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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. So much for the consensus, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-21955-0_7 The contribution to this temperature change due to injections of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to combustion of fossil fuel, and it is 0.02 K.
  2. Why wouldn't you hire experts with a proven record of turning things around in other provinces? The Liberals believe the budget will balance itself, why would anyone take anything they seriously, because it's what they want to hear, doesn't make it so.
  3. We are talking about the Conservatives here, not the Liberals or NDP who would put anyone in as leader just so along as they get elected. Remember Kim Campbell? First female leader of a Federal political party, and she was a Conservative. Why doesn't anyone give them credit for that? Because she was a train wreck, that's why and a Conservative. If you think there aren't specific qualifications for a good political leader, then just go back and look at what made the successful ones, successful. You seem to think that the most electable is the most important, which clearly that isn't the case, especially in young inexperienced candidates with little or no prior life, business or political experiences to draw on.
  4. Some improvement in the passing game, he missed a couple deep ones but if he can keep improving game to game he's going to be a handful for any defence.
  5. Whipped, with a capital W and there was never any doubt in my mind. Your team is soft and got physically beat down.
  6. Progressives are such hypocrites. Would they allow just anyone to manage their investments or retirement funds or their doctors, do you want a doctor based on their sex or race....no you want the best qualified person to treat you. Why would you entrust the running of your country to not the best qualified people. I'm a little tired of the do as I say not as I do attitude the Liberals have instilled in running this country and don't want the Conservatives going down that same path. **** the progressives and their feelings, we're talking about running a country not a ******* student council.
  7. I'm just trying to figure out why ripper would even suggest it when their worst stat is still middle of the pack? He's grasping at straws me thinks.
  8. You said we had the worst secondary in the league, they are 5th against the pass, that means 4 other teams are behind them. I'd say you're hatred of everything blue is clouding your judgement, that and the fact you probably realize your team is going to get whipped here on Saturday.
  9. Even with our pathetic passing game I think there's a chance.
  10. Did ripper just say we have worst secondary in the league...…..lost all respect for you dude.
  11. We need the best people in charge period. Sex, race etc. shouldn't make a difference.
  12. It's Bighill, he's stunk since coming back and cost us on that last drive.
  13. Uh **** you're right, we better win next week then.
  14. That was a 'big boy' game, two really good defences. We should have won but it's LDC and we rarely do. The two missed scoring opportunities are what cost us and both are on Streveler just being inexperienced. We get them two more times here so I'm not too worried.
  15. So Adams & Williams are in for Mathews....I'd take that trade off any day.
  16. Considering climate models are the be all and end all of climate science, this should shake even the most hardened believers, Because the uncertainties are so pervasive, NASA concludes that “today’s models must be improved by about a hundredfold in accuracy” if we wish to make climate projections. https://isccp.giss.nasa.gov/role.html#COMP_MODS The IPCC has admitted there is a great deal of “continuing uncertainty” in the sign and magnitude of the cloud influence. Most models indicate a positive feedback (more warming), but this “is not well understood” and the IPCC scientists “are not confident that it is realistic.” https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WG1AR5_all_final.pdf NASA and the IPCC finally admitting what everyone suspected, the models don't work and shouldn't be trusted and used to base government policy on. Won't get any air play so I decided to post it here, maybe some of you will have the courage to pass it along.
  17. Wait....you can't say that.....can you? You must be a white supremacist or something.
  18. This is the same receivers coach who cut Collins Jr. and Stafford, excuse me if I don't have full confidence in this decision. Looks more like a move by a desperate coach who has no answers for the passing game, again, not the first time either for this guy but we were stupid enough to hire him again.
  19. Well booch can get it on amazon anytime he wants, it's still one of the most popular out there especially in stacks in small amounts.
  20. The trace amount thing is a red herring, D-bol may not be a base steriod anymore but everyone uses it in their stacks, in small amounts. O'Shea is a former player and for all we know, may have been a user himself, in any case I would expect him to back whatever story Harris is feeding him.
  21. At the end of the day it doesn't matter if it was unintentional or not, it's a steroid, and a popular one at that, so let's not act surprised that it showed up in a 32 year old running back who seemed to be defying time.
  22. I can't believe he didn't stick in the NFL, his skills are nuts.
  23. I don't care who you are, that was a very impressive road win, great job Streveler, Willie and the rest of them. That pick six by Rios was crazy. The passing game wasn't exactly great under Nichols either, so no big deal.
  24. Sayles is a gem. Gone are the days of complaining about how shitty our scouting is.
  25. lol, Nichols and toughness, sorry, I'm not buying it, this is the guy who complained about being booed and threw his receivers under the bus for not being open. McGuire has the skill set to be a top notch qb, just needs the coaching and reps.
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