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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Wrong, they won because the Lions are one dimensional, stop the pass and they have nothing else to go to. Once the Bomber secondary cleaned up their sloppy first half play they handled the Lion passing game with ease. And the Bomber offence was deadly in the red zone, 4 for 4 wasn't it? At least try to sound believable when you want to talk trash man.
  2. Spot on, it's his brain that concerns me.
  3. You **** with their oil supply and you will pay the price.
  4. I will admit I was wrong, just a brain cramp I guess, I was referring the two years 2016 - 2018 It should come as no surprise that the very same news source they have used for their Global Warming pitch has reported the greatest global two-year cooling event of the last century just occurred. Their data from February 2016 to February 2018 showed that the global average temperatures declined 0.56°C. The last two-year decline was 1982-1984 with a drop of 0.47°C, which took place during their favorite stint to justify global warming era. (see NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (dataset accessed 2018-04-11 at https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/).
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-48272208 Where do some of you get your news from? The reasons for this are crystal clear.
  6. It's beyond the realm of possibility that there was a conspiracy at the highest levels of law enforcement to bring down a political candidate. Not even the Dems would stoop to such tactics, actually, it's exactly what they would do and then announce that it was for the good of the country. Breaking the law is okay if you meant well after all.
  7. Wow, but it's just smoke and mirrors, isn't it?
  8. You do realize that over the past 2 months global temperatures have plummeted by an unprecedented 0.6C. And May seems to be right on track to add to it. Has this even been publicized anywhere, even just mentioned in passing? It's the largest temperature change in recorded history and there are no indications that it will change any time soon with the grand solar minimum approaching and expected to last 11 years. No wonder all the doom and gloom prophecies now about the end of world in 12 years, just happens to coincide nicely with the expected 11 year cooling trend we are entering and would probably spell the end of the green new deal and other carbon tax scams the governments are trying to pull over on the masses. As for Kenneth Richards, he's a denier, of course he's going to be ridiculed, still doesn't change the facts. If you think his facts are wrong, then argue then, otherwise, just move along, the subject is probably way over your head.
  9. Still politics but in keeping with the direction of the thread, https://thehill.com/homenews/house/443452-ilhan-omar-accuses-cheney-of-deep-seeded-hate-and-islamophobia
  10. Funny stuff, he should stick to comedy. Just once, I'd like to see a warmist come on and actually convince me of the problem, why won't they have debate on the subject? Kenneth Richard absolutely kills it in todays blog, https://notrickszone.com/2019/05/13/co2-climate-forcing-in-the-earth-system-context-the-honey-bee-versus-the-sun/
  11. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/weather/topstories/a-world-too-hot-and-dangerous-for-children-some-millennials-think-so/ar-AAAYN1V?ocid=spartandhp So this is what it has come to, stop reproducing as a species, I'm sorry but a grip already.
  12. Like most on here, you are hypocritical of anything trump does and be dammed who did what before him, before calling others a lost cause you might want to reflect inward on that for a moment.
  13. The only difference was zero tolerance under trump, the point still stands, including the cages obama built for them.
  14. That's in the Mackenzie River Delta, NWT.
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/09/politics/fact-check-trump-claim-obama-separated-families/index.html CNN was all over this, trying to spin it.....
  16. Same thing happened under Obama, it just wasn't being publicized.
  17. And then fairies and butterflies flew out of Pelosi's ass and all was right in the world again.
  18. Then the house should go ahead and charge trump and begin impeachment, why the delay?
  19. They are completely wondering in the wilderness now, their candidates are so uninspiring they are leaving the american people with no choice but trump 2020.
  20. We just have to wait for them to hold their breath until they pass out because they clearly can't accept that there isn't enough direct evidence to charge him with anything. The house may still decide to impeach him, even without any criminal charges, but that won't get him out of office and will only result in making matters even worse. If your going to impeach you better be sure you have direct evidence of crimes, like they found against nixon and clinton.
  21. clinton was impeached because starr found direct criminal evidence against him. trump may be impeached even though mueller did not find the same direct criminal evidence. but i wouldn't expect you to give a **** either way.
  22. A direct quote from Nadler, Appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” Nadler said, “The job of Congress is much broader than the job of special counsel.” He explained that Mueller’s role was to find criminal action. The various House committees, he said, “have to look for abuses of power. We have to look for obstruction of justice. We have to look for corruption.” Mueller found no criminal action, unlike Starr who did in his investigation of clinton. Everything else now is just political gamesmanship with no teeth. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/no-conspiracy-no-exoneration-the-conclusions-from-the-mueller-report
  23. Nixon is not a good example, since he resigned. Clinton is more on point, with Starr playing the part of Mueller. Starr found direct evidence of perjury and obstruction and the house brought charges and he was impeached, the senate tried the case and dropped the charges. Mueller could not find direct evidence, like Starr did, that is the big difference that everyone seems to want to gloss over.
  24. Allegations are not facts, and allegations that cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt do not result in charges, why do people find this basic legal concept so hard to understand?
  25. The Democrats see collusion in everything, first the Russians, then Mueller, now Barr, they won't be happy until they scorch earth everything. I hope they lose the next election and have to scorch earth their entire party, they really do need wholesale change.
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