more seats then them. Talk about a shift away from the left.
  10. Clearly the vetting process didn't work, or someone looked the other way and hoped that nobody would notice. In either case, you can't get only a little pregnant. If the media hadn't stumbled upon this information, we'd have racists being elected in those parties, shameful.
  11. Now a green candidate has had to resign because of posting Islamophobic content on his FB page. That make Green, Liberal and NDP candidates all resigning because of racist comments. Some of you aren't going to have anyone left to vote for because now every party is linked to racists activities.
  12. MSN just can't make up their mind, https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/other/ottawa-blocked-the-rcmp-from-investigating-the-snc-scandal-26-people-are-blaming-trudeau/ar-AAH8QM The SNC-Lavalin scandal continues to follow the Liberals. On Sept. 11, the Globe and Mail reported that the Federal Government had blocked the RCMP from fully investigating the SNC-Lavalin case. The news comes just as the Prime Minister is about to call the federal election. According to the report from Daniel Leblanc and Robert Fife, key members of Trudeau's cabinet have been blocked from answering any questions from the RCMP about the SNC-Lavalin case. The Liberal government has apparently refused to lift cabinet confidentiality from certain witnesses and evidence.
  13. lol, I was watching CBC and the headline came across the ticker 'Jets extended Josh Williamson to an 8 year $50M deal' I thought they were talking about the NFL Jets because I had no clue who Josh Williamson was.
  14. Treason perhaps, execute him.
  15. You don't need to look any further than Huawei to realize that China has been in the back door of Iran since the Nuclear Deal was signed, which neither Iran nor China were going to honor. China realizes that the rest of the world doesn't have the stomach to do what needs to be done, which is a full scale embargo on everything coming out China until they start to play nice.
  16. I can't wait to hear how this is all Trumps fault.
  17. What's that old saying, there's a sucker born everyday, https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-49566130 Thousands of people who bought solar panels have complained to a financial watchdog that they are not bringing them the returns they were promised.
  18. Can't be so, the Riders have the best interior o-line in the league...……….or so we are told.
  19. And one more for good measure, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1470160X1830757X 12 of 15 Florida Bay islands have also been expanding in size since the 1950s
  20. Crisis, what crisis https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1029/2018EF001070 “trends in recent rates of shoreline change along the U.S. Atlantic Coast reflect an especially puzzling increase in accretion, not erosion.” From 1830 to 1956, shorelines eroded at the rapid rate of -55 cm per year on average. Since 1960, the U.S. Atlantic coast has been expanding (accretion) at a rate of +5 cm per year.
  21. Definitely a crisis, lol https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-18963-1_5 The West Coast of North America has 20 long-term (90+ years) tide gauges measuring relative sea level changes. The East Coast has 33. Of the 53 total tide gauges, 45% (24) are negatively accelerating, 14 document falling sea levels, and just 11 have sea levels rising more than 3 mm/yr.
  22. Decisions, decisions, must be nice to be O'Shea right now. Jeffcoat and Alexander are locks and you can't take Grant out of the lineup, if anything you have to start expanding his role, getting Grant and Lucky at WR would give coaches fits.
  23. I'd be upset with your OC if I were you. Powell is a beast and needs 20 to 30 touches a game. Asking Cody to throw 40 times a game is ridiculous.
  24. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/oecd-404869006.html Well, I couldn't find anything more recent but it seems clear that Manitoba has failed compared to other provinces. Why not try what is working elsewhere in the country?
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