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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Just opens the door for the others guys, I have a feeling that one of them is going to step up.
  2. Bravo, by that study, you'd be the conservative, you are the one seeing the negative in everyone and everything. Also, according to that study, conservatives can't help it, it's the way their brains are wired, so essentially it's not something they can change about themselves even if they wanted too, not unlike being gay, yet you tolerate one and not the other. Congratulations, you're not only a conservative but a hypocrite too.
  3. And it's still not warm enough to grow corn like the Vikings did for 400 years, we're still about 80 - 100 years off from that but it will, with or without our help.
  4. Maybe they're all fine people and you're just one of these? https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/communication-success/201711/24-signs-highly-sensitive-person
  5. And here we go, anyone who disagrees must be an alt-right loser, so predictable.
  6. Which in your opinion is all Conservatives/Liberal/Capitalists or have I missed the mark here?
  7. It is truly amazing just how stupid people are...….how do you expect to pay for social programs and debt servicing while you systematically try to dismantle the very system that funds them? It's taken us 5000 years of trial and error to get to where we are and it's still not good enough for some people.
  8. Something from 4 years ago is the best you find, why not direct your rage at Quebec then?
  9. You must have an extremely low opinion of Canadians if you think they will ever vote in a racist prime minister, I feel sorry for you.
  10. Those links don't even come close to what you're alleging, you are on very thin ice here, I'd be very careful what you say next libel is a serious offense.
  11. The racist boogeyman....it is people like you who are driving a wedge in the country, hope you are happy.
  12. When they are farming on the southern tip of Greenland again, like the Vikings did for 1000 years before we became abnormally cool, call me....
  13. BC is some kind of awful, they might win 3 games this year. Hope Nichols isn't out too long or we may be in the same boat, lol.
  14. Here's the real story on Marshall for anyone interested, I'm looking at you wideleft, https://www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/hamish-marshall-andrew-scheer-conservatives-election-2019/ What are you doing following leadnow? https://fairquestions.typepad.com/rethink_campaigns/2018/01/who-is-behind-leadnow-.html get your head out of the sand man.
  15. Coming off a dreadful loss to the Argos and catching Calgary on a short week you'd think the Bombers would be at their best for this one...….guess we'll find out.
  16. I don't think he is that type of quarterback, just not physically gifted enough, imo.
  17. Two new studies that everyone should read. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277379119302021 http://www.glyfac.buffalo.edu/Faculty/briner/buf/pubs/Schweinsberg_et_al_2019.pdf both build on what we already new https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-01451-7
  18. Mass shooting in Toronto, must be Trudeau's fault.
  19. The Oline has been swiss cheese the last two games, all the problems start and end there, imo.
  20. When they keep reading articles like this one, https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/politics/corbella-krause-questions-why-trudeau-changed-charity-laws-for-activists/ar-AADQCFs?ocid=spartandhp it's easy to see why they believe only the Conservatives are going to fight for their oil and gas industry, what else do they have?
  21. Latest study on sea level rise: 3 inches by 2050 9 inches by 2100 No need to buy a boat or sell you ocean front property folks. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468013319300567
  22. Turns out the reports in France have been debunked by old newspaper articles from the 1930's, it was just as hot or hotter back then and in the 1870's as well. https://notrickszone.com/ You really have to stay on top of the 'fake news' these days. If I were a warmist, I'd be outraged by this as it delegitimizes the actual problem we are facing. Skeptics like me just end up seeing this as more alarmist BS from the main stream media instead of just telling it like it is, just so sad.
  23. It's definitely extremely hot in some areas of the world maybe they will break the current continental records: North America 1913 Africa 1922 Asia 1942 Oceania 1960 Europe 1977 South America 1905 Antarctica 1974 Funny how we haven't set a new continental record in over 42 years, I'm sure there must have been measuring error involved back then. What other explanation can there be? https://www.thoughtco.com/highest-temperature-ever-recorded-1435172
  24. I can appreciate your honesty, thanks. Why bother to respond to me if I contribute nothing, just ignore me, or do enjoy actually enjoy it?
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